
Request: sv_pure 1 + whitelist in ETF2L

Created 21st August 2009 @ 09:36

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good to know,
thanks for your honesty


One of the techteam members of the SpA community fiddled around a bit with these particle edits and these are some of the screens he came up with:

Ofc you could block these with a whitelist, but I believe people would always come up with new unfair stuff that isnt yet in the whitelist, thus it has to be updated all the time, and I think some people cba to do that. Even worse, some people might change their whitelist on purpose to use these kind of hacks on their servers.

Just keep sv_pure 2 and everything’s fine.



wouldn’t mind having custom pov weapon models but then again don’t really have a problem witht the default ones.

about the explosions, just add more transparency. reminds me of tfc where instantly everyone could perfectly track you through the spamage when it got released.;:>



People would always find a way to abuse it, reason enough to run sv_pure 2.


People would always find a way to abuse it, reason enough to run sv_pure 2.

Why bother adding any new options to TF2? People will just abuse them… There’s no way you could abuse those explosion particles. And those materials/particles that Relentless posted work only with sv_pure 0.

Anyway, imo using smaller explosions is just like using fullbright models in Quake, not a cheat at all.


no thanks.

sv_pure 2 is fine.

And anyway 90% of people don’t know how to put a whitelist or it’s not done correctly.


It’s not necessary to change the sv_pure, we could just ask Valve to make smaller explosions, medigun beams and etc ingame options.


Basically for those that know the phrase

“opening a can of worms” is the moral behind it, sure the question is a legit one but the complications it could bring into the game is more than tbh etf2l or in general ppl will want to deal with.

So hence we cut it off from the “r00t” as such and keep sv_pure as 2 :-)

I’m not disagreeing with having such things asked for, just a few if not alot of problems can occur by not keeping sv_pure 2 etc…could just ask valve to build such features in game?





People would always find a way to abuse it, reason enough to run sv_pure 2.

Why bother adding any new options to TF2? People will just abuse them… There’s no way you could abuse those explosion particles. And those materials/particles that Relentless posted work only with sv_pure 0.

Anyway, imo using smaller explosions is just like using fullbright models in Quake, not a cheat at all.

Making them transparent so you can aim more easily through explosions. That’s abuse. Unless it becomes an option everybody can just simply enable, using a cvar it, shouldn’t be allowed.



Why would you NOT want to sv_pure 2 unless you’re using “illegal” patricles? Seems fishy as hell.


rockit like

Yes default configs are the way to go in competitive team fortress 2.
We also should remove m0res hud/cfg, since its unfair towards people who doesnt use em.

Fucking disgusting that some use particles to make the annoying rocketsmoke, or the micheal bay explosions less distracting. Its soooo overpowered, impossible to kill anyone who uses them. SHAME ON YOU!

My suggestion to make the game fair, balanced and fun to play.

Only allowed to use:
Default cfg, High gfx settings.
Default crosshair.
Ballmouse, cloth mat.
rate 5000.
fps_max 30.
Maplist: cp_granary (with gates).
Classes: 2 scouts, 2 soldier, demo and a medic.
No unlockables.
Only allowed to play players from the same country.
FOV 75 this for you byte ;)
CRT screen is a must with 60hz.
1024×768 resolution (widescreen gives you unfair fov advantages)
Communication should be done thru ingame voice.
sv_alltalk 1 for “realism”.
Voice commands must be used ie. “Yes, Go left etc.”
Crits 1 (They are skill-based and valve meant the game to be played with them)
Everyone must have the same amount played in 2 weeks “10hrs”
Console is not allowed.

This way its 100% fair and balanced. Most of all enjoyable to play when you know the other players wont have any unfair advantages such as better fps or good network settings.

Admins please, take this into consideration for next season.


Since using DX8 or map-specific particles is still not checked, just use those ways to “get around it” so to give it as much attention as possible (and thereby get fixed).

Until then, I personally see the particle-issue being nothing but an endless stream of grief and reasons for permanent bans. Since this is AS OF YET not fixed, it’s basically just as bytes describes it — a can of worms. There should be no need to “whitelist” it. Consistency should work, things like smoke and rockettrails should be able to be toggled from options. This is all an Valve issue.

Edit: Oh, and what Klu wrote below this post.



Custom particles are just too messy for them to be legit in comp. play. Just get the beta players to put pressure on valve to add a ‘Simple particle effects’ option.



Yes default configs are the way to go in competitive team fortress 2.
We also should remove m0res hud/cfg, since its unfair towards people who doesnt use em.

m0re config is simply using cvars, nothing special. The hud changes things, but doesn’t give any real advantage. However the new addition he has been testing might change that.



I like skins :<

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