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Spy  Mid Skill, Highlander

Spain torrerofranches

Posted: | Last Online:


Im chinese man from guagzhou are with 128kb conection internet high speed wifi and im looking for very sexy team man to pick me up. Im a petit chinese man with over 159 hours in tf2 and very much lot of experience in team forts 4i have no mic but i can always typer for coms in official game match. contact me under chinaman.ru/torrerofranchesstillsucksatspy.org

anyone…? No? ok.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:121842904 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Durisimas declaraciones [Highlander] Depruu
Joined Durisimas declaraciones [Highlander] Luigixby
Left Duras Declaraciones [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Duras Declaraciones [Highlander] Alpha
Left Open Nonett [6v6 Fun Team] torrerofranches
Joined Open Nonett [6v6 Fun Team] nick fillax
Left ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] Sennaj_Legend
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] Mattia
Left Frog Village Highlander [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Frog Village Highlander [Highlander] Lin
Left Multinational Massacre [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Multinational Massacre [Highlander] Buck824

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 16 638
View Mid 30 1021
View Open 38 1161
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View Open 0 416


  1. Nate said:

    best kid i know

  2. S.: FinalF said:

    Friendly, reliable and skilled spy :)

  3. shinso: 哟什 said:

    Pretty keen, great for his age. Can do okay in Silver, Gold is a bit too high for him :)
    Trial the child

  4. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    [11:31:33 PM] bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: chill
    [11:31:33 PM] bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/227782/
    [11:31:36 PM] bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: could you post a comment?
    [11:31:38 PM] bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: .-.

    bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: just say soething like
    bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: “Best kid xdddd”
    bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: eksdi
    bad spy is lft s19 silvr/gold: best kid in europa eggsdee


    Spanish tf2 videogamer that’s not Sl4w Kappa

    spanish tf2 player that’s not sl4w Kappa

  5. torrerofranches said:

    sl4w would be proud, sl4w is like ivan for me, ivan is your bae, sl4w is mine.

  6. Vetleaks: Vaccinator said:

    biggest memer he is good dropps the meds tricks the fatty and penetrate the pyros go trial the fucker

  7. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    fucking rata de mierda

  8. hamaham: $WIZARD - doge said:

    pretty good spy last time i played with him Kappa

  9. Villdjack: (twisted) - Bully said:

    5 7 8 55 3


  10. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    nice guy and keen

  11. kane: Seagulls said:


  12. WhiteMagicalHat said:

    Pleasant person; the kind of person you would want on your team tbh

    Good at the class too, always a bonus

    Would recommend <3

  13. kira said:

    great spy even greater potential,should trial

  14. Spaenny: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    Pretty decent spy main he is shit tho…

    Just kiddin funny good memer does medic drops and is gud as spy eksdee

  15. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    nice guy decent calls can go gold silver is a waste

  16. 4hp said:

    he’s pretty fucking good at spy, tons of potential

    also a friendly guy but gets really excited and clutters comms in mumble, slow down dude

  17. torrerofranches said:

    im going to go join the spanish national hl team now xddd <3 thx

  18. sinr: L2:7 said:

    Nice personality, clever player, will do fine in silver :)

  19. Pendulum said:

    clever player will do fine in silvere

  20. elisio2121 said:

    greay spy any team would be lucky to have him hes a great guy

  21. Luna Obscura: Energy ϟ said:

    ACHTUNG! very expressive emotionalist will provide you and your team with ton of fun or rage or whatever. Btw good spy main.

  22. AEsirson: NOM - Dr. med. said:

    I endorse this man as your next spy main

  23. FizzyPug: DBLE said:

    Nice guy, finally going for a division that he deserves to be in, no more iron sandbagging for you ;)

  24. Celreo: TC: Ox - TC said:

    Little brody kid super annoying

  25. torrerofranches said:

    fak no more sandbagging >_> (celro forgot to mension that im also gud xddddd)

  26. Mo: 00X said:

    A comment

  27. hugo: wG said:

    Pick him up for yer team… and drop him on his head. Lenny 21 Aug, 2015 @ 6:08pm
    ( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)

  28. Tamir said:

    Good spy, silver would be easy-peasy for him.

