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ScoutSniper  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

England konr

Posted: | Last Online:

My old team just now folded due to huge roster issues constantly so now I'm looking for a team.

I spent most of my time in VAWX/voX/kp²/ trying to improve myself and my team the best I could by any means possible. I watched our STV demos, other STV demos, my POV demos, others' POV demos, STVs of premier players and better players than myself and generally I just put a lot of effort in. I'm still doing this now but now it's more as an individual obviously.

I believe I've improved a fucking lot since I started VAWX and if I'm given a chance I'll try to prove that to the best of my abilities. I'm told I was a great leader and that I am a huge tryhard. Gotta say I agree with the latter.

What I want from you:
Div 3/4 team.
Good teamwork.
Play 4/5+ days a week.
English/Swedish/Finnish are my preferred nations to play with. No russians please. Will accept fake Russians.
War server that I'm not a laggy bastard on (nervousenergy/british server pls)

What I can offer:
Good aim
Good sniping
Good calls
Bare effort
A mumble server with a shitload of slots (would prefer if we used this actually)
Possibly a war server if I get some more money to pay for it this next month.

Before you comment saying you don't think I'm div 4/3 or whatever, bare in mind that it's probably been forever since I've played with you and I have improved a lot as an individual. Also I haven't been a cunt on the forums in a loooong time so no judge pls. <3


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53215668 Add Friend

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  1. (-Bean-) said:

    Solid scout who can play snipe well when needed. He also has good comms and will constantly put the time in to improve.


  2. Hitm@n said:

    Great scout and greater sniper! With leading experiences and good comms. Pick him up fast!

  3. rts: PrettyGay said:

    konr pew pew everyone q
    good lad, give him a stable team and he will be a beast.
    also a good medic

  4. Grimm said:

    Niceguy, good at games, tryhard even tho tf2 is ded, glhf Konr.

  5. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    good scout, has improved alot during the past months.

    give him a chance

  6. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Actually a pretty good Scout, should he get the chance he will be a solid addition to any low-mid div3 team.

  7. .rising: MAFIA said:

    just on a top div4 level for sure

    just let him earn some experience and he could be a solid div3 scout for sure!

    btw: great guy <3


  8. Laerin: -9w- said:

    Beasts as sniper often. Not the cunt he’s made out to be. Is annoyed by stupid and fat people.

  9. scat: 27/2 said:

    Good scout, I don’t know if he can play div 3. Anyway, he deserves an opportunity.

    Gl konr!

  10. nova: T2P said:

    hes shit

  11. lolage: TSPAG said:

    good scout, remember him raping me as sniper

  12. ante: CiC said:

    Great gamesense, great aim. Shit comms (not). Anyhow, probably the best scoutpartner I’ve ever had in my entire life, which is 12 years. Konr will stand tall!
    Go konr! <3 (No homo)



  13. konr: idd. said:

    I love you so much ante.
    HOLD ME.

  14. FIR: SnG said:

    “Everyone on ETF2L thinks I’m a cunt” <- uttered on mumble

    Neways, tldr good scout, pick him up quick :D gl

  15. Drunkz said:

    Great leader and greater personality, beastin’ scout!
    He’s awsome, funny and skilled
    <3 him give him a good solid home at div 3.

    (You Jesus loving cunt <3)

  16. -HaviT-: -=Crazy=- said:

    “I’m told I was a great leader?” didn’t you put a recruitment post up whilst you where still supposedly leading a team? good leadership skills? not saying anything else cause i dont know you but saw this and thought id point this out

  17. basH: hf said:

    good player

  18. konr: idd. said:

    I put it up because I was going to fold almost definitely that’s all. Only now have I had the balls to actually do it, though. Cheers for the posts guys.

  19. quad said:

    good player

  20. -HaviT-: -=Crazy=- said:

    not exactly helping if it could still survive is it, kinda final nail in the coffin for the team

  21. konr: idd. said:

    The final nail was triobot getting his job making it so we could only play like 3 nights.

  22. DucKz said:

    Great scout and cool guy :)
    He has a really good aim and he plays smart!
    This guy can easily play on div3 take him fast! :D

  23. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Honestly, he’s really NOT a cunt as he comes across to some people. Seems dedicated and loyal to every team he joins. Good luck!

  24. Ghostface: spire said:

    The fold was pretty inevitable given the last few weeks and the official results.

