
Request: sv_pure 1 + whitelist in ETF2L

Created 21st August 2009 @ 09:36

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Should also allow custom crosshairs.


Custom particles would be fine though, but no editing for overheal/stickies stuff like that. :)


Should also allow custom crosshairs.


Custom particles would be fine though, but no editing for overheal/stickies stuff like that. :)

Hmm maybe just limits on sticky particles etc? So they cant go over a certain size and make it so no particles can be seen through objects?



Fact is that the heavy amounts of smoke and explosions in this game (stickyspam lawl) at times makes it unnecessary hard to figure out just what the hell is going on, and just makes the game a lot less fun to play.

nice fact!
I cant understand how some smoke and explosions make a game “a lot less fun to play”. The more gore/explosions the better imo.
Youre prlly playin tf2 on full graphics or sometin, coz i dont understand how its hard to figure out whats goin on, its not like a fog of war appears after shooting some rockets



Fact is that the heavy amounts of smoke and explosions in this game (stickyspam lawl) at times makes it unnecessary hard to figure out just what the hell is going on, and just makes the game a lot less fun to play.

ever thought about that TF2 maybe might not be the right game for you?


nice fact!
I cant understand how some smoke and explosions make a game “a lot less fun to play”. The more gore/explosions the better imo.
Youre prlly playin tf2 on full graphics or sometin, coz i dont understand how its hard to figure out whats goin on, its not like a fog of war appears after shooting some rockets

There’s a lot of disrupting smoke and frags in this game, that’s a fact, yes. That it can make the game a “lot less fun to play” at times is obviously just my opinion. Personally I dislike having my view obstructed the combined spam from two soldiers + stickies and nades from a demoman. I also dare to say that a lot of people agree with about this, considering particle-modification got popular enough for some people to start abusing it and thus getting it banned.
Also, I’ve played this game on all types of settings, it makes no difference in this case since the amount of smoke and particles from explosions seems to be constant no matter how you configure it.

mvp @ If I didn’t like playing this game I would hardly spend time writing on a forum about how I think it could be made even better, would I?



you’re exaggerating in a way, which is just ridiculous.

we re talking bout league matches here, playing against 2 sols and 1 demo (mostly)..
if u cant focus on your target, because some rocket trails or sticky blinking is disturbing you.. dude, TF2 definitely isnt something for you.

only chance i MIIIIGHT agree with you is on a 32 slot dustbowl cp1 situation.. but thats something i really dont give a fuck about.

you have a lot of possibilities to increase your fps.. no need to work on explosions, other particles.. or what may be next, textures?

sv_pure 2 is THE way to keep it fair for everybody. right?


It’s not like I’ve ever claimed this make the game unplayable, and no, I don’t have any major troubles focusing on my targets because of the smoke, most of the time. I just consider it another annoying and unnecessary effect which impacts on the gameplay negatively. It’s not a matter of fps to me, it’s about being able to customize the game to be as easy to read and play as possible, that’s why we are able to use our own customized huds, non-standard crosshairs and removing the weapon-models.

sv_pure 2 is THE way to keep it fair for everybody. right?

Naturally, which is why Valve should give us options to tone explosions down (and be able to customize other things) without having to use easy-to-abuse custom files.


And those materials/particles that Relentless posted work only with sv_pure 0.

No, it also works with sv_pure 1 if your whitelist allows them, which could lead people to take the whitelist ETF2L gives them, change it to their likings and put it on their servers without anyone ever noticing. Tadaa, you got yourself a free wallhack that wont even get you VAC-banned.



If you want more FPS stop being peasants and go out and buy some new hardware.

The door is already ajar for the hackers in TF2, let’s not go and tear it from the hinges ;)


Leave sv_pure on 2. Sure, it’s nice to have some less disturbance on screen, but that’s a part of the game, which is not gamebreaking like crits.
And for the “moar fps!!!” argument… Stop playing TF2 on SEGA ffs. If you dont get enough fps from more’s cfg, than stop playing tf2 and go play Sonic or Mario.



it’s technically not possible, sadly. otherwise it’d be nice tbf.



Leave sv_pure on 2. Sure, it’s nice to have some less disturbance on screen, but that’s a part of the game, which is not gamebreaking like crits.
And for the “moar fps!!!” argument… Stop playing TF2 on SEGA ffs. If you dont get enough fps from more’s cfg, than stop playing tf2 and go play Sonic or Mario.

exm stop talking down Sonic and Mario!!!

for the record im div 1 standard mario + sonic at the olympic games…



And those materials/particles that Relentless posted work only with sv_pure 0.

No, it also works with sv_pure 1 if your whitelist allows them, which could lead people to take the whitelist ETF2L gives them, change it to their likings and put it on their servers without anyone ever noticing. Tadaa, you got yourself a free wallhack that wont even get you VAC-banned.

This. Sv_pure 2 is the way to go.



No, it also works with sv_pure 1 if your whitelist allows them, which could lead people to take the whitelist ETF2L gives them, change it to their likings and put it on their servers without anyone ever noticing. Tadaa, you got yourself a free wallhack that wont even get you VAC-banned.

IIRC, you can see the whitelist of the server you’re connected to. It wouldn’t be difficult to make a page on the website you can paste it into to check if it’s correct.


No, it also works with sv_pure 1 if your whitelist allows them, which could lead people to take the whitelist ETF2L gives them, change it to their likings and put it on their servers without anyone ever noticing. Tadaa, you got yourself a free wallhack that wont even get you VAC-banned.

IIRC, you can see the whitelist of the server you’re connected to. It wouldn’t be difficult to make a page on the website you can paste it into to check if it’s correct.

Honestly, could you be bothered to do that before every match you play on another team’s server? Would only create more unnecessary delays. Would be a solution but it’s just not worth the effort imo.

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