6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games: Sponsor Update, Poll Results and Staff Changes
January 23, 2022
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Sponsor Update
As you might have noticed in the title of this post we have a sponsor update to share. The team behind the TF2 competition for Copenhagen Games will sponsor 6 tickets to the LAN for the team winning Premiership this season. Good luck to all Premiership teams in their effort to secure these tickets.
Poll Results
Earlier this week some polls were published in order to decide on a couple potential changes for the upcoming season. The results were the following:
Should 6v6 season 41 be played with the iron bomber plugin? (reducing it’s pipe hitbox to that of the default grenade launcher)
- Yes: 57.4%
- No: 29.9%
- Ban Iron Bomber completely: 12.8%
Based on these results the season will be played using the Iron bomber plugin setting it’s hitbox to 4.0 (sm_override_pipe_size 4.0). These changes were already in the configs for the preseason cup and will thus remain the same.
Should the rule around golden cap scoring on koth be reverted? (not awarding full points for a 3:2 victory)
- 3:2 or 2:3 score should give 2 points to the winner and 1 point to the loser: 45.6%
- 3:2 or 2:3 score should give 3 points to the winner and no points to the loser: 54.5%
2.2. Maps
KOTH (King Of The Hill)
There is no time limit. A win limit of 3 rounds (mp_winlimit 3) is set. The first team to win three rounds in the map wins.
If the final score of a KOTH map has a difference of only 1 point (i.e 3-2, 2-3), it is classified as a “Golden Cap” result, with the winner being the team who won 3 rounds.When submitting results of any kind, please remember to tick the Golden Cap checkbox if the map’s score was decided by a “Golden Cap”.
What version of cp_metalworks should be played in season 41?
- cp_metalworks: 28.3%
- cp_metalworks_f2: 71.7%
With this result the mappool for the season is final as cp_metalworks_f2 will be used.
Staff changes
seeds and
Lowenzahn have decided to leave the league admin team. We wish them the best in their future endavours.