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Chris' competitive medic script

Created 15th March 2010 @ 10:21

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Quoted from JT

1. Sometimes while using the medigun , pressing F2 doesnt show up teammates(even when i stop using the medigun). Its only after i switch to ubersaw/needle gun that the auto call signs start appearing.

2. Sometimes when using the medigun and then quickly switching to needle gun via ‘q’ or even just pressing m2, the needle gun wont fire any needles. Its only after i press m2 again that the needles fire.

3. When i get an uber by ubersawing an opponent i press m4 but the ubercharge doesnt deploy, its just that the medigun appears but nothing else, i have to double press it in order to deploy ubercharge.

Unable to reproduce 1, 2 (if I am understanding it right) is normal functionality — this script is not designed to be used with Q, 3 I have experienced myself and nothing can be done about it without the wait command (which is disabled on match servers), you have to hold down mouse4 until it ubers if you are on a different weapon.

All of these are minor, as (personally) it is very rare that I have to do any of the things listed — I don’t know about others.

I will look into 3, not sure that I understood 2. Why not just switch using the mouse buttons? It’s just as fast as Q.

Last edited by octochris,



i use your script and its fine at all, but if i press mouse4 it says “MEDIC” and “charge used” but it doesn´t charge.
these are the commands which actually trigger the charge i think.

alias “+uber” “slot2;dropitem;+attack2 ;say_team “*** KRITZ OR UBER USED ***”;voicemenu 0 0;autocall_initial”

bind “mouse4” “+uber; r_drawviewmodel 1” (added viewmodel)

did i mess something up?



Quoted from medfoo

bind “mouse4” “+uber; r_drawviewmodel 1” (added viewmodel)

did i mess something up?

there is your problem, you have to alias multiple commands — you can’t bind two commands like that.



thanks for the quick answer, but also if i use the command

bind “mouse4” “+uber”

it doesn´t use the uber. only chat and voicecommands are given. :(

Last edited by medfoo,



Quoted from medfoo

thanks for the quick answer, but also if i use the command

bind “mouse4” “+uber”

it doesn´t use the uber. only chat and voicecommands are given. :(

I can’t support modified configs without seeing them ;)

The latest version works perfectly fine for me. Must be some modification you have made.

Last edited by octochris,



okay, i deleted the whole cfg folder and used your unmodified cfg. still the same problem.
im realy desperate right now :'<



Quoted from medfoo

okay, i deleted the whole cfg folder and used your unmodified cfg. still the same problem.
im realy desperate right now :'<

Then something is causing a problem outside of my config, because there is nothing wrong with the config.

Check to make sure any other scripts you have aren’t interfering.

Last edited by octochris,



ok, thanks for your support. binded the command to a keyboard key and it works.
looks like my mouse is fucked in any strange way, because some commands are triggered on mouse4, some not.

Last edited by medfoo,



Quoted from medfoo

looks like my mouse is fucked in any strange way, because some commands are triggered on mouse4, some not.

That’s odd, because it shouldn’t make any difference what you bind it to.




Nice work!


Great config. I love it (well since i got used to it)


i have looked at your script and merge it with my script :)
You’ve got some awesome usefull scripts. like drop item and activate a uber ;)



hey, it´s me again ._.

bought a mx518 today and the mouse4 / 5 problem still appears. could it be a driver problem or something?



Quoted from medfoo

hey, it´s me again ._.

bought a mx518 today and the mouse4 / 5 problem still appears. could it be a driver problem or something?

Highly unlikely since the teamchat comes through, it must be some problem with your client if you are sure that you have not modified the script in any way.


few weeks ago ive got a problem with Mouse 4 / 5
When i was hitting the M4 button as sniper or any other class.
He ran function of Mouse 4 and 2 at the same time.
for example. When im holding Mouse4 for a few seconds. My sniper rifle will zoom in > out>in>out>in>out untill I stop pushing the button.

I didnt change any thing on my system. And now it works fine
Realy weird :D

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