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Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom meth0d

Posted: | Last Online:

– purely ROAMER main
– been out for a season but big improvements and lots of playtime throughout
– want to challenge TOP HIGH/ PLAYOFFS next season because why play unless you want to do well imo
– confident calls on flank + dmg
– can take all criticism, reasonable person + good fun in mumble :D

always willing to trial, strong team projects are fine by me

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:129741393 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined on the beat [6v6 Fun Team] hr
Joined adios amigo [6v6] hr
Left It's all Gucci baby [6v6] meth0d
Left Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] meth0d
Joined It's all Gucci baby [6v6] hr
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left TCM / De-Gnomers / THE BOYS [6v6] meth0d
Joined TCM / De-Gnomers / THE BOYS [6v6] Silver Tosspot
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Left soldier mains can aim [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Joined soldier mains can aim [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Left cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] meth0d
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] ixy
Joined cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] Feyne
Left B-HAVE [6v6] meth0d
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Feyne
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left B-HAVE [6v6] meth0d
Joined Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Left Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] meth0d
Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Joined Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] Ecophagy
Left Gun Art [Highlander] meth0d
Left MTF.Gaming [6v6] meth0d
Joined Gun Art [Highlander] Yuval
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] meth0d
Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] meth0d
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] hr
Joined MTF.Gaming [6v6] Feyne

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 4 325
View High 4 620
View Mid 10 680
View High 34 997
View High 8 497
View Div 4 8 480


  1. Shoosh: NASA - -Xe- said:

    Think he plays MGE more than anyone I know including hysteria. Probs sick at airshots :P

  2. Duckie: Devon - lol hl said:

    I like him. He smells good. Probably due to those beautiful sweat glands

    Good roamer

  3. hr said:

    He learns quickly, his calls are good and is a good team player. Lacks some experience but if he is keening it up it shouldn’t be a problem for him to play around the top of high for next season.

  4. Feyne: NASA said:

    member of the 14-club, very good dm, very vocal, listens to people and is an allround absolute ledge <3

  5. hrbls said:

    Solid DM. Good gamesense plays to improve and win. What more could you want.


  6. Thaigrr said:

    Soooooolid soldier, nice guy… wanna see more of him! good luck :)

  7. pierzzz-: VR said:

    really nice guy and good soldier, good luck my friend! <3

  8. wardemon: myx said:

    nice guy and a sick player ^^

  9. Collaide said:

    toxic af and properly irritating, no idea about his gameplay but he sucks at mge


  10. tobs: LIDL said:

    great soldier nice guy

  11. ixy: wG said:

    Really good soldier, sick dm and nice calls. Highhhh

  12. repu said:

    dm powerhouse that communicates well. great personality too.

  13. meth0d: adios said:


  14. Callum: NASA said:

    he’s shit at mge xx

  15. tobs: LIDL said:

    he’s shit at mge xx

  16. Nagi said:

    he’s shit at mge xx

  17. meth0d: adios said:

    mge doesn’t define who I am, it’s what’s in the heart that counts

  18. meth0d: adios said:


  19. yak said:

    [21:56:09] (Channel) MGE_meth0d: Literally sucked his cock once
    [21:56:13] (Channel) MGE_meth0d: besides that good player
    [21:56:16] (Channel) MGE_meth0d: pick him up

  20. yak said:

    i agree tbh

  21. nuze: BTWFC - bobs said:

    from the few times i played with him, he played roamer how its meant to be played, not like the majority of retarded roamer mains, gl

  22. meth0d: adios said:

    Ty for the kind words friends,
    Quite busy with trials but always room for more x

  23. ryan: lizard said:

    sent death threats to my man -rep

  24. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    add me on fb xx

  25. Nechi: TEZC said:

    great player good dm really cool dude
    pick him u wont be sorry

  26. Bluee: TLR said:

    top bloke, top roamer

  27. Hysteria: NASA said:

    process king 2k15!!! Top mge dribbler

  28. meth0d: adios said:

    once (read: many times) beat hysteria on mge, +rep pick him up

    “my man” alright then

  29. shoras said:

    The only person I know who cares about MGE points on a server with no visible rankings.

  30. AB said:

    lol http://imgur.com/MRaRUqD

  31. meth0d: adios said:

    oh shoras you’re the kid who cried actual tears in mumble in that center right? i nearly died laughing omg
    + ye that’s my profile and it’s not private, feel free to read it, thanks teapot

  32. Feyne: NASA said:

    dont get why both of you are posting shit about meth0d, he is miles above you skill-wise, you should ask for mentor sessions instead.

  33. AB said:

    posting shit? just sharing a humourous screencap..

  34. Bona: PMW said:

    I love meth0d, I love that he takes my shittalking serious, he’s like your classic brit, never let this man die or I won’t have anyone to take advantage of in MGE

    mad bona x0x0x0

  35. meth0d: adios said:

    Feyne how did you pre-empt the arrival of bona