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ScoutSniper  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

England konr

Posted: | Last Online:

AT THE END OF THE SEASON, if I still get the same feeling I do now with VAWX I'm going to be looking at my options.

As it stands I believe I can handle playing in div 4 and 3 fairly well as scout/sniper. More so in my gamesense and insight into the game/tactics than my aim, but my aim isn't bad either.

inb4 trolls trolling me because of the past or because of how my team (As if that shows my individual skill) has done in the season or in pcws.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53215668 Add Friend

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  1. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    This is too easy mate xD gl

  2. konr: idd. said:

    “See you on the recruitment posts!”

  3. jakko said:

    Sorry konr but your not div3, still mid div4 im affraid i have played with you recently so my point is not invalid, need to play with a stable and top div4 team before going div3, But, staying with vox/kp2 you’ve been a good leader so far with all the new recruits

  4. jakko said:

    Gl btw

  5. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    in b4 trolling.

    I agree with Jakko really. When I seen your team in action it is mostly overextending of scouts that badly affect your team. You can’t expect to play higher level unless you’re part of the team and going too far ahead of them, especially when pushing (ideally scouts should be in for the cleanup frags) getting picked first a lot is really damaging to your team, even if you think you can pick someone. Difference between going higher is more to do with brain than aim as a scout – hell look at Jakko his aim is inconsistent (<3 you bro) but he plays very smart which puts him ahead of a lot of scouts who have great dm and just die at bad times.

  6. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    It can be that the scouts know’s when to push up and sees the opportunity and trying to call the team to push up but they don’t see the same opportunity so they don’t. And then the scouts die. It’s very common.

    OnT: I don’t know if you can play div 3 or not because I haven’t seen you play in like 2 months. But I belive low div3 shouldnt be a problem. GL <3
    PS: I'm not gay.

  7. Van1lla: F! said:

    Div 3 Skill

    Div 3 Skill

    ont I agree with Hildreth

  8. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Have you guys seen the divs recently?

    Konr is easily top div4/low div3 by today’s standards.

  9. woody. said:

    removed him from friends rofl

  10. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Contrary to popular belief it seems, Konr is actually capable of Div3. The question is, will he get that chance? Just because he’s a dick to some and his team isn’t doing well doesn’t mean he’s not capable of that level/a higher level.

  11. Van1lla: F! said:

    Konr is not div3. He lacks the stability and his gamesense isnt close enough to div3.

  12. atomic said:

    beast sniper,nice scout gl guy :) can handle div3,just give him a try ;)

  13. rts: PrettyGay said:

    fake english man, he is 100% russian

  14. Dny: T2P said:

    Give him a chance and stop talking shit, with a good team he would improve fast, gl man

  15. fox1o: POLAKI said:

    5 div

  16. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    2 officials in ETF2L’s div 4 and a mid table finish in your first season of WP Div 4. What makes you think you’re div3?

    Sorry Konr, I have no issues with you or your team but div3? Seriously? Good luck tho man, whatever happens.

  17. gold: ympocucked said:

    4 div imo)

  18. flushy: P.O.P said:

    even if he is div 3 would you take someone that comes across as a complete mong :D

  19. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Why do all the polish say “x div” instead of “div x”

  20. Chris: (0v0) said:

    My general experience with konr: he has a tendency to waver between self-deprecating with no feelings of self worth, and self-aggrandized with feelings that he’s better than everyone else. Whilst on my friends list, half the time he was moaning about people in his latest recruitment thread saying that he’s not div X, and the other half he was busy coming off as an presumptuous twat. Frankly, it was annoying as fuck.

    He obviously has the drive to get good at TF2, and if he would stop being such an absolute mong, that might actually lead to some good progression. For example, from my observation over the past few months, he’s currently so far up quad’s ass that he’s levelling out right now somewhere around the upper intestine. If he spent as much time practising as he did invading other people’s anal fissures, he would probably be able to make a recruitment thread with ‘div3’ at the top without people expressing disbelief.

