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Weekly TF2 Articles by Shintaz

Created 6th May 2013 @ 17:21

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I like team analysis. Stuff like what teams are specialised in (flank pushes, reliant on sniper, engage scout late in fights, off-class happy, soldier/scout focused etc), plus gauges or stars to rate it with. The latter isn’t necessary but I’m a dork so I like that stuff.

Last edited by accless,



Quoted from Admirable

I think a good opener would be something giving an overview of TF2 and how you got drawn in to playing competitively. Your personal story with the game and the characteristics of the game and the scene that kept you interested for so long. Not necessarily detailed at all, but more about the emotions the competitive game evokes or the buttons it pushes.

But I understand shintaz was more on the giving side of button pushing



Quoted from ilike2spin

I think how to make and lead a team would be a great article, similar to the Jimmybreeze article ages ago about personalities and that.

There are a lot of players looking for teams and not enough people with the balls to make them or the willpower to make it stick together,

The ratio of sheep to shepherds is at all times high. Some inspiring leader propaganda definitely would not go amiss.



tell us how to be good @ video games plz shintard



bring back poops blog plx


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

An overview of all the possible TF2 meta/mini games you can play! Scunting, scouttag, the heavy on bball one, blind crit sniping, etc xD


how many possible look combinations you can get from hats/misc items

❤ :3


Hey dude,

From the perspective of someone knowing the competitive scene, I always enjoy knowing how top teams evolve and what’s happening in terms of games being played. How these teams adopt certain strategies and why they work or not. There are many more things that could be added. Some of them have already been mentioned and the rest seem to be very specific based on the individual.

In terms of being new to a game, I obviously want you to tell me why that game is awesome enough to be played. If there is a comp scene, how does it work and briefly how I can be into it. Where can I find content or helpful links (preferably well presented information).

In terms of how one writes, presents the information, I will definitely enjoy something one is passionate about and can transmit that motivation in my direction.
General information regarding a game can be found elsewhere easily. The players point of vue is what really gets me.

Anyway, I’m too wasted to keep on writing.



The rise and fall of comp tf2 as an actual esport.

I wasnt really into the scene at the point where big esport teams were sponsoring the top teams and flying them to lans but I would love to hear about the glory days of tf2, what point do you think was the absolute peak of tf2.

What the fuck is up with that dignitas lan card video, did the top teams get a salary, how fast did that explode and what lead to the downfall of tf2 as an big esport? Was it all just teams dipping their toes into tf2 or was there actual potential? Was it something inherent to tf2 or was it because fps just fell off after sc2 and lol.

Seriously the early days of tf2, what strats were popular and why, how did the balance change, what was the first big lan/tournament like?

Last edited by dodgydogman,


Quoted from rytis

bring back poops blog plx


Quoted from dodgydogman

The rise and fall of comp tf2 as an actual esport.

I wasnt really into the scene at the point where big esport teams were sponsoring the top teams and flying them to lans but I would love to hear about the glory days of tf2, what point do you think was the absolute peak of tf2.

What the fuck is up with that dignitas lan card video, did the top teams get a salary, how fast did that explode and what lead to the downfall of tf2 as an big esport? Was it all just teams dipping their toes into tf2 or was there actual potential? Was it something inherent to tf2 or was it because fps just fell off after sc2 and lol.

Seriously the early days of tf2, what strats were popular and why, how did the balance change, what was the first big lan/tournament like?

The glory days never really happened. Lmao.



Quoted from dodgydogman

The rise and fall of comp tf2 as an actual esport.

I wasnt really into the scene at the point where big esport teams were sponsoring the top teams and flying them to lans but I would love to hear about the glory days of tf2, what point do you think was the absolute peak of tf2.

What the fuck is up with that dignitas lan card video, did the top teams get a salary, how fast did that explode and what lead to the downfall of tf2 as an big esport? Was it all just teams dipping their toes into tf2 or was there actual potential? Was it something inherent to tf2 or was it because fps just fell off after sc2 and lol.

Seriously the early days of tf2, what strats were popular and why, how did the balance change, what was the first big lan/tournament like?

tf2 was never an esport what are you talking about lol





Give me a ping when you’ve published an article so I can make a little teaser post on VanillaTF2 linking to your article.

Introduction to competitive TF2 (what it’s about, WHY it’s a good game, brief ‘favourite experiences’ and WHY YOU SHOULD PLAY IT TOO!)
Interviews with ‘unknown guys’ [still unsure on this one, will see how other articles turn out]
Own perspective – my journey and how TF2 has changed
Top-level gameplay guides (I’m looking into videos, but a lot of people already have that covered [oite crack clan])
How to ‘make and lead’ a team (not much personal experience, but I can definitely give an opinion on it)

There’s a shortlist I have for the next few days(/weeks, depending on how much revision I’ve got doing).

Much love to y’all, big love going to you Arie. xoxo

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