Demoman vs Soldier update
Created 15th December 2009 @ 06:17
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after all this turns to be a sims with weapons
If they dont change the demo limit to 2 then i dont think the comp TF2 will be using this but itl still be awsome in pubs :) but well who knows how useful the demo weps will be,
P.s i hope that the solly isnt going to get guided rocket :)
these kind of topics never disappoint.
“We get more options and more versatile gameplay, I don’t want that I’m not playing tf2 anymore now.”
If the weapon does end up being overpowered it will be banned, it’s simple as that. Stop fucking crying, all it can do is make the game better if it’s a good unlock. You people actually make me depressed.
“The weapon will suck because I say it will, also the earth will meet it’s end in 2012 and I believe in jesus.”
It’s useless to speculate wether or not the weapon will serve any use without having it fully tested.
I remember when everybody said the FaN sucked too.
And yes if we can remove demomanlimit1 (without making it the obvious choice) we should. it will only make this game better if there are less limits and more interesting setups instead of the same old 2scouts 2sols 1 demo 1 medic. If it turns out the sword isn’t overpowered and a decent sidegrade i’d prefer a stickylauncherlimit1 than a demol1.
Who you kidding, that shit is gonna be ridiculously useless.
you know what’d be cool… charging through a team w/ your speed and reductions and shooting the medic with grenades so he dies;
vote for horse instead of pipe louncher so demo will be real medieval knight1
P.S: Like any other update WAS really made to improve the competitive part…
Last edited by alfa,
This will be a fun map:
P.S: Like any other update WAS really made to improve the competitive part…
Yes! whats it with people and short-term memory nowadays
P.S: Like any other update WAS really made to improve the competitive part…
Yes! whats it with people and short-term memory nowadays
badelandes ;)
imo. it will either be very good or very bad… let’s hope for the first…
my only concern with this weapon is the trade-off… not so much the dmg from the stickies… more the sticky jumps… imo. Demoman will be at a big disadvantage in comp tf2 if he loses that much moveability. ( i know he can run faster than a scout with it, but it’s only at times and he can’t get to places like spire with it…)
nade jump
Interesting update, i already amused myself a lot with axe of the pyro, this can only get better ;) and even be used in comp play!
If the weapon does end up being overpowered it will be banned, it’s simple as that. Stop fucking crying, all it can do is make the game better if it’s a good unlock. You people actually make me depressed.
Yea, like the fan! Right? No because inevitably any decision making will be delayed to the point where people have already spent time integrating some new OP shit into their team, so admins feel too guilty wuilty to do the right thing.
This is assuming it is OP. It sounds shit to me but hey there’s more to come.
Last edited by kaidus,
If the weapon does end up being overpowered it will be banned, it’s simple as that. Stop fucking crying, all it can do is make the game better if it’s a good unlock. You people actually make me depressed.
Yea, like the fan! Right? No because inevitably any decision making will be delayed to the point where people have already spent time integrating some new OP shit into their team, so admins feel too guilty wuilty to do the right thing.
This is assuming it is OP. It sounds shit to me but hey there’s more to come.
The automatic assumption being that the FAN definitely is overpowered, with no room for argument? When i’m playing well (as opposed to completely failing at life/tf2), i enjoy fighting fan scouts because i find them easier to kill or dictate the play/lead them around.
If all you mongs stopped whinging about it and put the whinging effort into trying harder, you might actually come to change your mind. Same goes for new unlocks. It’s like crying because you’re buying an ice cream and you MIGHT DROP IT OHNOES. At least get the fucking thing and have it upset you before you cry your heart out.
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