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Poland Sinned

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SteamID76561198005715080 Add Friend
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Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Sinned
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Sinned
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Sinned
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Sinned
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Sinned
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] TBE pez
Left ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] Sinned
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Radzik
Joined ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Joined Strefa Gier Beta [Highlander] Sinned
Left Guns N`Horses [6v6] Sinned
Joined Guns N`Horses [6v6] Sinned
Left nazwa_grupy [6v6] Sinned
Joined nazwa_grupy [6v6] F22

Matches Played

This player played in 15 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 1 (Division 6G) outgunned Karmazynowe Bractwo 6 - 0
Season 14 powered by Twitch [Archives]
Week 3 (Division 5H) Not Neutral Karmazynowe Bractwo 2 - 4
Week 4 (Division 5H) addict! eSports Karmazynowe Bractwo 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 5H) :D Karmazynowe Bractwo 6 - 0
NA Rules Cup - LOW [Archives]
Semi-Final Trolling Bunnies BLUE Karmazynowe Bractwo 6 - 0
Quarter Final addict! eSports dolan. Karmazynowe Bractwo 0 - 6
One Night Cup: cp_toxic - Low Bracket [Archives]
Quarter Final Karmazynowe Bractwo BigBluntGaming 2 - 1
Round 1 addict! eSports dolan. Karmazynowe Bractwo 0 - 3
One Night Cup: Saffron Unlocks [Archives]
Round 2 Karmazynowe Bractwo The Enigma Zone Crew 0 - 3
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 6D) Karmazynowe Bractwo Entropy Team 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 6D) Karmazynowe Bractwo Devil's Tears 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 6D) Karmazynowe Bractwo Delta. | Powered by eFantazja.eu 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 6D) Karmazynowe Bractwo No Talent 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 6D) Karmazynowe Bractwo mentos. E-Sports 6 - 0
EO#6: Medigun Cup - Low Bracket [Archives]
Round 1 Mistral.Tt Guns N`Horses 3 - 0