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Spy  Mid Skill, Highlander

Spain torrerofranches

Posted: | Last Online:

Its that time of the year again. Looks like my trail with bankers might not be happening so im putting this up early.

esl clash royal 1 on 1
ugc iron spy maincaller Xd

Memes aside, I will try to work on my comms, and no more cancer 6 year old memes and cringe worthy voice. I know I've been saying it in every rec post that I have opened and I have never done so. But Its time TO STOP (Sorry for the meme, it was fitting) no more match pausing.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:121842904 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Durisimas declaraciones [Highlander] Depruu
Joined Durisimas declaraciones [Highlander] Luigixby
Left Duras Declaraciones [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Duras Declaraciones [Highlander] Alpha
Left Open Nonett [6v6 Fun Team] torrerofranches
Joined Open Nonett [6v6 Fun Team] nick fillax
Left ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined ★ Alle Neune [Highlander] Sennaj_Legend
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] Mattia
Left Frog Village Highlander [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Frog Village Highlander [Highlander] Lin
Left Multinational Massacre [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Multinational Massacre [Highlander] Buck824

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 16 639
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View Open 0 416


  1. Jaros said:

    Verily edgy spy main xddd

  2. 4hp said:

    Keen spy with good timings, the few games I played with him he did quite well.

    If he does stop comming like a 12 year old on amphetamines he’ll be good to go, because tbh his attitude is good, he just used to clutter comms a lot

  3. torrerofranches said:

    Dont worry, I stopped smoking meth ages ago.

    ‘franches@LFTS11: f is for fucking bad spy
    ‘franches@LFTS11: r is for rated 12
    ‘franches@LFTS11: a is for amazing performances in pubs
    ‘franches@LFTS11: n stands for not apt for mid
    ‘franches@LFTS11: c can kick f2p ass xd
    ‘franches@LFTS11: h stands for high ego
    ‘franches@LFTS11: e stands for erectile disfunction
    ‘franches@LFTS11: s stands for sucks dick in mid
    4hp 蛇: 8/10 for effort
    4hp 蛇: put that in your rec post
    4hp 蛇: guaranteed high spot

  4. Vinegar Strokes: :3 said:

    I second 4hp on that. Less talky and more stabby. Silver ez.

  5. Gorzum said:

    Has a silver/gold/top mid level in my opinion, he’s a nice guy that really gets the right picks when they’re needed.

  6. Melpit said:

    This man is truly a good spy, not just saying that because he is my friend but also because he just is. Just let him try. Give this man a chance he deserves and he will change the world.

  7. _kate_ said:

    Good spy, pick him in your mid team ;)

  8. Villdjack: (twisted) - Bully said:

    gmaer ues

  9. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    Very good non-toxic memer, can’t comment about his actual skills since i haven’t played much with him but from what I’ve seen he’s very keen to improve as the spy class.
    Worth a trial to say the least.

  10. dragon_slayer72: SENS said:

    keen and good top lad as well ez mid

  11. Especiallyjurre said:

    quality guy and edgy spy main

  12. denkra said:

    well he can decloak and sometimes stab ppl

  13. Nosaj said:


  14. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Cool guy, young, and probably the biggest Spy talent I’ve seen in a hell of a while. Guy always shows up in every game, gives it his all and has a wonderful sense of humour next to none. I’d definitely pick the lad up, give him a chance. Precocious player, nice guy, and he’s already great.

    Goes without saying:

    Teach Franches how to bait, feed him for a day. Teach him how to bait a whole team, and feed him for life.

  15. princess dvs: 0fo said:

    He’s aight

  16. fish said:

    good player friendly and helpful

  17. cobre said:

    good spy, worth a trial, carried koth maps when i last played with him

  18. RoyaleWithCheese said:

    good pyro, needs to work on his dm tho.

  19. torrerofranches said:

    thanks xd

  20. Argus said:

    really good spy

  21. drezzo said:

    what is this garbage recruitment post

  22. torrerofranches said:

    @drezzo I found that TF3 story whilst camping the steam forums. It was a ’bout a korean who was complaining about OW taking over It was just too beautiful to let it go ;_;

  23. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:


  24. Albertt said:

    good guy and spy, also so keen

  25. sinr: L2:7 said:

    Very nice hispanic persian deutscher spy main. Fun guy, friendly person, good spy for mid/silver.

  26. Sennaj_Legend: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    ez carry in mid :>

  27. FizzyPug: DBLE said:

    Very good spy, his comms are better than before, pick him up!

  28. Spaenny: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    ez carry in mid :> but asshole for leaving A9 as sub Kappa

  29. Gitty said:

    a great spy main and edgy person

  30. mellow said:

    Passively cutting myself, my edge-o-meter is literally off the charts. And if memes were a stat on logs.tf he’d always top meme. No exception.
    That being said, top lad, haven’t played with him much but from what I’ve seen silver/mid should be no problem for him. Don’t let him carry for some Iron/Steel team this season. And don’t put him on sub, smh.