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Heavy  Open Skill, Highlander

Ireland Kenny

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi! Aspiring Heavy main who's looking for an Open team. I've accumulated over 700 hours as Heavy or so over the duration of the past year and have exponentially improved my reading of the game, positioning, DM and so forth. I really feel that I could integrate well into a good Open team as long as it is organized and full of players who want to win every game or at least put their 100% in every match! The team MUST already be in Open and I'm not looking to merc.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43263889 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Celreo
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left make-bong [6v6] Kenny
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Joined make-bong [6v6] ryan
Joined reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Left Abusement Park [Highlander] Sonny Black
Joined Abusement Park [Highlander] Zorlix
Left CCCP [Highlander] Kenny
Joined CCCP [Highlander] Peaceful Warrior
Left Biscuit [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Biscuit [Highlander] tatty
Left Granberry juice [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Granberry juice [Highlander] SkullTiger
Left Savage Kitties [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Savage Kitties [Highlander] Raganos
Left The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Joined The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo

Previous Recruitment Posts

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  1. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    Really fun guy, keen heavy main with great tracking and great calls. Knows what mistakes he’s doing and how to improve, also has good potential for maincalling in your team.
    Pick him up.
    Also he can do really good Ivan impressions.

  2. chando: ..d1ck - 800A said:

    + Absolute machine on Heavy, good positoning, a violent lover in the bedroom and does a great Irish impersonation.

    – Complete shitlord at lobbies and an imposter of The Real Kenny.

  3. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    Played racist songs in skial harvest, then continued to call everyone who asked why or told him to stop a “pussy who gets baited too easily.” Not really heard of him maybe hes a nice guy I can’t really judge, however the one time I met him he was aids.

  4. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    You never asked WHY I was playing racist music and, by the way, anyone who calls me a cunt whilst doing superficial, generic impressions if Irish accent will create that situation inexplicably. I’m not AIDS; you’re easily offended.

  5. a. larry said:


  6. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    is brea liom a bheith kenny

  7. ivan: TC said:


  8. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    but you are iron

  9. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    lol ivan you took the bait xdddddddddddddd

  10. mellow said:

    Absolutely wonderful lad. Good heavy, motivated and is able to spot his mistakes and adapt accordingly. Has great potential for maincaller.

  11. torrerofranches said:

    The most laid back heavy main ever, Kenny is really chill and has good capabilities as a Hevy, don’t doubt on picking this lad up, he always brings a positive atmosphere to his team too ^_^