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ladder team + league team

Created 22nd October 2009 @ 22:23

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+1 for ladder teams





+1 for ladder teams



Don’t see the point TBH.



So then what happens when the losing team refuses to confirm it?

Sceenshots & #etf2l



Couldnt you just record in your pov demo/stv that you agree its going to be a ladder match on the etf2l ladder in the ingame text with both teams saying yes this is a ranked match.

(then if issues kick up submit that screenshot)



So then what happens when the losing team refuses to confirm it?

Sceenshots & #etf2l

But if it wasn’t pre-arranged as a ladder match then there can be no proof the teams had agreed to make it a ladder official. It’s just a screenshot of a PCW as far as the admins can be concerned.

But yea agreeing on demo could work, though it’s still very messy.

Last edited by kaidus,


The technical reason for this is that we don’t want people to be registered in more than 1 of a particular team type once, so they can’t play for multiple teams in the league or multiple nations teams or whatever. It’d be much more difficult to track people playing for multiple teams if there was no restriction for how many teams they could play in.

This leaves two options, either everyone wanting to play in the ladder makes a new team type (ladder team) and plays with that, or we use the existing league team type.

The latter option is less hassle for existing teams, but i know is shit for those of you whose teams won’t play in the ladder, or are not first team players.

Obviously we don’t care what your position in the ladder is but rather which teams you’ve played. It will help for next season if new teams manage to get some games into the ladder system before the division placements happen.

Regards making PCWs ladder games, surely you can ask your opponent before the match? If they agree you can quickly set up a challenge with the maps you’ve chosen. I’d hardly say it was a lengthy procedure.

Last edited by ST8,



Regards making PCWs ladder games, surely you can ask your opponent before the match? If they agree you can quickly set up a challenge with the maps you’ve chosen. I’d hardly say it was a lengthy procedure.

God, that would take at least….what…2 minutes or so!! Good idea.


vertex »

Regards making PCWs ladder games, surely you can ask your opponent before the match? If they agree you can quickly set up a challenge with the maps you’ve chosen. I’d hardly say it was a lengthy procedure.

Kinda limited with available opponents for that :[ But yeah, it’s very easy to setup a challenge and get it accepted. Can definitely be done in 1-2 minutes max.

Last edited by d2m,


I vote no to seperate teams for league/ladder, unless there will be a button, to mirror league team roster to ladder roster.

or another way to make it as effortless as posible

Can we pick up this discussion again? Would be awesome to slap together a team of good friends and play officials regularly this summer. With a 6v6-league lineup consisting of ~8 poeple you need quite a bit of luck to not having too many away at the same time during the holidays.



i really want to flame someone, but i just cant pick which stupid comment to flame. trollists are so spoilt on these forums



i think you should be able to have another 6v6 team. that is all.


Quoted from Dny

i think you should be able to have another 6v6 team. that is all.

This… When you’re in a team you’re often limited to 1 class. I would love the possibility to play another class for another team.

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