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Heavy  Open Skill, Highlander

Ireland Kenny

Posted: | Last Online:

An inexperienced, yet aspiring player willing to experiment in various classes, especially the Heavy, as he is my main. Can read the game to a decent extent, with good positioning/DM. Would be interested in joining a team! Can also play as a Sniper, though he isn't my best class.

My strengths:
-Decent positional sense
-Can read the game as well as needed
-Talkative and optimistic, but friendly
-Extremely tenacious
-Good DM for a Heavy

My weaknesses:
-Gamesense is still relatively premature
-Lack of versatility in offensive and defensive roles

I am flexible, can play seven days a week.
Please contact me on Steam if you'd like me to clarify anything!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43263889 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Celreo
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left make-bong [6v6] Kenny
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Joined make-bong [6v6] ryan
Joined reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Left Abusement Park [Highlander] Sonny Black
Joined Abusement Park [Highlander] Zorlix
Left CCCP [Highlander] Kenny
Joined CCCP [Highlander] Peaceful Warrior
Left Biscuit [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Biscuit [Highlander] tatty
Left Granberry juice [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Granberry juice [Highlander] SkullTiger
Left Savage Kitties [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Savage Kitties [Highlander] Raganos
Left The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Joined The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo

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  1. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    +Keen gamer
    +He’s so friendly it hurts

  2. Mo: 00X said:

    As said above, very keen and is so friendly it hurts! Honestly, a great addition to any team. He knows how to improve himself and the team as a whole and will honestly do you proud. It would honestly be a mistake not to pick him up.

  3. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    Really really friendly lad, talks a lot and has main calling potential. Has great game understanding and positioning for someone inexperienced like him, knows what mistakes he’s doing and how he can improve. Only needs a keen team to show his full potential.
    Will boost your confidence 10/10
    Pick him up.

  4. drezzo said:

    Love Kenny, he’s more than ready to start playing some highlander, he’s really nice and will do very well in a decent open team.

  5. mellow said:

    Great Heavy. He’s very talkative, which means he would probably do a great job as a main caller for your team. Always does a great job at making me laugh even when he’s not even trying. Give him a chance.

  6. a. larry said:

    Very friendly and very fun to play with
    Enjoyable experience in mumble
    Good aim at open/mid level

  7. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:


  8. Julianator: KotO said:


  9. Drizzel said:

    Honestly one of the best heavies I know, I honestly don’t believe that his gamesense is as bad as he stated and his positioning is incredibly good. Pick him up if you haven’t already :3

  10. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    It has been a while. Bump.

  11. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    He shouldn’t be looking for good teams as heavy, good teams should be looking for a heavy like him.

  12. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Update: ONLY interested in joining a team that’s already been formed. Also, thanks for the praise, guys!

  13. TheNomad: Banana's said:

    came across this hillarious chap in quite a few lobbies, friendly guy is all I can say, lobbies aren’t a good measurment of skill sadly

  14. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Yes, that’s true, and again, I understand that my experience puts me in a very awkward position and, as a Heavy, the best skill I really can display is working my hardest, checking corners, being enthusiastic and reading the game to the benefit of me and my team.

  15. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Again, just to clarify, I’m still looking for a Heavy spot.