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Spain no0ne

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561197974927443 Add Friend
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Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined La Girafe [6v6] SmoKe
Left 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] longas
Joined 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] Taimou
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] no0ne
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] no0ne
Left Arx Imperators [6v6] no0ne
Joined Arx Imperators [6v6] no0ne
Left knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Joined knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Left Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] no0ne
Joined Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Hack Limit 2 [6v6] no0ne
Joined Hack Limit 2 [6v6] phy-
Left Mister [6v6] longas
Joined Mister [6v6] longas
Left knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Joined knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Left knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Joined knock0ut [6v6] no0ne
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] darkman
Left Mister [6v6] no0ne
Joined Mister [6v6] longas
Left Ace of Spades [6v6] no0ne
Joined Ace of Spades [6v6] no0ne
Left Project X [6v6] no0ne
Joined Project X [6v6] eviLRaptor
Left DementeD [6v6] CloveR
Joined DementeD [6v6] CloveR
Left Late Night [6v6] wino
Joined Late Night [6v6] no0ne

Matches Played

This player played in 20 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
Season 11 [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 1) La Girafe Quarantine 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 1) Punchline La Girafe 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 1) International Secret Intelligence Servic La Girafe 2 - 4
Week 4 (Division 1) La Girafe Last Man Standing 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 1) eQuilibrium La Girafe 6 - 0
Season 10! [Archives]
Week 4 (Division 1a) unexist The Devils Rejects 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 1a) smooth criminals The Devils Rejects 3 - 3
Week 5 (Division 1a) We won all games in prem The Devils Rejects 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 1a) The Devils Rejects Trick17 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 4c) Arx Imperators MeGusta 6 - 0
Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries [Archives]
Playoffs (Premier Division) Mister Yoyotech 0 - 6
Playoffs (Premier Division) FakkelBrigade Mister 5 - 4
Week 9 (Premier Division) Mister Relic 1 - 5
Week 9 (Division 2a) knock0ut International Secret Intelligence Servic 2 - 4
Week 8 (Division 2a) STRIP knock0ut 2 - 4
Week 7 (Division 2a) Knights knock0ut 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 2a) knock0ut International Special Force 4 - 2
Week 4 (Division 2a) knock0ut Team Fruit 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 2a) knock0ut breeze 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 2a) The Devils Rejects knock0ut 0 - 6

Forum Activity

Spaniard by lefa Replied
How it all began Replied