Demoman vs Soldier update
Created 15th December 2009 @ 06:17
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Now THAT rocketlauncher makes me want to swap my main from scout to solly! :D Sounds just epic. Although I dislike the minicrits on airshots, I’d like to see it in action before calling it OP or UP. Perhaps it is just perfectly balanced.
Extremer: Instagib scouts yes, but buffed scouts no. And if the scout ambushes, the new rocketlauncher is at a disadvantage. The only BIG minus of this unlock is that it once again hits our lovely heavy to the balls with the nerfbat. :/
Last edited by Zipok,
This has been said so many times before but I’ll say it again, “Will ‘Science’ end the war?”
The engineer will show up on the last day and say “I’m gonna fix your weapons Demoman! And Soldier im gonna give you a teddybear so you’ll have a new best friend!”
Hurray for the engineer!
Yeah!! 80% faster.. so every airrocket will hit :D I think its a great idea.. I WANT TEST IT!!
Sorted Fragga.
Someone with little sourcemod experience please code it according to the numbers on the site and release !! or just to try play it with sv_timescale 1.8 (im not even sure its the same command but definitely the right value)
“FREE WEEKEND starts Thursday when the WAR! update goes live!” lets go tomorrow!!
Faster rockets, MORE DAMAGE (hello instagib scouts?)? Unless this weapon has 2 rockets in a clip, it’s sounds overpowered as hell. Soldiers get this and demomen get a fucking sword, sigh.
holding out for the new imba pipe weapon
grenades as shotgun replacement?
ye i know valve said they dont want any grenades except for the demoman…
Last edited by bpf,
Someone with little sourcemod experience please code it according to the numbers on the site and release !! or just to try play it with sv_timescale 1.8 (im not even sure its the same command but definitely the right value)
host_timescale is the right command and don’t forget to set sv_cheats 1. The rockets are fast :)
I like the idea, but doesn’t it just render the heavy totally uselss?
And the speed, what does it equal, a flare?
Btw, my calculations show that the damage dealt to airborne targets will range from 177 – 189 (given av basedamage ranging from 105-121).
I think it will hold only 2 rockets.
Remember, I called it yet again.
But if it has 70% smaller blast radius, doesn’t that mean rocket jumping will get nerfed? Don’t know, just asking…Or when rocket jumping it counts as a direct hit and the jump will actually be buffed? Anyway it sounds pretty awesome.
Last edited by metalpiss,
And the speed, what does it equal, a flare?
From steamforums:
Stickies, uncharged: 805
Needles: 990
Rockets: 1100
Nades: 1065
Stickies, charged: 1851.5
Huntsman, uncharged: 1875
Sandman: 1940
Direct Hit: 1980
Huntsman, charged: 2343.75
So it’s a bit faster than uncharged huntsman and similar to sandman.
Last edited by Vad,
even if you are use to direct hits, its airborne targets and the projectiles are faster, a LOT faster. So even if you are going to use this new launcher, there will still be a learning curve for some players.
Its only after someone has mastered it will it get banned !!!
but kudos to the first person to master it and dick everyone over
Last edited by triobot,
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