
Scripts, settings, etc

Created 15th July 2008 @ 02:40

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…. :) oh dear :)

i am not using any scripts, just few keybinds…nothing more nothing less…few slight edit of .cfg to get game more FPS stable….

In fact i don’t understand why players are using those at all. Relay on several scripts which gets banned in future brings your playing skill down (IMHO). So it is funny to read all the forums on ESL and ETF2L CB and ED about the DL1, Pyro’s BB and finally all the possible scripts.

what about the mices with rapid fire buttons? :) (one button simulate 3 times mouse1; instantly)
/for example A4Tech mouses/

what about the programable mices (razer, logitech) with macro capabilites?
/you have no scripts, all is handled by driver of mouse/

On the other hand, just play fair, be gentleman (huh, cavalier) and you have no problems ;)



alias +crouchjump “+jump; +duck”
alias -crouchjump “-duck; -jump”
bind “space” “+crouchjump”

Is this script allowed or not?



Sure it is. But I experienced some problems with it, such as ducking in the least useful moment and such, so better do it manually.


Alternatively, bind one key with crouchump script (eg space) and another with normal jump (eg alt). That way you have both binds and can use them when you need it :)


Hey dats!

crouch hump



Sniper hump for you ;)


RaWr ::

Well, my standing on scripts are, as long as the command is not unrealistic in a sense that, a human wouldn’t be able to perform the same action with minimal effort, then it is ok.

For example, pressing reload isn’t exactly a hard skill, but by having a reload script, it definately does make the game easier to play. Advantage… very minimal.

A spy script that turns a player 90 degrees to the right, starts a stab and then turns the player back 90 degrees in an instant is unrealistic unless you are using a sensitivity of about 40 and have superhuman accuracy with your mouse. While a human may be able to do this, to do it consistently one after another is very difficult. So it should not be allowed.

A jump duck script is fine, pressing jump and duck isn’t exactly hard. A script that jumps and then spams duck 50 times in a second is not, because you wouldn’t be able to do it while still keeping control of your player.

One script that has never got me, is a rocket jump script. Anyone who uses a script to rocketjump, gains ONE advantage. This advantage is to have perfect height on a rocket jump. But they lose so many elements of rocket jumping. Most of the time you do not want to get full height, you will take falling damage. You also don’t always want to jump a long distance, as you might want to make the self damage minimal, or you simply, don’t need to go that far. I don’t see a problem with having a rocket jump script, but it is not a hard skill to master and I’d strongly recommend people practice perfecting their own rocket jumping over using a script for it.



I have no problem controlling my RJ with a RJ script, I can do small / long / high jump just fine. But then I can do those without any script as well. Someone unable to do a RJ without script isn’t probably a great threat anyway.


Hide weapon setting (just a flag to set to 0 to remove weapon.. dont know if this is considered a cheat.. heard someone claiming so a while back.. ).

There “is” a command to do this I believe, cant remember what it is as I’ve never felt the need to use it (I prefere having a rocket launcher there for some reason, use it to line up long distance rockets..) – It is not a banned command and I personally can see no reason to ban it.

(I hope the quote works, first time trying it and there is no preview function…)

What’s the current take on hiding weapons? After one of the last TF2 updates, it’s not sufficient anymore to set a cvar to 0 to make the weapon disappear… Valve/Steam apparently disliked and disabled that undocumented feature… the workaround is to set it to some crazy non-existant number 9999999999999999999… to achieve the same result. To me this seems unintended, is it still allowed?

There is also a minor issue with weapon switching (equip unlock) scripts… switching weapons refills all ammo and reloads all weapons, and this works for any class, so with a binding you can stand in any resupply door and do non stop e.g. rocket fire even if the health+ammo cabinet is 10 meters away in the resupply room (some maps resupply rooms are huge). So when you go resupply and all you need is ammo you can on some maps save a 5-10 second round trip to the cabinet if you only have a weapon switch binding (even if you don’t actually switch any weapon).



think it’s still allowed to hide your weapon

i dont see a reason to ban it really, it gives u no advantage and personally i think it gives u a slight disadvantage


can someone add a cvar to allow custom colour crosshairs? that would rock


RaWr ::

Nothing is wrong with playing without weapon models. :]


Was wondering the following quote some time:

Is a Fast Loadout Switcher script allowed?
Works this way, if I stand in the spawn, I just need to press one button to switch between e.g. kritzkrieg and medigun.
It saves quite a few seconds of standing around being useless.
As this script came with the class updates I thought the rulespage hasnt been updated yet.



probably isnt a cheat



Cl_interp is the biggest issue here. In other games like cs source, cs 1.6, putting interp to something else than its lowest value 0.01 is considered cheating. In tf2 the lowest value is 0.0152 because of servers ticrate 66. The difference in tf2 is you will hit with interp 0.1 because of lagcompensation, but the player you hit will feel like being hit by a 100 ping player. I dont know if putting interp to your ping is correct. I’d like to have a good source that argues for your cause.

Make a ETF2L GUI. That would be lovely. Forced to be used by all players ofc =).

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