
Third Party Cheats in ETF2L Prem & Div1

Created 6th February 2011 @ 16:25

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Pixie <3

josh made me say i agree



I Agree that there should be an AC for etf2l games. Having a css background, you easily get used to running an AC program, from Enemydown using EDAC or Xray to ESL using Aequitas or Wire. You have to deal with any issues that arise and but you have to prepare before the game to see how your game runs while on the AC. Then if there are any problems get in contact with the AC team to find a solution. That way you generally don’t have an issue with the AC client(unless there is something major happening). You can’t just launch the AC 2mins before the game and expect it to work 100% of the time.

This is 1 of the reasons i feel people should be playing ESL alongside etf2l, teams can get away with only playing 1 official per week is a bit of a joke. It got to the point (while playing css) where we competeed in anything we could and played at least 1 official every night. ESL should get supported by the TF2 community, they have a lot of support to give us if we show them we are worth it. I understand the PP rules are a bit bullshit and it is worth discussing these with Wildcard and the other admins. But they are actually easy to comply to once you know what you need to do, the problem is that TF2 teams are very lazy and don’t want to take a few minutes to write the necessary information, so they dont recieve any PPs. You dont even need to take screenshots or record stv as pre-rec does it all for you.

I would like to state that combining with esea would be the wrong direction to go. European tf2 isnt anywhere big enough to be a pay to play game and this would drive away potential players and make the game die a lot quicker than it should. Reulting in the death of this league. But that is just my opinion

Written while wobbly hope it makes sense

Last edited by Greg,



Why the hell would etf2l merge with esl… Just play in and support esl if like how it handles things, it’s really not that hard…

Also fuck esea.



Quoted from octochris


I don’t think he was being serious, but yes.

I know fuck all about this area. Heuristics I can do, but this is somewhat more complex.


That’s simply not true. There will always be hacks that can exist outside of the detectable range of the anti-cheat client. Just make it unsure of its environment and you’ve already won, you just have to use more sophisticated techniques. If you know how to code, you can code your own program running in kernel-mode to change the environment to mask the cheat. All anti-cheats at a base level rely on the operating system not lying to them. Kernel-mode programs to change OS output to suit their needs can supplement cheats in such a way that the cheats would be highly unlikely to be detected even by a highly sophisticated anti-cheat solution.

teach me more please!


Quoted from Koeitje


$500000 doesn’t cover internal testing?

Is there a reason why you’re being such a dick? Anakin has just stated that he is here to help and give help if there are problems. I personally have had 0 problems with wire but few of my team mates sure have run in to problems. I’ve always had support from anakin/rest of the esl admins and we’ve always figured out the problem.

ps. Every etf2l team should also join esl, esl being one of the biggest leagues in the world. We sure could’ve more support from esl if there would be 400teams playing tf2 there.


Quoted from F2

Can someone bring in some cold, hard facts?
Which anti-cheat tools are used in other big eSport fps games like
– CS:S
– CS 1.6
– CoD4
– Quake Live

etc etc


Quoted from kaidus

Also fuck esea.




It costs 400,000$ to fire some cheaters for 12 seconds.



oh man xray, that css guy that still had it running while on redtube, fun times



Quoted from Jude

oh man xray, that css guy that still had it running while on redtube, fun times

gief link. That’s a funny experience for sure.


Quoted from xzr



esea is crap.

edit: Also chris add me to steam; so we can have a little chat. :]

Last edited by phy-,



To be honest, so long as the damn thing works and doesn’t crash on you all the time, I have no issues running an AC client.

Also so long as it doesn’t come up with false positives (yay for Punkbuster kicks due to mumble overlay, no bans, mind).

I agree though, at the top level where there’s a fair bit of money an AC client is probably a good idea, to give confidence to sponsors, whatever. I completely disagree with merging with ESL though, what a load of BS. There’s no need for it, if anything it’d be better to leave them separate so you have more TF2 leagues, more prize pools, etc, surely?

That said, TF2 isn’t as “hardcore” a game as CS1.6/CSS was, don’t quote me on this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most TF2 players don’t want to be playing one official per night. 2/3 a week sure, but not 5/6. (And no your own opinion does not apply to everyone else as well ;D)

As for merging the ban system, maybe. If someone gets banned on ESL by wire, have it passed on to ETF2L where it gets put into effect as well, after some checking of the information to check for abuse, just in case.

Something else, I’ve never actually known this:
Did Q3 ever have any AC programs you had to run? Does QL?



^dunno about Q3, but QL uses PunkBuster.



Quoted from Waebi

gief link. That’s a funny experience for sure.

lost to the sea of internet time unfortunately, i’ll have a quick look though ;D


Quake Live doesn’t use punkbuster anymore.

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