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TF2 on Ubuntu/Linux fps

Created 31st December 2010 @ 11:16

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I tried to run tf2 on ubuntu 10.10 but not only fps drops, there is some kind of small input lag. I even wrote a tutorial on this on my blog. There has been some rumor that Steam is going to be released in GNU/linux native code. Quote:

Please note: Games run with these methods will be slower than running them on Windows because the games are not native executable files. To get the best performance we will need to wait for Valve to release a native Steam client (which is now rumoured to be happening).



Quoted from octochris



why do you need a different operating system? because nightbox told you you did, or do you have an actual reason?

Nope , my reason is that on windows i always have crashes like runtime errors or some registry will miss and stuff like this

Chris i heard about you that you are a good pc programator , may you recommand for me a version of windows?



Quoted from runy

Nope , my reason is that on windows i always have crashes like runtime errors or some registry will miss and stuff like this

Then you’re mistreating Windows. That shit doesn’t happen by itself. Ubuntu doesn’t stop users from fucking up the operating environment.

You’re probably doing some stupid shit like using a registry cleaner. Don’t. That shit is awful, 99% of the people who come to me saying that they take care of their computers but something has gone horribly wrong use a registry cleaner. You should never use an automated process to “clean” your registry, in a significant number of cases you are likely to remove important information because the cleaner doesn’t understand the way that every single application on your computer acts towards and manipulates the registry.

Quoted from runy

Chris i heard about you that you are a good pc programator , may you recommand for me a version of windows?


Last edited by octochris,



do anybody know anyprogram which i can use to make my Stick to be bootable to install the new windows?



Quoted from runy

do anybody know anyprogram which i can use to make my Stick to be bootable to install the new windows?


Or if you’re now completely on linux, I wrote a guide in on Super User only the other day (should work for XP):


Last edited by octochris,



oph thanks , will try to install windows7 ..



Quoted from runy

oph thanks , will try to install windows7 ..

ask a question, get an answer, do something else

gg, no point replying to this thread any more when you can’t even read what anyone is saying and just substitute it for what’s in your head.



Quoted from runy


pc programator

I like Chris’s new title.


if someone is still interested, i had 80-100 on gentoo 10.1 (with maxframes cfg) without any major lags
E6750, 8600gts, 2gb ram
Has anyone tried launching tf2 on other distro than ubuntu ?


you HAD? you back on win again?


i had, because i tested it like, hmm.. half year ago.



Quoted from Nislem

if someone is still interested, i had 80-100 on gentoo 10.1 (with maxframes cfg) without any major lags
E6750, 8600gts, 2gb ram
Has anyone tried launching tf2 on other distro than ubuntu ?

hmm centos anyone ?


Quoted from Nislem

Has anyone tried launching tf2 on other distro than ubuntu ?

tf2 for android please



Quoted from Nislem

if someone is still interested, i had 80-100 on gentoo 10.1 (with maxframes cfg) without any major lags
E6750, 8600gts, 2gb ram
Has anyone tried launching tf2 on other distro than ubuntu ?

it’s not going to make any difference what distro you use. if you understand the way wine works, you’ll understand why.



Quoted from LikeThis


tf2 for android please

aye, the upcoming Tegra tablets should be fast enough x_X

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