  21. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    Damn Chris telling it how it is xD

  22. konr: idd. said:

    Cheers for all the posts guys.
    About the overextending claims, I don’t believe it would have been overextending in a lot of these games if our team was playing more like the style that was the original vox. Way back when we had Davib playing with us he was really aggressive and me and ante were pretty much playing with him whilst our combo did their thing. I could explain further if you want but I’ll do that on steam upon request. :)

    About me being a twat, I have been a bit of a cunt in the past but I’m sure most people that met me at LAN can say I wasn’t a dick there. I also haven’t done any of this trolling business as I used to for a very long time. Forget about it please? :(

  23. Will said:

    if im completely honest im suprised vox/kp²/vawx lasted this long, once davib, he3 and cycle went they’re own ways for whatever reason, i can admit i had thought about going too but stuck with it and just became unhappy with the way things had turned… any back ontopic.

    He had decent aim with a rather high ping, but now that has been sorted he has been doing very well from what i can tell. Would say he falls down on gamesense and understanding of how things should be done but i havent played with him in around a month or so, so that could have changed for the better… 1 last thing, dont complain so much if you missing shots and dont mind what others say while ingame, just listen/make good calls and be consistant and you should be fine.

    Anyway hope you find what your looking for as I do believe you are top div4, low/midish div3 (on those good days :P)

  24. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Stay with one team for more than one season and then advertise again at a certain level, in my opinion.

    Good luck with your search.

  25. konr: idd. said:

    You can’t say I’m not stable. The two teams I’ve made have been going far past their metaphorical sell-by date and I still stuck with them for far longer than that.

  26. woody. said:

    i really dont have a clue if you are div 3 or not but good luck getting a team when half the comunity think you are bad or a total cunt.

  27. konr: idd. said:

    woody: Just wondering, what the fuck happened between you being nice and sound and now you being a dick for no reason? The people that you hang around with don’t actually know me at all but you seem to want to judge me anyway.

  28. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    It’s incredibly disrespectful to your teammates when you post a recruitment thread about “possibly” leaving a team at the end of the season.

    I wish you all the best as I’m sure you’re enthusiastic but your actions are bizarre as fuck and bearing in mind the comments from people that do know you…it doesn’t seem like you’re learning from your mistakes either.

    gl xo

  29. konr: idd. said:

    d2m: My team understand completely why I’m making this thread I’m pretty sure and it’s for the end of the season because I hope we’ll have fixed the problems by then.

  30. jakko said:

    Then why would you make this post before sticking the season out. You may have reasons but d2m is right. All that will happen now is you (may) get some decent offers and be stuck between to teams, Not a good place to be. Ive been there.

  31. Dummy said:

    but I know woody konr and I know you xD!
    on a serious note, I +1 D2M’s post, what you’re doing now atm is almost as bad as i’ve seen, completely detrimental to your team obviously. how would you feel if your team leader acted like this :d Chris’ post also put into words what I was thinking although that sense of superiority is always present in you konr, not just on occasions
    TL:(d)R, stop horsing around, you won’t win a cup or anything else with this kind of attitude.

  32. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    So if your intention is to fix the problems that exist currently, why make the thread at all? Surely the more important thing would be to try and work together with the teammates you have now. If that does fail and you’ve tried to resolve it, then you leave the team on good terms (or as close to good as possible) and create a thread saying “sup internets, i’m availables!”

    All you end up doing when you take this course of action is antagonising the situation further and creating a deeper gap between your teammates and yourself. It doesn’t make any sense and seems kinda illogical when there are better courses of action that you could take, possibly even regaining some respect from others.

    Anyway, I’m not having a pop at you – just saying how it seems from here (bearing in mind I’ve been away from the scene for 4 months, I’m sure it looks a bit worse to people who have been more active).

  33. konr: idd. said:

    My team know full well what the problems are at the moment and I’m merely trying to see what my options are. I’m not leaving before the end of the season and chances are I won’t even do it at the end.

    Only reason is that Ante has to go inactive due to school and we don’t have a good scout to fill in other than our backups (that can’t play THAT often).

    Can people that knew me a bit ages ago please stop acting as if they know me now? I fell out with you Dummy because of how you were acting and that’s why I was acting in the way you mentioned just now.

    I’m probably going to delete this recruitment post later on tonight considering what d2m said is probably true and that I was just too tired and stupid to see it.

  34. woody. said:

    what does this have to do with the people i hang around with? also me removing you from friends is hardly something for you to get so worked up about. i remove people i don’t want to talk to, simple as. i think Chris pretty much said it all. man up and stop crying plz

  35. konr: idd. said:

    Not really worked up about it, it’s just I don’t see a good reason for it and it was rather sudden. And lol how can you even say that Chris is right when you hardly know me yourself? People just believe what they want to.