    Still, decent scout afaik. Gl.

  25. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Good guy and scout. Could easliy play div 3

  26. Gloomy: DP said:

    Really nice guy – he taught me the basics of medic, and didn’t even get mad when I didn’t do well :)
    Dunno if I would have got any good at all without him, owe him quite a bit. <3

  27. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    A nice guy and also a good player! div4 top or low div3 definitely with his gamesense and aim. GL ma m8 konr ;)

  28. Y00Pe said:

    should get the chance to play in div 3! BTW. He’s one of the best cheerleaders in the UK!! PICK HIM FAST!!

  29. konr: idd. said:

    GIMME A 0
    GIMME A 0
    GIMME A e

  30. dougiie: CotC said:

    nice guy, improving and all that! lolz at the haters :D


  31. Spike Himself: TC said:

    bear in mind*

    Sick scout, good luck! :)

  32. Davib said:

    I’m so mad that no one is mad, konr rec thread drama makes the recruitment section fun.

    I guess I have to bring the hurt.


    (jk <3)

  33. Mag. said:


  34. atomic said:

    da sickest scout evaaar! beast sniper rifle :D

  35. Vince: BiG said:

    I have nothing to say, so I should start some drama for the people that want drama.

  36. Dan said:

    Really nice guy, known him for a really long while. Even though he’ll never give in in an argument he will be dedicated to the team and do good.
    Trust me i played with him since he used to frequent orange servers, and in one year or so (I can’t remember at all) he’s improved a holy fuckton.
    Aim is great, but he will complain if i kill him that i lag. ;)
    GL konr.

  37. dr icecream said:

    Met Konr through mercing for his team, thought he was a dickhead at first, he came all the way from resup on badlands to choke just to get a buff from the medic.

    Later I still thought he was a dickhead, but he started VoX then, both as scout and sniper he had developed some great skills when it came to positioning, and when I mixed with him later on, he also turned out to have great comms.

    For some reason, I didn’t think he was a dickhead anymore, guess I just got over myself :P

    So basically: Scout who developed a shitload of skill in a very short timespan and the sort of sniper that keeps medics behind a wall on mid fights, till they see his death message appear.

    gl man :)

  38. konr: idd. said:

    Thanks very much !

  39. Ruski Hornet: KEEN said:

    Dude I once played this nigga and holy shit it’s like I spawned and then a thousand black rapists descended from hell and came up before taking a cricket bat to my enormous dong. Like holy shit he fucked me up in so many ways man it was like sticking your hand into a jar of razor wire and then licking up the blood. It was so humiliating I had to buy a crab that now lives in my speaker.

    ANYWAY I DIGRESS: Dude has some serious fucking talent, once I enrolled in a talent show and he showed me a magic trick guy comes up to me says hay man im conkr dude smell this chloroform, went on stage under my name and hypnotised the audience with his aim and shit then sacrificed some lambs or somethin i dont even know but thatls what the lawsuit said when i got it man get him in ur team ogod ogggggggod

  40. yin said:

    konr is a troll :p at forums….

    but ingame hes very dedicated to help the team and push the best way he can.

    he trys tactics and gives all his players a fair chance.

    maybe he’s not div3 but from potential wise hes above and hope all of you keep your minds clear and give him a 2nd chance cause everyone deserves one.

    gl konr

  41. Ghostface: spire said:


  42. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    nice guy, good scout gl :D

  43. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    nice guy
    great guy <3
    cool guy :)
    Really nice guy
    A nice guy
    nice guy

    Love skill dodging :)

  44. yin said:

    see my post turbo

  45. konr: idd. said:

    He doesn’t actually give a shit he’s just being the first troll to post, yin.

  46. atomic said:

    konr is so popular <3 100500 views per hour,also troll attack,gtfo form here and let him find a team :) gl konr

  47. Dny: T2P said:

    Give him a chance, could go far, gl matey

  48. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    Konr has gained +1 int

  49. konr: idd. said:

    Will I see you at LAN again Turbo?

  50. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    YEP c u @ lan


  51. konr: idd. said:

    CU there mate. If I have the cash I’ll return the favor with a beer.

  52. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Actually played with konr today (first time in absolutely ages!) and I can’t say Div 3 is far off what he’s capable of. Wouldn’t hurt to make your calls a bit more concise though (yes I know it was only a ‘fun’ pcw). Just saying :)

    Anyway, give this lad a team. I’m willing to bet he’s more dedicated than you are.

