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Please ETF2L, PLEASE reconsider the new unlock rules

Created 3rd October 2010 @ 21:20

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Spike Himself


Quoted from Jude

can an admin please clarify why gunboats are banned but crit o cola not? gunboats has worked everywhere else in the world for the longest time. they basically have the same net effect of being able to kill the enemy medic easier, with a downside of being easier to kill yourself, extra damage to the scout, and no shotgun for the soldier.
if its in any way a case of availability gunboats are random finds but critocola not.

Crit-a-cola is easily countered (enemy scout takes crits too) and a gunboats soldier is not.

You could argue that scouts come from behind to flank you, but you could instead watch behind you/cover flanks/etc.


Quoted from Jude

can an admin please clarify why gunboats are banned but crit o cola not? gunboats has worked everywhere else in the world for the longest time. they basically have the same net effect of being able to kill the enemy medic easier, with a downside of being easier to kill yourself, extra damage to the scout, and no shotgun for the soldier.
if its in any way a case of availability gunboats are random finds but critocola not.

An admin has already answered this, the gunboats are banned, because their natural counter is banned (The Direct Hit)

Crit o colas natural counter is itself, as it is the most balanced weapon in the game, you fire it mini crits, you get hit it mini crits.

The pain trains counter is already in nearly every game 2 scouts.

even though it has not been banned for crafting reasons, the gunboats are slightly harder to craft than pain train or crit o cola

Free The Fish

Last edited by Tikcus,



Gunboats=targe+razorback so the availability argument is Bullshit.

I can however understand the lack of a hard counter, disagree with that slowing the game down. If anything it makes it quicker as more med picks=faster pushing through chokes and overall a faster game. This is just my experience from playing pcw’s with them.

Though, as I said, i agree with the lack of hard counter reasoning



I get the impression allowing gunboats would make playing the game so no fun for medics, I mean all we’ll end up doing is getting to mid and dieing, getting to CP2 and….dieing…and dieing…and dieing….and more death followed by a bit of dieing, then some heart failure followed by a healthy gib, then we’ll get killed and then we’ll die….etc.

Not sure I could be arsed playing medic if it’s almost impossible to survive against a half decent aggro solly. Not sure I’d be the only one. Medic’s would be quitting the game left, right and indeed centre.

Crit-a-cola just needs good observations and comms to counter, no chance against the boats of gun.

Also, free the fish!


vitasaw monkeh



Quoted from Spike Himself


Crit-a-cola is easily countered (enemy scout takes crits too) and a gunboats soldier is not.

You could argue that scouts come from behind to flank you, but you could instead watch behind you/cover flanks/etc.


Last edited by konr,



Quoted from kuma

vitasaw monkeh

So the counter for dieing all the time is a measly 8 second advantage on uber charging…hmmmm mebbe. Having less health tho’ to start with…. difficult one.

Taken from tf2 Wiki:
While equipped, up to 20% of the Medic’s maximum (not current) ÜberCharge will be retained on death (see also ÜberCharge).
While equipped, the Medic’s maximum hit points are reduced by 10 (see also Hit points).

If a Medic activates his ÜberCharge, but dies while it’s activated, as long as the Charge does not dip below 19%, he will retain that 19%.

‘dies while it’s activated’ huh. WTF does that mean? One rocket can do 112 damage, leaving me with 3HP after 1 hit. Oh happy day! What fun it shall be to play medic. FU Gunboats!

This needs testing tho’, anyone got a spare Vita saw to trade?

Last edited by Monkeh,



Quoted from Monkeh


So the counter for dieing all the time is a measly 8 second advantage on uber charging…hmmmm mebbe. Having less health tho’ to start with…. difficult one.

Taken from tf2 Wiki:
While equipped, up to 20% of the Medic’s maximum (not current) ÜberCharge will be retained on death (see also ÜberCharge).
While equipped, the Medic’s maximum hit points are reduced by 10 (see also Hit points).

If a Medic activates his ÜberCharge, but dies while it’s activated, as long as the Charge does not dip below 19%, he will retain that 19%.

‘dies while it’s activated’ huh. WTF does that mean?

This needs testing. Anyone got a spare Vita saw to trade?

If he accidentally types kill in console whilst pushing.


Quoted from xzr


u just mad cos ur team bad

lol :P


Quoted from Monkeh


If a Medic activates his ÜberCharge, but dies while it’s activated, as long as the Charge does not dip below 19%, he will retain that 19%.

‘dies while it’s activated’ huh. WTF does that mean?

Kritz? Switch to ubersaw to cap the point?


Quoted from Tikcus

Crit o colas natural counter is itself, as it is the most balanced weapon in the game, you fire it mini crits, you get hit it mini crits.

You fail to take into accord the aspect of movement speed.



account you fucking moron

Mitt Romney


Quoted from xzr


You fail to take into accord the aspect of movement speed.

You fail to take into account the rockets’ spread, the stickies’ spread or the potential heavy’s sasha, shoot feet, crit the fucker and he won’t make it to your med.

On topic, why not allow gunboats limit 1? Only one jumping soldier should be easy enough to counter, not to mention that if sollies had to wait until gunboats came out to jump enemy medics the game’s pace would already be slow as fuck; overhealed sollies jumping medics are just about the same as gunboats sollies, they take the same damage from airshots, and the little life saved by gunboats shouldn’t matter that much afterwards.

Offtopic: allow Natasha again plz! Been using it the past official games I played, opponents didn’t ragequit or anything and we didn’t always win! :'(


its not so much the health they have, its more the angles they can come from with gunboats



Quoted from Monkeh


So the counter for dieing all the time is a measly 8 second advantage on uber charging…hmmmm mebbe. Having less health tho’ to start with…. difficult one.

Taken from tf2 Wiki:
While equipped, up to 20% of the Medic’s maximum (not current) ÜberCharge will be retained on death (see also ÜberCharge).
While equipped, the Medic’s maximum hit points are reduced by 10 (see also Hit points).

If a Medic activates his ÜberCharge, but dies while it’s activated, as long as the Charge does not dip below 19%, he will retain that 19%.

‘dies while it’s activated’ huh. WTF does that mean? One rocket can do 112 damage, leaving me with 3HP after 1 hit. Oh happy day! What fun it shall be to play medic. FU Gunboats!

This needs testing tho’, anyone got a spare Vita saw to trade?

Kritz. It works on kritz too, goddamnit Monkeh.

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