ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Low- Skill, 6v6

Scotland Opton

Posted: | Last Online:

Right! To put it bluntly, Looking to make a nice lovely start on the TF2 competitive side
I am trying to get into it as fast as possible, but not really had any luck with matching that much, so still trying to get the hang of it.

If you are still reading, it means I have not scared you off yet! *waves*
I feel that after how much time I aimlessly play TF2, I think I have what it takes to play for a team, and devote as much time which makes them wish I take a day off!

Sorry in advance, I might need a tiny bit of traning to get up to speed

About Me:
*UK Based, 17, Surrey =3
*Active: Sunday through to Thursdays – Im a more nocturnal person and am roughly around solidly from 7pm to 3am GMT (Fridays + Saturdays are hit and miss week in and week out depending on situation)
*Relaxed/Sociable/Enjoys Internet Spaceships in Eve Online
*Im all over the place with small gathers and Lans, I enjoy them and would be up for anything, UK/EU locations!
*My PC DOES work and my Internet SHOULD be fine for competitive play in TF2 – I enjoy being vocal and can listen well. I intend to strive as much as possible, or atlesat try *puppy dog eyes*

*Whispers* I play Scout and Sniper on my public adventures, so hopefully I can pick one up well enough to satisfy you and youre mother!

Would love a stable and possibly a lasting team to get into, as starting off in one would be perfect
So yea… words words words, take me for a spin if you want.
(Yes, Its a fail recruitment post, Sorry about that. Just fire questions at me by pigeon mail… aka Steam)

Steam: Kronnykrios

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:27508873 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Heffron
Joined nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Left Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Opton
Joined Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Left Blue Buff [6v6] Opton
Joined Blue Buff [6v6] Oxy
Left Simple [6v6] Opton
Joined Simple [6v6] Acky
Left Simple [6v6] Opton
Joined Simple [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Opton
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Left Don't Eat the Sandvich [Highlander] Gamb1t
Left Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Opton
Joined Don't Eat the Sandvich [Highlander] Gamb1t
Joined Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Ceymoure

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One Comment

  1. Opton said:

    Still on the search *blushes*