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Estonia kharlu

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561198371086609 Add Friend
Classes Played
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Left $muffins$ [2v2] pie
Joined I can't juuuump [6v6] spirit
Left Monkey Village [6v6] kharlu
Joined $muffins$ [2v2] mysteriu
Left Wicked Lotus [2v2] kharlu
Joined Wicked Lotus [2v2] feasty
Left Ba$tard Munchen [2v2] Kabbir
Joined Monkey Village [6v6] spirit
Left TOYOTA [6v6] kharlu
Joined TOYOTA [6v6] kharlu
Left We bring the BOOM! [6v6] qBowN∼
Joined We bring the BOOM! [6v6] staec
Joined Ba$tard Munchen [2v2] Kabbir
Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] kharlu
Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
Left MCDONALDS [6v6] kharlu
Left Team 6v6 [6v6] kharlu
Joined Team 6v6 [6v6] kharlu
Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] kharlu
Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
Left Kabul eSports [6v6] kharlu
Joined Kabul eSports [6v6] seri
Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] kharlu
Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
Left Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] kharlu
Joined Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Left wammy's ducklings [6v6] kharlu
Left Avangard [Highlander] kharlu
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left neoWise [Highlander] tuna
Joined wammy's ducklings [6v6] quadreff
Left cl4pers : reborn [6v6] kharlu
Joined neoWise [Highlander] tuna
Joined cl4pers : reborn [6v6] gugle
Left 7up [6v6] kharlu
Left Double Clutch [Highlander] CacTus
Joined 7up [6v6] rumi
Left comfy in my jammies [6v6] kharlu
Joined Double Clutch [Highlander] CacTus
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] varnu
Joined comfy in my jammies [6v6] guapdaddy4000
Left DuckDuck [6v6] kharlu
Joined DuckDuck [6v6] rumi
Left ESA invite [6v6] portarto
Joined ESA invite [6v6] portarto
Left DoubleStick [6v6] dxmhbr
Joined DoubleStick [6v6] dxmhbr

Matches Played

This player played in 53 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024) [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 3) Midnight 6s Monkey Village 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 3) Monkey Village We Windows 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 3) Monkey Village nordicRegime 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 3) Monkey Village VVVtech 0 - 6
6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024) [Archives]
Week 6 (Low) Monolith Monkey Village 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) Monkey Village Fish 12 1 - 5
Week 4 (Low) Monkey Village Muutos 2011 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Monkey Village Part2 4 - 2
Week 2 (Low) Monkey Village No Name Needed 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) dropem(FAKEONE) Monkey Village 6 - 0
Ultiduo Cup #7 [Archives]
Round 7 (Group Stage) LOS BAYE 200M Ba$tard Munchen 5 - 1
Round 6 (Group Stage) Ba$tard Munchen youngs 3 - 3
Round 4 (Group Stage) Bata E-Sports Ba$tard Munchen 4 - 2
Round 3 (Group Stage) Ba$tard Munchen SpeedUncles99 3 - 3
Round 2 (Group Stage) PLEASE CLARIFY Ba$tard Munchen 0 - 6
Round 1 (Group Stage) Ba$tard Munchen BRIMSTONE + MOMS KNIFE 6 - 0
6v6 Winter Showdown 2023 [Archives]
Week 6 (Mid) A Totally French Team_morocco -menwithnolegs- 6 - 0
6v6 Season 42 Preseason Cup: Low Playoffs [Archives]
Final wammy's ducklings $AINT BLACK 0 - 6
Semi-Final wammy's ducklings PBS 6s 3 - 0
Quarter Final wammy's ducklings You've Been Framed 3 - 0
6v6 Season 42: Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Low C) Local Issues wammy's ducklings 0 - 3
Round 2 (Low C) Alles Door Oefening Den Haag wammy's ducklings 0 - 3
Round 1 (Low C) wammy's ducklings tf_bot_add 6 3 - 0
6v6 Season 42 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) wammy's ducklings Local Issues 6 - 0
Week 6 (Low) wammy's ducklings Alles Door Oefening Den Haag 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) Midnight 6s wammy's ducklings 3 - 3
Week 4 (Low) but here's the kicker wammy's ducklings 0 - 6
Week 2 (Low) Freaky Blinders wammy's ducklings 5 - 1
6v6 Season 41: Low Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Finals cl4pers : reborn permiership 0 - 6
6v6 Season 41 Preseason Cup: Low Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Finals cl4pers : reborn APT 0 - 3
6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) cl4pers : reborn permiership 1 - 5
Week 6 (Low) cl4pers : reborn czernosi 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) cl4pers : reborn Sunes disciples 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) peaky blinders #Kovaaksgrind cl4pers : reborn 5 - 1
Week 3 (Low) cl4pers : reborn 6 Friends Offline 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) cl4pers : reborn Vanha Suola 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) BIRDGANG cl4pers : reborn 3 - 3
Highlander Season 25 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Open A) Double Clutch LELE 3 - 0
Round 1 (Open A) Avangard Double Clutch 0 - 3
Highlander Season 25: Low & Open [Archives]
Week 3 (Open) Double Clutch The Old Crew 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) Double Clutch Only4Word 6 - 0
Week 2 (Open) Double Clutch ГДБОП 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) LELE Double Clutch 0 - 6
6v6 Season 39: Open Playoffs [Archives]
Semi-Finals comfy in my jammies Alles Door Oefening Den Haag 0 - 6
Quarter Finals comfy in my jammies MakeShift Alliance 6 - 3
6v6 Season 39 [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) comfy in my jammies BEANSPORTS 4 - 2
Week 6 (Open) Team Slayers comfy in my jammies 4 - 2
Week 5 (Open) comfy in my jammies Killed In Motion 3 - 3
Week 4 (Open) comfy in my jammies $AINT BLACK 5 - 1
Week 3 (Open) Toasty comfy in my jammies 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) comfy in my jammies Deshio's Personal Sphere 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) comfy in my jammies Choke ya later 6 - 0
Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 1 (Open) ESA invite The Brigade! 0 - 6

Forum Activity

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