  53. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Try harder, wanks furiously over other scouts.

  54. konr: idd. said:

    Which reminds me, Matt. Send me a pic of you dressed like the scout irl I need one.

  55. Natijs said:

    why not?
    good scout.

  56. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    dont know about his skill now, but I do know that he puts a lot of time and effort into the game, and thats what matters

  57. Clark: SDCK! said:

    He may be a nice guy, I don’t know that, but he has definitely nothing to do in div3 yet.
    Bottom or middle div4 so far, let’s hope he will do better in time.

  58. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    hahahahahahahahah wanks over other scouts hahahahahahahahaahhahXDDDDDDDDDD

  59. binge said:

    he’s the jimmy carr of tf2 when it comes to trolling
    but also the bruce lee of tf2 when it comes to dodging

    great guy, has always been friendly and nice
    immense leadership, he gets shit done when it needs to

    deffo div3

  60. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    hahahahahahahahah wanks over other scouts hahahahahahahahaahhahXDDDDDDDDD

    Fucking troll admin Atrox :D

  61. Ramown: TIDS said:


  62. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    Hey atrox remember this ? Ties in nicely to your comment.


    Needs to go back to div 5 imo x3

  63. Ramown: TIDS said:

    Need to complete a fucking season, not even div 6 yet.

  64. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Not as bad as the time when I said that I didn’t like Jackkai.

    Over an hour of “WHY Y U NO LIKE JACKKAI? ((((((((((, WHUT JACKKAI DUN TO U NO LIKE HIEM (((((((, U N JACKKAI GOT BEEF Y? (((((“

  65. HaKo: Poo - Poo said:

    rofl fuck off

  66. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    he’s a keen bean, keener than mustard bees on toast he so keen

    no response to trollbaits, &&& he’s only posted 9 times in his recruitment thread :O

    i so proud of you konr

  67. Martn said:

    Konr is a total douche.

  68. randa said:

    Thought he was a mong until I saw him at lan and he was pestering quad trying to wank him off, made me lol.

    gl konr

  69. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    If you have hackers in your team don’t recruit XDDD

  70. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    What was that atrox?

  71. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Look up fearny perm ;) It’s np as long as you’re a nice guy :D

  72. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    wdya wont mat

  73. Squeak said:

    KONR, have you committed?! <33333

  74. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    For once we can agree, Martn!

  75. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    fearny best pyro

  76. konr: idd. said:

    Oh dem people that don’t even know me and dem trolls :3
    @Squeak: Sorta.

  77. konr: idd. said:

    I’ll reply to one idiot and only one :P
    WAR: That was obviously a joke since i literally spoke like you typed just them. Also lol it was more like 10 minutes.

  78. WAR: GlueEater said:

    No, you tried to have a proper engaging conversation, I was just highlighting how retarded you sounded.

    And no, it was literally an hour, of you QQing like a little bitch.

    plz no ban meh 4 hacks :((((

  79. konr: idd. said:

    Of all people to ban for artificial skills you suggest yourself? Ha! :D
    I remember being on mumble with Jack at the time saying I was doing it. Fun times.

  80. Snyyppis: RLM said:

    Great scout and great guy once you get to know him.

    Still takes way too much abuse from people that have never even played with him, so get off the bandwagon douchebags.

    Give him a team and help him help you help yourselves. That is all.

  81. jukebox: broder said:

    deserves a stable team, haven’t played with him so much since i left kp2 but i assume he’s improved quite a bit.

    gl coner

  82. konr: idd. said:


  83. BonkerS said:

    Dispite past rage, and hate. i geniunely believe that konr can play at a div 3 level, he deserves a good team, and he has shown massive loyality to tf2 and his teams. Pick him up

  84. Fake said:

    Played with him today, good calls, seems dedicated, got aim and listens, can snipe well too.

    gl mate

  85. konr: idd. said:


  86. blorg said:

    Can play div3 scout, needs to work a tad on his comms but that’s nothing I can’t see him doing. Can snipe surprisingly well (also knows when to go back to scout) and has lots of potential bla bla. Good luck, bridgebaby – don’t even think about making me russian again.

  87. konr: idd. said:

    div 3 sollies add me

  88. konr: idd. said:

    div 3 sollies/demos add me

  89. konr: idd. said:

    div 3 demos add me