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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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could play without harsh limitations on what you must do to be allowed to play there.

Like using comms.. so harsh



There should be some open (non-invite) channel where players familiar with the basics could play without harsh limitations on what you must do to be allowed to play there.

I actually agree with this. After I am done with pickup2 I will probably be looking into making a spinoff of pickup1 with an additional requirement. The requirement that I am thinking about is something along these lines: You must be able to speak and understand English. That is, if someone ask you about something in ventrilo (like “where are you?”) then you should be able to answer (eg. “I am on the balcony”).

So, there would not be a requirement for “how good you communicate” (which is very subjective) but people simply have to have a mic and know how to use it. Of course the basic rules of pickup1 would also apply (you have to know 6v6 etc.).



Is mumble going to be used anytime soon? The only reason I haven’t played lately is that ventrilo is not working very well for me and mumble is.

We are definitely not going to use the old Mumble 1.1.x because the admin capabilities are jokes. I would like to use Mumble 1.2, however my spies are telling me that most people still have 1.1.8 installed (the FB Mumble is also still using this version). So I don’t think we will change to Mumble before people actually get the latest version installed.

Edit: It appears FB do have a 1.2 Mumble, but the amount of users is small.

Mumble version 1.2.0 has compability version for 1.1.x so I don’t see any problems having one program, but being able to use it in 2 different versions. Mumble is better, ventrilo sux :( If people adapted to download and setup ventrilo I think it’s not so hard to do the same with mumble.

I can’t wait to see the new, improved version of the multiplay pickup.



As long as I’m not the only one talking to a team of mutes I’m cool.



There should be some open (non-invite) channel where players familiar with the basics could play without harsh limitations on what you must do to be allowed to play there.

I actually agree with this. After I am done with pickup2 I will probably be looking into making a spinoff of pickup1 with an additional requirement. The requirement that I am thinking about is something along these lines: You must be able to speak and understand English. That is, if someone ask you about something in ventrilo (like “where are you?”) then you should be able to answer (eg. “I am on the balcony”).

So, there would not be a requirement for “how good you communicate” (which is very subjective) but people simply have to have a mic and know how to use it. Of course the basic rules of pickup1 would also apply (you have to know 6v6 etc.).

This sounds like a good solution. Hopefully you get the time to look into it.

If possible also try to name them something other than 1, 2, 3: as most kiddies usually take this to mean that they are more important if they play in the higher numbered one, and try to play there even if they don’t want to use their mic even slightly just because it has a higher number.



If pickup would be using mumble I’d actually try and play some games there. Somehow Ventrilo pisses me off, just won’t work properly :/



or lets move on tf2lobby :)



wait – wait – wait , When will be possible to get an invitation to the pro – pickup, pickup1 sad, but I want to get more experience from playing against players 1 – 2 division.


The changes will take effect in approx. 2 weeks.




wait – wait – wait , When will be possible to get an invitation to the pro – pickup, pickup1 sad, but I want to get more experience from playing against players 1 – 2 division.

when learn you very much good english lol mate )

Sad Giraffe


We are definitely not going to use the old Mumble 1.1.x because the admin capabilities are jokes. I would like to use Mumble 1.2, however my spies are telling me that most people still have 1.1.8 installed (the FB Mumble is also still using this version). So I don’t think we will change to Mumble before people actually get the latest version installed.

Mumble plz, dont worry about what people have installed ffs. Mumble 1.2 is compatible with 1.1.8, it’s a small download and takes 2 min to install. This really shouldnt be an issue



+1 kodyl.



+1 Kodyl



I have no problem with vent except the long delay,
but I always thought mpuk is using vent so mumble cant come
was this only a myth?



I have no problem with vent except the long delay,
but I always thought mpuk is using vent so mumble cant come
was this only a myth?

MPUK has been offering Mumble as their primary option together with game servers for a few months, I believe.

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