
TF2 Blows, Here's Why updated!

Created 22nd September 2009 @ 20:47

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wow, ur full of shit arnt u :D writing srs stuff after that blog post? :D u got some issues lol


rockit like

I am not Jimmy Breeze. I am the antithesis to JB. He is intelligent, respectful, thoughtful, and unwilling to say a bad word against anyone.

I am not Dunc. Were I Dunc, I’d be saying this publicly, as Dunc says everything he thinks publicly. His opinions, no matter how grotesque to the ears of the masses, are given and they are STRONGLY given. I just wish he would do it more.

I am not Aye Doc, as he and Dunc share that enviable quality of being willing and capable of saying any and all thoughts that cross their mind publicly.

I am not Fisshu or Shintaz, both of whom I saw mentioned in IRC. I’m just going to put it out there – if you think Fisshu or Shintaz is capable of writing with actual ability behind his words, you should rethink some things, my friend.

My word will mean little to you, because for some reason anonymity is viewed as cowardice instead of intelligence; as shame instead of pride. I am proud of every word I say. I am intelligent in hiding my name as it is clearly creating enough of a shitstorm that to attach a name to me and thus a name to related parties would generate innumerable problems for people undeserving of such travesties.

I want to make the TF2 community reflect upon itself. The day this happens is the day you find out my name, find out the purpose of this all, and the day TF2 is saved.

May Buddha grant this.
Mr. X

Stop defending yourself and keep writing the blog!
I enjoyed this and hope that theres more to come even TF2 is the supreme jesus of all gaming communities, hopefully you will find new material.




“”I want to make the TF2 community reflect upon itself. The day this happens is the day you find out my name, find out the purpose of this all, and the day TF2 is saved.””

Because flaming a few people will make this happen wont it.




even I wish you could hide yourself in the dark to keep this going.. I doubt it. bet you already got traced down by the time I write this post. this very moment is the one when the blog loses it’s magic.



Keep posting on the blog, it’s something interested in a stale tf2 world (resupply and cadred are dead)


“”I want to make the TF2 community reflect upon itself. The day this happens is the day you find out my name, find out the purpose of this all, and the day TF2 is saved.””

Because flaming a few people will make this happen wont it.



Fragga raises a good point. For example, look at his history of trying to bring about change in the ETF2L: “This FUCKING overpowered demoman who can do TWELVE HUNDRED DAMAGE without even RELOADING why can’t we do something about these FUCKING scouts who just run straight at you god DAMMIT.”

Please, if you are going to accuse me of taking an inadequate course of action and accuse me of baby-like attitudes and/or activities – don’t be one yourself :)

May Allah bring thee peace.
Mr. X


is good!

This is new and exciting. Also, I’d like to see the word “flabbergasted” used in one of the future posts.

More stuff, please.



I post on issues of TF2 whether you agree with them or not, you post ad hominem, the lowest form of argumentation.



I am not Fisshu or Shintaz, both of whom I saw mentioned in IRC. I’m just going to put it out there – if you think Fisshu or Shintaz is capable of writing with actual ability behind his words, you should rethink some things, my friend.

Fuck, guess it’s best I stop taking credit for it then :(

Last edited by Shintaz,



True. Shintaz is entirely incapable of using the apostrophe.


Sir, I must point out some things here.

1) Ad hominem is indeed a method of discrediting an argument or point via invalidation of the arguer based upon non-preferential qualities within them.
2) I utilize ideas such as the fact that beN` from Animosity is German and thus is stereotyped as one who indulges in obscene and extreme porn.
3) Alongside such things, I make valid counterclaims to their points. This is the heart of my argument. If you read my article and glean from it “beN` is a deviant,” then to be quite truthful you have missed the point. If, however, you have a laugh at such accusations, while ignoring the validity of the claim “getting rolled and rolling others does not aid a team in growth,” then my friend, you and I find ourselves in compatibility.

People who I am compatible with:
Dunc (clearly.)
Apparently, every member of R@ts

Incompatible with:
The people who believe my actions are anything more than a way for me to find a laugh (see: nvc.)
Anyone who calls me a troll
Someone accusing me of wasting my time on a “dying/dead” game

Debate is genuinely an art, one which can be learned and perfected. I have gone beyond the need for normal debate. I am a master.

Vishnu’s blessings granted to you, my son.
Mr. X



Can we clear something up here btw Mr Blogger :D As you well know, I’m not a bumboy, I just *cannot stand* women on the internet. Well, some are alright – Nymthae’s not so bad when she’s not bleeding from the cunt and whining about it – but holy fucking Jesus don’t even get me started on Psun and illii…


Is there a prize for guessing who you are?


edit: Changed my mind, it’s fisk! <3 fisk

Last edited by GangsterAlgot,



Can we clear something up here btw Mr Blogger :D As you well know, I’m not a bumboy, I just *cannot stand* women on the internet. Well, some are alright – Nymthae’s not so bad when she’s not bleeding from the cunt and whining about it – but holy fucking Jesus don’t even get me started on Psun and illii…

i love you

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