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Scout  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom meth0d

Posted: | Last Online:

With 1000 hours on soldier it's time for something different and this is the perfect time for me as I want to step back from competitive a little and focus on making content for youtube. I want a relaxed attitude towards scrims- potentially only 2 maps a night, but you can expect me to be extremely keen during those maps, especially if it looks like we're doing well. Also if you need a soldier my fellow high gamer hr might want to come with me and he already has experience on pocket at top high etc, but it's not a necessity at all. I'll also be bringing a fair bit of tf2 wisdom, not that I'm the smartest player by a long shot but have played a lot some way above mid.

As scout I need a lot of practice to be anywhere near as good as I am at soldier but I will be perfectly fine for mid. Will probably be playing a shit ton of dm and mge cos I'm just a dick like that… would prefer aggro scout but I think I'd be fine or better on pocket scout… meh who cares just trial me bois

Also the whole reason I'm doing this is cos Assiduous died as a result of the youtube thing, shout out to my old teammates u da best

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:129741393 Add Friend

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Joined on the beat [6v6 Fun Team] hr
Joined adios amigo [6v6] hr
Left It's all Gucci baby [6v6] meth0d
Left Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] meth0d
Joined It's all Gucci baby [6v6] hr
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Joined Absent [6v6] hr
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Joined TCM / De-Gnomers / THE BOYS [6v6] Silver Tosspot
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Joined soldier mains can aim [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Left cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
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Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] ixy
Joined cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] Feyne
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Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Feyne
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Joined Absent [6v6] hr
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Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
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Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Joined Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] Ecophagy
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Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] meth0d
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] hr
Joined MTF.Gaming [6v6] Feyne

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  1. hr said:

    shit because he doesn’t have 144hz

  2. smky said:

    beast :)

  3. meth0d: adios said:


  4. Funs said:

    will be better than hr when he gets 144hz(?)

  5. meth0d: adios said:


  6. Feyne: NASA said:

    tbh feyne scout > meth0d scout

  7. oxyox said:


  8. meth0d: adios said:


    + who the fuck r u

  9. Funs said:

    dubs checked

  10. Amik: BALLS said:

    Beast (probs better than me at scout)