
FaN limited to 2 in S6?

Created 6th September 2009 @ 20:05

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I should’ve left out the too obvious “Koetje” remark and it would’ve worked :(

Life is so unfair.


Gryzor is right.



its obvious that the admins wants to see the FaN banned. we made a poll, poll decided for itself, but yet again they had to do another one, and they’ll do another and another and etc… till FaN gets banned. seriously, l2p with every single weapon.


its obvious that the admins wants to see the FaN banned. we made a poll, poll decided for itself, but yet again they had to do another one, and they’ll do another and another and etc… till FaN gets banned. seriously, l2p with every single weapon.

Yes, that’s totally obvious. You’re right.



Weapon poll: Force-A-Nature

* Limit 1 (44%, 345 Votes)
* Limit 0 (38%, 300 Votes)
* Limit 2 (18%, 136 Votes)


and since the ban is winning now it shows that there was a lot of confusion around the previous poll, proving what exactly?
I still don’t think a poll should decide, but I can understand why they’d choose to do it like this. Since the poll is a close call atm the admins would have been held responsible for pissing off nearly half the community.


and since the ban is winning now

It’s not over till it’s over.


Hence I said “is winning now” rather than “won now”.


“is winning now” indicates that it’s a checkmate situation and that the allow-option has no chance anymore. Kinda like Usain Bolt in a 100m sprint 3sec after start ;D

You should’ve said “is in the lead now” :P


“Is winning” means that it’s currently in the process of winning, this in no way implies that it will in the end come out victorious.


yea w/e


Weapon poll: Force-A-Nature

* Limit 1 (44%, 345 Votes)
* Limit 0 (38%, 300 Votes)
* Limit 2 (18%, 136 Votes)

I presume you missed the lengthily and heated discussions regarding the “impossible to decipher”-options? That is the reason the poll is done one more time.

This one is a simple “ban? yes/no”, impossible to misinterpret.

I’m as puzzled as you over the outcome (as I mentioned before), but perhaps the last poll was indeed too hard to understand.

“Guys, I don’t like the outcome of this poll — let’s do it again and again until everyone agrees!” doesn’t really work with an admin-hood from different teams, countries, opinions and backgrounds. I presume you can understand that if you think about it for a while.

Either way, when it’s this close, almost 50/50, the poll should not (imho) be taken into consideration — but that’s up the head-admins to ponder on. I believe in dAy. Fun times (yet again) ahead!



Either way, when it’s this close, almost 50/50, the poll should not (imho) be taken into consideration — but that’s up the head-admins to ponder on. I believe in dAy. Fun times (yet again) ahead!

Same argument I used with the old poll (when the fan was winning). But all the fan fanboys went “LOL POLL DECIDES”. Strange how things can just change over night.


Same argument I used with the old poll (when the fan was winning). But all the fan fanboys went “LOL POLL DECIDES”. Strange how things can just change over night.

Oh, please… *blinks in disbelief*


But all the fan fanboys went “LOL POLL DECIDES”.

I believe the phrase you are talking about is LOLPOLL, get it right… jeeeez

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