
BBC Panorama - Addicted to Gaming

Created 6th December 2010 @ 19:39

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Quoted from Mordi


I hope you’re not any of these sweaty people playin 20 hours a day..

Haha ye and still div 4!



Quoted from Black_Bob

Im sitting there with a pint :P

Fairly high probability of that being the case eh Bob?


(Toucan Ambassador)

Actually one of the more reasonable “gaming” documentaries I’ve seen.

The only part that made me actually laugh out loud was the console addict guy suggesting the cure was to go out and get bladdered :D



In summary:

– koreans 2srs.
– low IQ / mentally retarded people should not be allowed to purchase games.
– addictive personalities get addicted. Some really unexpected shit.
– Burak has beautiful eyes and a great poker face.
– Gingers speak absolute bullshit.

Last edited by GibbZ,



Quoted from Admirable

Actually one of the more reasonable “gaming” documentaries I’ve seen.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Admirable


Any average parent I know would interpret this documentary as “games = bad. kids mustn’t play!”. It had that little bias towards game-haters about it. “Food for trolls” if you will.




darn is doomed.


As with anything in life anything played to an extreme level has knock-on effects on the other side, when you excessively play or do something the body is not going to like the other end of the spectrum sometimes it’s not just the body but it’s also the mind.

This documentary only showed the negative affects to gaming but then again it’s supposed to it’s a documentary by Panorama. For those that have watched other documentaries by them it’s always in a negative to positive state type of arguement they approach, they do it in a way to engage the viewer to make them either doubt or think twice about what they are doing OR what their children are doing. It’s a very smart way it looks one sided but I agree with what Admirable said considering it was about gaming that wasn’t half bad.

Think it’s fair to say regardless of this documentary, to kids out there gaming is not everything, it’s a hobby and should be treated like one (not an addiction). The state of mind is only set from the environment it is set in (day in day out), that’s assuming you don’t have any psychotic genes in your blood related family to go out and kill people just because you’ve seen it on some game.

What I’m saying is if you keep playing games excessively for a long period during the day every day, you won’t notice it but your behaviour changes, as to how you look after yourself (hygiene) how disciplined you become (i.e. being lazy ‘cba’) how uneducated you become (children/ppl skipping college or school?) and so on many other properties.

Not bad for Panorama *for once* =)

Anyway my two cents.





Just watched it, made me laugh.

Nice to see Peter in the crowd at i40 and that skyride has now given up mw2 on the xbox.

Quoted from byte

What I’m saying is if you keep playing games excessively for a long period during the day every day, you won’t notice it but your behaviour changes, as to how you look after yourself (hygiene) how disciplined you become (i.e. being lazy ‘cba’) how uneducated you become (children/ppl skipping college or school?) and so on many other properties.

My name is Fluffy Meowington and I’m addicted to videogames.

I have to say, the hygiene bit is a bit of a double-edged sword, I’ve gone weeks without showering, yes, but only because I didn’t leave my home. I wouldn’t even dream of leaving the house unwashed and smelly. Laziness…I can’t really say much about that as I have always been the laziest person I’ve ever known about, to the point where I’d miss a court hearing because I was too lazy (or drunk, don’t remember which) to take public transportation to get there (:D) etc, even before gaming.

The things I have noticed are: vastly increased sense of smell and hearing, attention-span has lowered to about 2 minutes (if I’m really interested), sun makes my eyes hurt (and it doesn’t get better anymore, it’s not a matter of adjusting to it), it is very possible to sleep for 19 hours, couches are clearly not designed to cater for the needs of hardcore gamers who sit on them 18 hours a day for 4 years, and my gross spending habits by far exceed my income.

Imo the biggest danger with a gaming addiction is that it’s just so goddamn fun. You might overdose and…laugh?
So, even after doing the gaming thing for several years I found it to be almost no problem to pick life right back up, start exercising, etc. One could say I’m the exception there, but you wouldn’t say that if you knew me. I could get addicted to drinking milk.

I may have lost my train of throught a few words into the post and it may not be related to the quote at all anymore, don’t remember and cba to read again.

Last edited by Fluffy Meowington,


What always troubles me with this kind of movies is the bias on total misconception what is really going on.

What is really happening is that children have unemphatic parents that abuse them emotionally or physically. Then they get brainwashed with boring facts for 12 years of their lives in schools. If they are bored and uninterested they call it ADHD. Then when their life is a mess and they are bored to death they are doing some selfmedication. They search for ways to keep their live livable. They are gonna drink, sex, game, smoke, blow, gamble or whatever.

Even if the makers of the show achieve what they want and they cure people from gaming addiction they get addicted to something else. In fact gaming addiction from all addictions is the least harmful you can think of. It doesnt cost a lot of money, it doesnt give you serious medical problems for the rest of your life, it only costs some time. If they really cared about those people they would suggest a good therapist instead of sucking their last fun out of their life.

All addiction based policies is already busted 30 years ago. But off course it was in total contrast of what 99% of the population wanted to believe so nobody knows about it. But here is the link:



Quoted from Fluffy Meowington

I have to say, the hygiene bit is a bit of a double-edged sword, I’ve gone weeks without showering, yes, but only because I didn’t leave my home.




just watched. Pretty boring. But it’s nice promo for the WOW tbh.


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from Waster

What always troubles me with this kind of movies is the bias on total misconception what is really going on.

Even if the makers of the show achieve what they want and they cure people from gaming addiction they get addicted to something else.

All addiction based policies is already busted 30 years ago. But off course it was in total contrast of what 99% of the population wanted to believe so nobody knows about it. But here is the link:

So true… It’s always been like this. People are more interested in battling symptoms, cause looking at actual causes and trying to fix that is too complex and too much work and doesn’t provide instant results. For instance, you can’t have a “cool” war on drugs when you consider this paradigm to be true. And nobody wants to blame the parents of the kids when they can just point their fingers at something they are not familiar with.

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