DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread
Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37
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Quoted from Hallow
Neither did I mention your name once nor did I threaten to ban anyone.
Seeing how you feel adressed I can only assume that you are aware of the fact that your comments are off-topic in the very least.
Quoted from Hallow
might go to call ur gamemode shit in person
Quoted from Hallow
[…] fucking do whatever you want with your own time, if thats hl thats all well and good, but im gonna poke fun at it forever.
Quoted from Hallow
and boy do i have the right to shit on this. i’m hardly harassing anyone or breaking a forum rule.
Is this your definition of civilized behaviour? Of constructive criticism?
It’s all just looking like a bunch of shitposts to me.
No purpose outside of derailing the actual topic, no alternative suggestions that go further then the angry demand of ‘just include 6s’,ignoring what the organizers have already explained numerous times.
Quoted from cmd
I don’t think banning discussion has solved anything ever, and just because time and effort were put into something doesn’t give it a free pass from criticism. But okay then you’re the admin.
There seems to be a common misconception here:
This LAN is already decided. It will be HL only for the time being.
Nothing you say or do will change this,at least for now.
You might argue that the arguments provided aren’t sufficient enough to justify a HL only LAN,but at the same time they don’t have to be.
It’s the organizers’ decision what they want their LAN to become,you have no say in this whatsoever.
/thread i guess?
We gladly will take any advice about anything but the gamemode from hereon. We have noticed (and already known it before fyi) that there are a lot of people who would like to play 6v6 at that LAN.
Btw, nobody said 6v6 is banned from this LAN. We do try and fill it up with HL teams. In case these Teams want a 6v6 tournament alongside, we will figure something out together. In case we cannot field 18 teams, we can figure out something together.
But this is how it is for now, and what we are aiming for. There is no need to further discuss the differences between the gamemodes. We have a lot of experienced players in our organisation team, we are aware of those.
Lets just pretend nobody in this thread posted something completely useless so far and continue talking about stuff that actually matters, shall we? (:
this sounds amazing, i would need a pickup from munich though as I have no Idea if you can take a PC with the plane to somewhere. Anyone from Munich going there? I would pay for it € also lft for this event-
I might actually be able to come to the almanLAN/LANmanya.
Last edited by AEsirson,
Doesn’t matter whether you play hl or 6s, the point every TF2 player can agree on is fuckhartz.
What if you want to take part if you are under 18? Is it possbile if you bring a letter from your parents?
I might go to this event if any good teams need someone to replace their LAN-dodging soldier *cough* *cough*. Pick me up if you want to win.
hi guys, thalash here
you might know from the MOST successful HIGHLANDER team in the WORLD (SNSD xD)
i am looking for a team for this HIGHLANDER lan, THANKS.
cheers, mountain lion
cu@lan :D
I’ve read all nine pages and all I’ve understood is that Hallow guy’s being an obvious asshole and everyone else is baiting.
But, oh, well.
Wo würde der 9. dann pennen? Zelt oder extra Haus? Mindestalter? Nur für Deutsche oder darf jede Nationalität teilnehmen? Muss man bei dem actual Tournament mitmachen um dort zu sein oder kann man auch einfach nur so hin zum chillen und zugucken wenn man z.B. kein Team hat zum teilnehmen? Und wie kommt ihr auf die Idee das ne HL Lan zu machen? Ich find die Idee von einer German-Lan recht cool und der Ort sieht auch echt geil aus besonders weil er 30min von mir entfernt ist aber ich bezweifle das man 20 HL teams zusammenkriegt für eine Lan. 6s wäre da glaube ich gefragter. Naja mal schauen was sich da ergibt. Also ich würds schon mega geil finden gerade weil der Platz da wirklich nice aussieht. q:^)
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