
Getting Skilled

Created 3rd December 2009 @ 16:27

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Focus is everything. Six hours of playing without concentrating or being intensely aware of what is happening is useless.

If you are playing with your team or in a mix/pug for 30 min, make sure you do your best to focus for all that time. If you find yourself not concentrating on the game and thinking about other things then give yourself a mental slap and re-focus.

Also as a map ends, try not to immediately start doing/thinking about something else (the next map etc) and just dedicate a few moments/minutes to think about and analyse what happened in the game you played. Any key moments or mistakes you made multiple times.

Try not to get too frustrated if you don’t see yourself improving. Sometimes your own improvement is hard to see, but if you really try I guarantee after a time you will suddenly find yourself having a much deeper understanding and appreciation of the game. Getting frustrated will only impair your improvement.



Also, I see you posted about if you play all day long at the end of the day you find your aim sucks. Remember you are human. If you don’t sleep for 2 days, don’t exercise or eat properly you won’t perform at your best. If you have an important game at the end of the day, what I prefer doing is to not play at all in the day. Then just come on a little while before my game and warm up with a mix/pug and then mayeb a little DM.



Focus. Also disable all mouse acceleration and set your sens as low as you feel comfortable playing with. Having the same sens all the time helps you muscle memory. Learn the maps learn positions you can use to have an advantage. Learn to play together with your teammates, backing each other up is so extremely important.

Last edited by Koeitje,


Wow! Thanks a lot, your 2 posts are the most useful. But using your example of an important game: i’m playing a dm for 30 min and a 2 map mix, then 3 maps of this game. Is it enough to keep my skill lvl? If im doing like this i usually finding my aim worth on the next day =( And i need for about 2hrs to recover it on the lvl it was yesterday =(



Wow! Thanks a lot, your 2 posts are the most useful. But using your example of an important game: i’m playing a dm for 30 min and a 2 map mix, then 3 maps of this game. Is it enough to keep my skill lvl? If im doing like this i usually finding my aim worth on the next day =( And i need for about 2hrs to recover it on the lvl it was yesterday =(

The exact amount you need to play, the types of DM… 6v6 etc that you need to play you have to discover for yourself. You just need to experiment and find out what works for you.

I have had totally the same experience, feeling like your aim and skill flucuates from day to day and not understanding when playing more or less doesn’t seem to form any kind of pattern that matches how you play.

Some days you won’t play as good, no one can perform at their best every day. Also, as you grow in experience and if you focus like I say, you will begin to understand what factors make you play well and don’t. And you will start to have more control over your consistency of play.

Plus don’t forget even if some days you feel like you played shit, from week to week and month to month overall you will be getting better ;]

Last edited by nubonamission,



find a clan that carries you


Wow Fragga, hi. May i ask a question to you? Ure the one who’s really good at airshotting. How long do u play games like tf2? (maybe u played quake, TFC etc.) and is there any difference between solly and demo in it? If your good at airshoots as solly so there’s no difference in airshooting as a demo?



Since noam is watching that thread, are u going to update the scout blog?
And what about thoose internet commands like cl_interp und stuff
I have like awesome internet -> 45kb/s download and 10kb/s upload so i am using the lowest cl_cmdrate cl_updaterate who are allow otherwise i get instand 800 ping … but now i noticed that players changing thair interp figures and i am wondering can you compensate your ping (in mine case 120 even when i am living in germany and as close as possiple to the servers) with that command? or how is that working?


ist doof

nubonamission ftw!



Focus. Also disable all mouse acceleration

I’m playing with (custom) mouseaccel.


Hey dats!

Focus. Also disable all mouse acceleration

I’m playing with (custom) mouseaccel.

and it shows




I have 5 EASY steps to get REALLY GOOD that the PROS don’t want you to KNOW! GAMING SECRETS can finally be revealed to YOU for only 15€ you can buy my ebook.



I have 5 EASY steps to get REALLY GOOD that the PROS don’t want you to KNOW! GAMING SECRETS can finally be revealed to YOU for only 15€ you can buy my ebook.

this. I bought it, it helped me alot



Seeing all those e-books around that promise to get you good in no time? Filled with so called “secrets”? Well, I hate them and if you’ve read them you probably agree, because gaming isn’t about finding “secrets” and getting better instantly. Instead, getting better takes a lot of hard work and common sense. To develop this simple fact further, I’ve wrote an e-book that applies this common sense into TF2. It doesn’t make you instantly better, but if you read it with thought and apply the advice in your play, you should see significant improvement in your game. Just 22€.


Wow! Thanks a lot, your 2 posts are the most useful. But using your example of an important game: i’m playing a dm for 30 min and a 2 map mix, then 3 maps of this game. Is it enough to keep my skill lvl? If im doing like this i usually finding my aim worth on the next day =( And i need for about 2hrs to recover it on the lvl it was yesterday =(

The exact amount you need to play, the types of DM… 6v6 etc that you need to play you have to discover for yourself. You just need to experiment and find out what works for you.

I have had totally the same experience, feeling like your aim and skill flucuates from day to day and not understanding when playing more or less doesn’t seem to form any kind of pattern that matches how you play.

Some days you won’t play as good, no one can perform at their best every day. Also, as you grow in experience and if you focus like I say, you will begin to understand what factors make you play well and don’t. And you will start to have more control over your consistency of play.

Plus don’t forget even if some days you feel like you played shit, from week to week and month to month overall you will be getting better ;]

You helped me so much thank you. Last thing, first thing that i do when i begin to play is going to dm. First 15 min its ok but then i’m feeling like aim becomes worth and i need to play more for about to 2hrs to recover it again =( the result is i’m tired when there’s an important game.

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