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Staff Changes, a short PSA on Demo Requests and Wednesday Evening Bans

Date September 1, 2021

Staff Changes

We would like to announce that Germany Jonez, Belgium EASY, and Latvia Axio have successfully completed their League Admin trials. Germany Jack has also completed his trial period as a site coder.
And finally, the Anti-Cheat team will include Denmark Jortand in our ranks as a full staff member.

PSA on Demo Requests

Recently we have received a couple of requests about players not receiving emails when demos have been requested or general admin comments were posted on a matchpage. In most of these cases it turns out that the team leaders and deputies did not enable the option “Send Email Notifications” in their profile dashboard, or their email was not current anymore. Even if you are not a leader or deputy in your current team, you should still consider leaving this feature enabled for the future. If you need to change your email address, please open a League Admin request on our Discord as you cannot change it yourself.

Furthermore, we will use this post to remind you that you are required to keep all of your demos from official matches until the wrap-up post of the season has been published!



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Highlander Season 25 – Premiership Qualifiers and Preseason Cup Polls

Date August 29, 2021

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Due to their performance in the past season, Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!, Poland Feila eSports slim shady edition and Poland inVision will keep their Premiership spots, as well as European SENSATION being promoted due to their placement in Division 1 last season. Meanwhile, the remaining signups will have to go through qualifiers.

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Season 39: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores

Date August 22, 2021

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Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 39th Season of ETF2L 6v6.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams you are expected to be available. If you fail to provide information, or it is insufficient, we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days if for example none of the days matches with your opponent’s, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.

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Announcing Highlander Season 25 and Preseason Cup

Date August 17, 2021

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Announcing Highlander Season 25 and Preseason Cup!

All the information regarding Highlander Season 25 and the Preseason Cup can either be found in this newspost, or will be released shortly!

The tier systems that we use will be fully dependent on the final signup numbers.

>>>> Sign up now! <<<<

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Highlander Season 24 – Wrap-up

Date August 17, 2021

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Highlander Season 24 – Wrap-up

With Highlander Season 25 fast approaching we would like to honour the winners of Season 24 and wrap up the season. Congratulations to Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! for winning this season’s Premiership tier!.

The winning squad is composed of:

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