
New freight: yey or nay?

Created 29th April 2010 @ 07:26

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I got used to the old freight and when i played this i really didnt liked it, so thumbs up to the old freight.



old freight + fixed spawntimers + middle cp from freight_final (not 1, so without the train indicators) + 1way resupply = win

freight_final1’s cp2 sucks so much – it should be called cp_labyrinth_where_you_cant_properly_push_left_because_of_a_fucking_plank

Last edited by broesel,



would prefer to see the staircase and walkways reverted in cp2. as it made for a really good rollout and also made attacking and defending cp2 much more exiting imo. the current stairways have no logic to them. why is there an upstairs at all if you need 2 staircases to access all of it? if they were linked again 2 staircases would almost make sense

the current left entrance gives no variety. its just a mirror to the other side. to be blunt about it, its very bland. I dont think it is a bad idea though, maybe keep the left entrance by having the boiler under the stairs explode to create a hole in the wall. that leads up to where the current ramp is in final 1.

Blocking up the doorway on the right might be a good idea but if this is the case then planks across it are not the solution. the whole wall needs reconstructing to incorporate a larger window so that the player can see the cap point when entering the room instead of walking straight past it. i guess my point is it seems strange for players to enter a room only to have to back off into a corner of no return in order to cap the point. you then have to run forwards into a defence if you need to back out.



Maybe the planks should have been one of those one-way doorways as on dustbowl cp 1-2, that still allow you to see through them even when closed.



yey for new freight!



i played it yesterday, didn’t like it. nay.


Played it !

Yey !

Only a thing with the point 2, hard to defend cos of the wood block one door. But love it, love the last point and middles with the ruths



2nd point sucks, last point so much easier to attack to, nay



i like the changes. 2nd point is awesome.


Quoted from baerbel

i like the changes. 2nd point is awesome.

HEY WTF German? I e-mail you and I get no response. What are you doing? I haven’t talked to you since I got married


played it, at the beggining we were a bit lost. Some of us reacted telling that’s map is crap and same forthe opponent team. But it seems at the end all enjoyed it.

Points are really re worked fine. Last point is a pure pleasure. Point 2 and last give more tactics to attack and def


yay! Like the changes.





Quoted from Buffalo Bill


The first point is attacking uphill with obstacles. Reminds me of Omaha Beach :p

Being unseen when attacking first is kinda hard when the roaming Soldier is standing on the covering plate of metal on the top right. He can see both the right entrances and call them with PLENTY of time to spare.

Everyone could see both right entrances just by standing on the point in old freight.

Quoted from wer

[…]Everyone could see both right entrances just by standing on the point in old freight.

That was in response to Jimmy’s post about “just get closer unseen”.

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