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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom meth0d

Posted: | Last Online:

You'll probably know me as meth0d, best roamer in Coventry

British as fuck, played div 5 6s last season with .mtf gaming, due to major roster fuck-ups we somehow didn't win

What I can bring to a team:

– high d4 dm
– a brain
– does all roamer stuff, controls flank well
– obedient to maincaller
– very confident calls

Can scrim 2-3 days a week, sometimes more just preferably not Fridays

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:129741393 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined on the beat [6v6 Fun Team] hr
Joined adios amigo [6v6] hr
Left It's all Gucci baby [6v6] meth0d
Left Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] meth0d
Joined It's all Gucci baby [6v6] hr
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left TCM / De-Gnomers / THE BOYS [6v6] meth0d
Joined TCM / De-Gnomers / THE BOYS [6v6] Silver Tosspot
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Left soldier mains can aim [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Joined soldier mains can aim [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Left cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] meth0d
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] ixy
Joined cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] Feyne
Left B-HAVE [6v6] meth0d
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Feyne
Left Absent [6v6] meth0d
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left B-HAVE [6v6] meth0d
Joined Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Left Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] meth0d
Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Joined Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club [6v6] Ecophagy
Left Gun Art [Highlander] meth0d
Left MTF.Gaming [6v6] meth0d
Joined Gun Art [Highlander] Yuval
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] meth0d
Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] meth0d
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] hr
Joined MTF.Gaming [6v6] Feyne

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 4 620
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View High 34 997
View High 35 1320
View High 8 497


  1. cobz said:

    best method eu

  2. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Nice guy wish he will be in my team :)) good luck!!

  3. Fuzz... said:

    what a shitter, 10/10

  4. Relior: hf said:

    better than j0ly (shit storm inc)

  5. hr said:

    I’ve known him quite a long time, merced many times for mtf in recent times and played a lot of mixes with him, he has improved a lot over the time I’ve known him and should be capable of playing d4.

  6. Sam said:

    He is really tall in real life and looks like Harry Styles apparently. All you need in a D4 roamer. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2pOyQltQBE]Get him in the team.[/url]

  7. wardemon: myx said:

    great roamer and great comms, credit to any team =)

  8. Feyne: NASA said:

    really good vocal roamer with sick dm, had good times with him :) <3 harry styles