  29. epsoli said:

    Friendly and nice gamer

  30. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:

    I gave him the nickname “annoying kid” for a reason.

  31. Vinegar Strokes: :3 said:

    Talk less pls. Silver ez.

  32. torrerofranches said:

    @Yxxo yoy added me trying to buy my aussie sniper rifle, I stated that nothing in your inventory interested me and you where going to remove me if I didnt sell it to you.

  33. humzah: McB said:

    He iz gud at poking ppl in bak wiv butr nif
    Wud recomed.

  34. Albertt said:

    nice guy and awesome spy

  35. Argus said:

    Skilled and awesome guy :)

  36. Gorzum said:

    Nice friendly player, probably top silver/gold

  37. denkra said:

    gud guy know how to swing his knife nohomo

  38. KemNG: incel said:

    good aliases

  39. FrostBite1407 said:

    This kid is gonna topfrag every fucking match! Best spy EU <3

  40. DaniigaSmert said:

    lol ugc.
    annoying to play against tho.

  41. torrerofranches said:

    Inb4 deutachlan

  42. Hunterro said:

    He’s bad, he was on my team but then he killed me!??!! wtf? Like he was invis and stuf I think he might be a hacker

  43. T3kKR0: ([MM]) said:

    Ayyy nachos

  44. Larry said:

    One of the best spy mains I know. Guaranteed to topscore

  45. sigge: AoD said:

    This is an automated message sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We are to inform you that you are now on a watchlist, and that you are to be monitored 24/7 as of now. Your actions have concerned us, and we are in suspicion that you are a potential risk to society and anyone around you. Due to the fact that you often search up various topics on the internet that concern mass killings and shootings, you are now labeled as a could-be terrorist. Here are the various things you have searched up in the past months.
    Child porn.
    How to make a bomb.
    How to kill people with a flick of a hand.
    How to seduce a child.
    How to buy a small bonded child.
    If you have not searched up any of these topics, please contact a representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at once to fix this major error by calling (310) 477-6565

  46. Jaros said:

    Best kid EU
    Ez spy main
    Annoying ingame AF

  47. torrerofranches said:

    Do you mean play against me, or in comms?;)

  48. Hake said:

    very good would recommend to any gold team out there gets the picks and does his job just give him achance and hell prove it

  49. Sennaj_Legend: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    definately a good pick for gold level, silver ez!
    very gud in knifing ze enemy gamers, pick him up big spy talent :^)

  50. Foz: (ETF2L Donator) - 124 - -Xe- said:

    ez mid/gold, Great calls, nice coordination with team

    As long as you don’t have a problem with sharp voices he is an awesome pickup! :D

  51. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    friendly and good player, ez pickup!

  52. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Give Franches fish, and feed him for a day. Teach Franches how to bait, and feed the opposition for life.

  53. fish said:

    nice guy really gud player :P

  54. zorre: reggiN said:

    good guy and great spy

  55. zorre: reggiN said:

    sl4w xd

  56. torrerofranches said:

    not sl4w

  57. 30.06: RATS said:

    Really cool guy, easy to talk with this dude, pick him up

  58. Nosaj said:

    It felt like pink guy was rubbing my testicles while playing with you.

  59. Maddisch: SeG said:

    Can recommend!!


    MUST recommend!!!

    TAKE HIM!!

  60. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Good spy, annoying as hell though in mumble. If he behaves like a normal person when he’s on a team, he’s a decent pickup.

  61. torrerofranches said:

    I dont play like that in serious matches.

  62. 80x said:

    ^maybe learn to accept criticism?

  63. torrerofranches said:

    Ye true, that was a special one T_T
    Once a spy main, always a spy main. All spy mains have a huge ego xd

  64. torrerofranches said:

    bump LOOKING FOR S11 no more S19