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MedicScout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Scotland Opton

Posted: | Last Online:

Foot-long sub. submarine. sub sub sub.
With summer over for me, a fortune spent and my anal virginity questionable… I'm offering my rusty-tf2 backside for some enjoyable evenings.

As I said above, interested in a reserve position for Scout/Medic and heck, I could always pick up other classes if you so desire considering I am this rusty.

-18/UK/Smells like freshly cut grass
-A nocturnal cretin on worknights
-Mostly vocal, could do with a kicking every so often
-Previously at around Div5 for Scout and fail6 for Medic, but aim do better and shizzle, you know, the usual jargon that gets spewed in recruitment posts?
-Has a social life/plays other games/makes crude racial slurs post-pub tf2

Drop me a buzz or something or other. *shrugs*
Be light-hearted, drama makes me upset.

Steam/Skype/dicks: kronnykrios

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:27508873 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Heffron
Joined nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Left Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Opton
Joined Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Left Blue Buff [6v6] Opton
Joined Blue Buff [6v6] Oxy
Left Simple [6v6] Opton
Joined Simple [6v6] Acky
Left Simple [6v6] Opton
Joined Simple [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Opton
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Left Don't Eat the Sandvich [Highlander] Gamb1t
Left Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Opton
Joined Don't Eat the Sandvich [Highlander] Gamb1t
Joined Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Ceymoure

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 3 357
View Div 5/Div 6 3 253
View Low- 1 269


  1. Spike Himself: TC said:

    My fayvrit scot! :D

  2. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    lovely guy with solid aim! get him! :D

  3. Opton said:

    Keep the offers rolling in

  4. Asteryz: Br0 - Chive said:

    If I had to recruit someone based on steam chat, I’d take this guy.