
Ads on ETF2L

Created 10th March 2013 @ 18:28

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Quoted from Trane

Thanks for educating me Trath you’re so smart. So how much is hosting for this site? I know it has such a lucrative name, apple have probably been trying to buy it for years.

Lets have a look at what you said:

Quoted from Trane

I thought prize money came directly from sponsors. Hosting can’t be much surely.

*My mind*:
Either you are saying your thoughts out in the open because you aren’t sure, or you see your thoughts as facts and are hinting/accusing ETF2L of doing something else with the money. (Jacuzzi much??)

“So how much is hosting for this site?”
I have no idea, I think it would be safe to say they have their own dedi box, maybe two, not sure how powerful or what the connection is. It is definitely not an insignificant number.

“I know it has such a lucrative name, apple have probably been trying to buy it for years.”
I can’t find the correlation to the previous sentence.
Me dumb or you butthurt for some reason? I’m not sure.


*My mind*:
Either you are saying your thoughts out in the open because you aren’t sure, or you see your thoughts as facts and are hinting/accusing ETF2L of doing something else with the money. (Jacuzzi much??)

Right, I am in no way accusing ETF2L of money laundering, I was alluding the fact someone seemed to think that many users running adblock may put them in some sort of precarious financial situation. I can’t see it having much bearing – because hosting is pretty cheap in my direct experience – I share costs of a domain with some friends.

I have no idea, I think it would be safe to say they have their own dedi box, maybe two, not sure how powerful or what the connection is. It is definitely not an insignificant number.

See above.

I can’t find the correlation to the previous sentence.

Hosting costs are often dictated by the ‘potential’ of the domain name, that was the point I was making with my silly analogy – showing up on searches etc when people are looking for something else which is incredibly popular.

I thought Arie may have hosted it, as I was under the impression he did for Vanilla, in which case I did make the leap that it probably didn’t cost very much.



Quoted from Trane


I thought prize money came directly from sponsors. Hosting can’t be much surely.

CanFo’s reply


I don’t think they have their own dedi box. Multiplay provide hosting for etf2l which is why everything is so messed up.



I don’t host ETF2L. Considering the amount of players, teams, leagues and state of the codebase I wouldn’t want to have it on my machine.
AFAIK ETF2L is still sponsored by Multiplay for their dedicated server. They need the power of a real dedicated server to deal with the peak traffic on match days. As you can tell by the slowdowns at those times it isn’t even enough.

The cost of hosting is not the domain name. Domains are cheap, the popularity of a domain name doesn’t matter.


OK, so domains are cheap, and the dedi-box is possibly free in lieu of adspace for multiplay.


Quoted from Arie


You can.

Actually you can’t if you run a trustable ad provider, I can say for a fact that adsense won’t even allow these things to pass their filters for a start.

I see now that you’re not running adsense, or so it seems. Is there any plausible reason why you wouldn’t do that? Adsense has a much higher CPM / CPC than 90% of the providers on the market and is much more trustable.

Also I have adblock off for everything atm and I haven’t got a virus in months, I visit all the kinds of nasty sites and last time something happened it was some kind of javascript injection and my AV and malwarebytes solved it in seconds

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