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Heavy  Open Skill, Highlander

Ireland Kenny

Posted: | Last Online:

Aspiring to play in an Open team with winners and nothing more. Feel like I could easily contest open next season as long as I have the proper team. Obviously known for my temper but trying to put that past me and improve. Got 1k hours on Heavy and lots of scrim experience if that helps.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43263889 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Celreo
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left make-bong [6v6] Kenny
Left I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] Kenny
Joined I Want My Country Back! [Highlander] blayze
Left reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Joined make-bong [6v6] ryan
Joined reformed gamers!!! xDDD [Highlander] Kenny
Left Abusement Park [Highlander] Sonny Black
Joined Abusement Park [Highlander] Zorlix
Left CCCP [Highlander] Kenny
Joined CCCP [Highlander] Peaceful Warrior
Left Biscuit [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Biscuit [Highlander] tatty
Left Granberry juice [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Granberry juice [Highlander] SkullTiger
Left Savage Kitties [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Savage Kitties [Highlander] Raganos
Left The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Joined The Mustachioed Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Left Aristocrats [Highlander] Kenny
Joined Aristocrats [Highlander] torrerofranches
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo
Left Pringlerino eSports [6v6] Kenny
Joined Pringlerino eSports [6v6] yugo

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  1. Zolith said:

    Solid heavy who once he controls his occasional temper will be easily contesting with the heavies in mid, pick him up for a solid open team for definite.

  2. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Thanks Zolith :)

  3. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    Really nice guy. Excellent heavy and glad to see him going for stuff outside of lobbies. Will be a good heavy for open or mid!

  4. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Thanks a million, Bliss

  5. drew: -Xe- said:

    would make a great combo with polarium

  6. Nightmare said:

    Kenny, Polarium and Jaros, I sense a great open combo :o)

  7. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    I’d love to play with Jaros and even Polarium but he needs to learn when to listen to me and has to be clearer with his comms. Though, that is probably rich coming from me.

  8. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Also, nightmare, when are you going to stop muting me

  9. Hype said:

    You should probably stop hacking before you enter etf2l, otherwise you might get IP banned, just a warning :)

  10. Hype said:

    Sorry, meant more of a friendly bit of advice

  11. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Hacking? I’ve never hacked a day in my life, where’s your proof?

  12. Bycoon said:

    idk what to say about him:
    1.either a meme in a life form
    2.amazing player (just like pendulum)
    3.both previous mentioned

  13. Cryo said:

    I can verify if that helps at all. Heard it multiple times in mumble.

  14. Cryo said:

    (talking about the hacking)

  15. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    No proof for something that I’ve always lambasted. A pathetic accusation aimed towards me out of bitterness and resentment. They’re both Irish too so what does that say

  16. Cryo said:

    I feel no resentment towards you, i’m just stating that you did hack.

  17. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    You blocked me and have declined my several friends requests, and this is nothing more than a childish attempt to offend me for something I’ve never ever done and have strongly criticized, well, if you know me, that is.

  18. Cryo said:

    I blocked you because of the times you have treated me horribly (and some other people too). I am just saying that you have hacked. I’m done with this. Goodbye

  19. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Okay. You know what? It’s God’s almighty truth! He’s right! I am in possession of a valuable hackware known as KENNYBOX, the ultimate cheat designed to make everyone cry if they’ve never ever used it. Or seen it, for that matter.

  20. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    And I’m a gentleman, look at the comments. Good day, Cryomancer.

  21. Hype said:

    Kenny cmon man, you’re better than this. I knew you were dishonest, but never a blatant liar? Until now anyway. I guess when you realised you couldn’t lead a team, and got jealous of people with more/better leadership skills, gamesense and experience than you, it broke you. I hope you sort yourself out Kenny, I wish the best for you :)

  22. Zolith said:

    I won’t have such petty accusations put forward about Kenny, ruining his chances of getting a team until you can put extensive proof forward.

  23. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    You’re a better player than me. I never said that. But you’ve never seen me use any cheats for that matter and anyone I know best will tell you I’ve never hacked a day in my life. Good luck finding an Open team, though. Maybe we can be in the same one!

  24. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:


  25. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    People who think I hack and claim I’ve cheated are the biggest bullshitters I’ve met. I never once in my life claimed I was better than a single person. Thanks anyway, Zolith.

  26. Bliss: DMX - BRIT said:

    He doesn’t hack. Obviously people want to ruin his chances but no he deserves a decent team

  27. Hype said:

    I don’t want to post anything here. This is more than enough drama, Kenny if you wish to be civil, do add me and I’ll show you I have proof. Anyway gl finding your open team. Zeolite, don’t defend someone if you don’t know for sure that they haven’t done what they’re being accused of. Add me if you really wish to discuss it, but I’m letting it go.

  28. Hype said:

    I don’t want to ruin his chances. Everyone should have a chance. I was simply saying this here because it’s in a public place where he won’t be an irritating dick to me. I simply stated that if he wasn’t careful than he would get banned from etf2l for hacking. Anyway was fun playing with you when you weren’t being a dick. Peace x

  29. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    Kenny was too shit to be hacking last time I saw him lmao

  30. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Alright, here’s an admission. For ONE WEEK, on pubs, I was using cheats as a laugh after I had a slump but soon stopped using them after n The two faggots up there are making it as hard as it can be for me to play normally in comp even though I’ve never used cheats apart from that one time and their agenda is more than obvious in that they don’t want me to play. But I’m honest.

  31. Hype said:

    “But I’m honest” which is why you said “and anyone I know best (which should be well btw, use grammar) will tell you I’ve never hacked a day in my life.” honestly, is it? Look man, I have proof, I don’t want to whip it out. This started as friendly warning, and I didn’t think you’d take it that way. I apologise for upsetting you, but one thing that annoys me is dishonesty. I would have left after that comment if you didn’t keep challenging me. Kenny, it was fun but I’m not bothered enough to keep this going. I think you know what’s up here, and I think that you know the outcome if you keep pushing me. Anyway, glhf, it is a game in the after all, it’s only for fun, and I have no problem if you only use your hacks offline or whatever you enjoy, but I don’t like it when you have fun at other people’s expense. Anyway, sorry @mrbliss, quixotic and zenith for trying to make this community (which has plenty of hackers, griefers, phishers etc. already) a cleaner and more welcoming place. I’ll finish with a link. http://imgur.com/a/DxCru

  32. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    a cleaner more welcoming place lmao

  33. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    I’ve hacked on pubs. Who cares? If you want to make the community more welcoming then release the evidence and call me Open. I don’t care.

  34. Donny said:

    Sounds like a few people are butthurt. Kenny is a great guy, actually responds to his steam messages xD. He’s even better at heavy than me and I’m going gold next season :o, I’d recommend you pick him up, if you are determined to win, as he deserves no less than the best.

  35. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Cheers Donny!