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CzechRepublic Visimar!

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561198007893602 Add Friend
Classes PlayedSoldier
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Left Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] gedu
Left Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz [Highlander] kpstk
Joined Ten Minutes Game [6v6] Xogos
Left tf2pickup.cz [6v6] kpstk
Joined Lets BOMB IT [6v6 Fun Team] Xogos
Joined Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz [Highlander] kpstk
Left exitus// tryhards [Highlander] Visimar!
Joined tf2pickup.cz [6v6] TooM
Left cruel.Beasts [6v6] Visimar!
Joined cruel.Beasts [6v6] tomholland83
Left Ohnive Prdele [6v6] Visimar!
Left Czech Republic [National 6v6 Team] misha YB`g
Joined Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] Sockx
Joined Ohnive Prdele [6v6] mAjKee
Left Team Biceps [6v6] Visimar!
Left Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] misha YB`g
Joined Czech Republic [National 6v6 Team] Rok0s
Joined Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] misha YB`g
Left Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] Rok0s
Joined Team Biceps [6v6] tms
Left Ohnive Prdele [6v6] Visimar!
Joined Ohnive Prdele [6v6] Visimar!
Left Spasticity gaming [6v6] Visimar!
Joined Spasticity gaming [6v6] Visimar!
Left czur [6v6 Fun Team] Visimar!
Joined czur [6v6 Fun Team] Visimar!
Left Premium Gaming [6v6] Visimar!
Joined Czech Republic [National Highlander Team] Visimar!
Joined exitus// tryhards [Highlander] Visimar!
Joined Premium Gaming [6v6] Visimar!
Left eXitus team [6v6] Visimar!
Joined eXitus team [6v6] Visimar!

Matches Played

This player played in 79 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
Highlander Season 13 [Archives]
Week 5 (Open) Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz EZ4WHOA 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz Heroes and zeros: One night warriors 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) Throwyotech 2.0 Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz 0 - 6
Week 1 (Open) Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz Stonks 0 - 6
Season 27 [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) tf2pickup.cz Bare grills 6 - 0
Week 5 (Open) tf2pickup.cz Spanish Rockets 0 - 6
Week 4 (Open) Infinities tf2pickup.cz 3 - 3
Week 3 (Open) tf2pickup.cz Hop 3 - 3
Week 1 (Open) tf2pickup.cz FlyBoys 3 - 3
One Night Cup: Episode 2 The Whitelist [Archives]
Round 1 (Open J) crab o nicem nevi Kimo and Da Kidz 3 - 0
One Night Cup: Episode 1 The Maps [Archives]
Round 3 (Open C) tf2pickup.cz Weedmaps eSports 0 - 3
Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) cruel.Beasts Harmful Hamsters 6 - 0
Week 6 (Open) cruel.Beasts The Worst Game Ever 0 - 6
Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) TURNUP Ohnive Prdele 3 - 3
Week 6 (Mid) FG eSports Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 5 (Mid) Ohnive Prdele High Intensity Videogaming 6 - 0
Week 4 (Mid) Ohnive Prdele Yeezus Fanclub 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) Ohnive Prdele clanda 3 - 3
Week 2 (Mid) Ohnive Prdele 66 Degrees North 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) Fakin Ritar eSports Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) PHEMXX Team Biceps 6 - 0
Week 6 (Mid) Whitelist.tf Ohnive Prdele 3 - 3
Week 5 (Mid) Ohnive Prdele Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid) Team Biceps Ohnive Prdele 1 - 5
Week 3 (Mid) Team Biceps Jumpers Incorporated 3 - 3
Week 3 (Mid) clanda Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 2 (Mid) PHEMXX Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) IDM Ohnive Prdele 0 - 6
Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 1 (Division 4E) KRASAVA Team Biceps 0 - 6
Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Group Phase [Archives]
Round 2 (Group B) Czech Republic United Arab Emirates 6 - 0
Round 3 (Group B) Czech Republic Belgium 0 - 6
Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 5H) projizz Team Biceps 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 5H) Team Biceps Def.Win Hunters 3 - 3
Week 5 (Division 5H) Team Biceps Irish Shite 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 5H) Team Biceps Monkey-Gamers 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 5H) Team Biceps Sturminators 3 - 3
Week 2 (Division 5H) Team Biceps MTF.Gaming 4 - 2
Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 3C) Foreskings Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 6 (Division 3C) Ohnive Prdele Voitolla Yöhön 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 3C) Ohnive Prdele International Special Force 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 3C) killSwitch Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 3C) Big Black Brothers Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 3C) KOALAPUNCH Ohnive Prdele 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 3C) prfsnl gmr Ohnive Prdele 3 - 3
Season 16 powered by BlackOut Gaming [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 4F) Ohnive Prdele Playmate 3 - 3
Week 7 (Division 4F) Ohnive Prdele rest in pizza 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 4F) The Enigma Zone Crew Ohnive Prdele 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 4F) czuraci Ohnive Prdele 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 4F) Ohnive Prdele Partyvan 5 - 1
Week 2 (Division 4F) Popescu Esports powered by Razer & Intel Ohnive Prdele 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 4F) GoT.love Ohnive Prdele 0 - 6
Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 4A) Ohnive Prdele Good Manners 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 3A) czur Gunslingers ♣ 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 3A) czur euroslayers 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 4A) Gra4i Ohnive Prdele 2 - 4
Week 2 (Division 4A) Ohnive Prdele SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 4A) Autistic Justice Chums Ohnive Prdele 5 - 1
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming [Archives]
Week 4 (Division 5B) Highnine Crusaders 0 - 6
Season 14 powered by Twitch [Archives]
Week 2 (Division 4A) czur Fenneks eSports 3 - 3
Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 4E) Team epx^ Premium Gaming 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 4E) Premium Gaming Pretty Penny 3 - 3
Week 2 (Division 4E) Premium Gaming üBearz 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 4E) Continuity Premium Gaming 5 - 1
Week 1 (Division 4E) Premium Gaming Team Colonslash 1 - 5
Experimental Highlander cup #2 - Low [Archives]
Quarter Final Partyvan exitus// tryhards 3 - 0
Round 1 Osmoz' exitus// tryhards 0 - 3
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 4 (Division 4D) CzurEx Who Dares Wins 6 - 0
Season 11 [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 5I) cleveridiot Premium Gaming 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 5I) Premium Gaming Full Aim Control 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 5I) Premium Gaming Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs 4 - 2
Week 3 (Division 5I) Grow uP Gaming Premium Gaming 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 5I) Premium Gaming Team Trinitas 6 - 0
One Night Cup: Croissant! MID [Archives]
Round 1 Team Frequency Premium Gaming 3 - 0
Season 10! [Archives]
Week 5 (Division 6i) Premium Gaming Old Skool Talent 6 - 0
Week 7 (Division 6i) Döner Kebap.TF2 Premium Gaming 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 6i) Premium Gaming Soupy twisd! 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 6i) Premium Gaming TF Wiki: Sparklebros 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 6i) Premium Gaming Evil Geniuses Team 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 6i) Premium Gaming Team Trinitas 6 - 0

Forum Activity

This user has not posted anything yet.