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Weekly TF2 Articles by Shintaz

Created 6th May 2013 @ 17:21

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Ask questions Wednesday 29th – Tuesday 4th. I’ll do my best to answer any and every question in next weeks article


I’ve recently been added to a writing team of a website all about video gaammeeezzz (it’s a general gaming news/opinion/reviews kinda thing, not a rival website to ETF2L or VanillaTF2 or whatever), and I’m going to start off my time by writing TF2 related articles, because TF2 is what I know best (inb4 “rofl ye right shintaz get outta here you pos”)

What I’m here to ask you is: what would you want from a TF2 article? I could go from in-depth (mostly scout) guides, to interviews with the top boys (if you haven’t already had enough of them – possibly group interviews?), to “My life in the TF2 community”, to any NEW suggestions you all have! What would YOU like to see?

Thanks in advance for the answers boyos, don’t let me down xoxoxoxo

TF2 articles
http://www.unigamesity.com/tf2-wednesdays-an-introduction-to-competitive-team-fortress-part-1/ – My intro to comp [1]
http://www.unigamesity.com/tf2-wednesdays-an-introduction-to-competitive-team-fortress-part-2/ – My intro to comp [2]
http://www.unigamesity.com/tf2-wednesdays-why-do-you-like-competitive-tf2/ – Prem to Div 6 answer the same question

Frag Video Fridays (not just a TF2 section)
http://www.unigamesity.com/frag-video-fridays-prem/ (PREM by Cube)
http://www.unigamesity.com/frag-video-fridays-dahang-2010/ (DaHanG 2010 by Torn Productions)

Other articles

Last edited by Shintaz,



I wanna see you get punched in the face.

edit: some interviews with the unknown guys, div 4-5 players – how did they get into competitive tf2 etc.

Maybe you could give your perspective on things, how has the top-scene changed over the years and so on.

Last edited by Old_Grandma,

Spike Himself


Interviews get boring quickly – our scene is too small. Everyone already knows every div1+ player and the general public doesn’t care about anyone below div1. That said, upcoming players, if you can spot them, definitely deserve some attention, but I don’t think that makes for very interesting articles..

The only thing the grand public wants to know is “how do i get good”, so I guess an article with tips and tricks might make for a good read.


Last edited by Spike Himself,



Quoted from Old_Grandma

Some interviews with the unknown guys, div 4-5 players – how did they get into competitive tf2 etc.

Maybe you could give your perspective on things, how has the top-scene changed over the years and so on.

^ this


If its a very general site you can start off explaining the differences to normal public play (in a short description) and show why the 6v6 mode is worth playing. Inserting a link to a good fragvid might help at this point. Point out the variety of strategies you can develop using mumble comms and point out some ways to get into 6v6. And dont hate on highlander because loads of people will disregard everything you say if you do.

Last edited by SHIN,



How to get sick backstabs on Dunc in lan finals






engi guides plz


Quoted from Shintaz

I could go from in-depth (mostly scout) guides, to interviews with the top boys (if you haven’t already had enough of them – possibly group interviews?), to “My life in the TF2 community”

All of these would be great to see.

What website is it btw?

Keep ’em coming guys, everything is being noted and taken into consideration. I’ll try to pump out a few articles in the next few days in between exams (don’t worry, exams are taking a huge priority – I ain’t gonna fail, I got it covered).

Edit: Taro, the website in question is this: http://www.unigamesity.com/
As you can see, it’s not well established yet, but I’m hoping to get a good amount of views for my articles (considering I get paid per view). Mostly, I’m doing it for something to put on my CV (like, no shit), because I have no work experience.

Also, writing about something you enjoy for a little bit of dosh is pretty sound.

Last edited by Shintaz,



I think how to make and lead a team would be a great article, similar to the Jimmybreeze article ages ago about personalities and that.

There are a lot of players looking for teams and not enough people with the balls to make them or the willpower to make it stick together,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

i assume the usual visitors of this website have no idea about competitive TF2 so you could make a write up about how competitive TF2 is played (history of TF2, Game Modes, How to get into it etc)


(Toucan Ambassador)

I think a good opener would be something giving an overview of TF2 and how you got drawn in to playing competitively. Your personal story with the game and the characteristics of the game and the scene that kept you interested for so long. Not necessarily detailed at all, but more about the emotions the competitive game evokes or the buttons it pushes.



Quoted from Admirable

I think a good opener would be something giving an overview of TF2 and how you got drawn in to playing competitively. Your personal story with the game and the characteristics of the game and the scene that kept you interested for so long. Not necessarily detailed at all, but more about the emotions the competitive game evokes or the buttons it pushes.

I concur



Interview with Lacke the big up and coming solly

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