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Why don't people like yukon?

Created 10th September 2010 @ 13:36

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(Cat Enthusiast)

Brown. Brown everywhere. No variety at all :( I often get lost playing it at pubs

Imo, mid is far too open. The routes to 2nd are far too cramped, as are the routes to last. 2nd point makes me claustrophobic, last point is far too open again. Added to that it’s fucking humongous, especially in 6v6.



Shouldn’t the title be changed to “Why do some people like Yukon?”



I really like the map.. As I do like cp_follower alot!

Its not that big if you compare it with badlands for instance. I don’t think they are that different in size.



badlands is structured so it appears smaller, yukon is just open and large with a few cramped choke points thrown in for the sake of competitive play


it’s shit



Last is good, second is ok but ruined by the way you approach it due to retarded mid layout.



I love it. A lot better than: Obscure, Coldfront, Gorge, Fastlane, Well etc.



– Map doesnt have enough obstacles for people to jump or hide
– entrances are too small

Midle is bad:

– too open, makes people base their game in snipers
– cp is is a low position, which only allows you to cap if everyone is dead, otherwise its just easy spam with demo and soldier

Cp 2/4:

– Layout is okish there, even tho the places where you have to defend are small

CP 1/5:

– 1 entrance is useless since you cant manage to cross the pipe with the medic, u will need to drop down, which is the same as going on the very right and push on the floor, basicly you have 2 entrances doing the job of one

– Entrances are too far from the cp, in a lower position and easy too spam, making it hard to push

Last edited by Haunter,



i like it


Quoted from Haunter


– Map doesnt have enough obstacles for people to jump or hide
– entrances are too small

Midle is bad:

– too open, makes people base their game in snipers
– cp is is a low position, which only allows you to cap if everyone is dead, otherwise its just easy spam with demo and soldier

Cp 2/4:

– Layout is okish there, even tho the places where you have to defend are small

CP 1/5:

– 1 entrance is useless since you cant manage to cross the pipe with the medic, u will need to drop down, which is the same as going on the very right and push on the floor, basicly you have 2 entrances doing the job of one

– Entrances are too far from the cp, in a lower position and easy too spam, making it hard to push



Quoted from xzr

it’s shit


impossible to recap 2nd




Quoted from Haunter


– Map doesnt have enough obstacles for people to jump or hide
– entrances are too small

Midle is bad:

– too open, makes people base their game in snipers
– cp is is a low position, which only allows you to cap if everyone is dead, otherwise its just easy spam with demo and soldier

Cp 2/4:

– Layout is okish there, even tho the places where you have to defend are small

CP 1/5:

– 1 entrance is useless since you cant manage to cross the pipe with the medic, u will need to drop down, which is the same as going on the very right and push on the floor, basicly you have 2 entrances doing the job of one

– Entrances are too far from the cp, in a lower position and easy too spam, making it hard to push


Last edited by LaMqTa,



Quoted from

These are the forums that are highly appreciated by the whole world these are the topics which we are really in need to be discussed to it.

Cool spam.

Yukon’s alright I guess, but it’s too huge.

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