
Hmm, teach me oh wise ones !! lend me your knowledge !

Created 6th June 2009 @ 23:08

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rate hax are a myth

LOL……………..ever played the GC from 2 seasons ago on their own srv? guess not

About high ping…………………….meet havok and israeli players……………they just dont take dmg


about the high ping issue.. I do find it quite hard to avoid taking damage with a 80-120ms server connection. you’ll see the rocket or sticky pretty late and even if you dodge it with your client, ran around cornors, your model will still get hit. with a low ping, you’d pretty much get away with it. tbh I can’t see much advantages playing like that.

Assault Marine Sigh

thats interesting to know.

In obsession we used to bitch and dread playing Russians for the same reason. They just took twice as much damage as everyone else.

As for the headshotting through teammates I did knotice that myself. I either hit the guy and it didnt register a headshot, or I seemingly missed …. (not that uncommmon :P)


Exfane, that’s just a ping issue then. There is no way to “rate hack” like some people think, which would be modifying rates to really low values to be hardly hittable. This is limited by server.

One of the guys in my clan (all too often) plays with about 200ms ping. We see him teleporting randomly around, sometimes frozen beside enemies and manages to live through it all, so I would say high ping has some protective quality about it. Of course, he ragequits immediately after the game, so I wouldn’t recommend it as a solution to taking damage.


I play with about 100 ping to all European servers and 40 in Lithuanian. I noticed that playing with higher ping is more like playing Quake 3: you can do more damage easier, but its a lot harder to avoid damage, so the game it self is somewhat faster.


I play with about 100 ping to all European servers and 40 in Lithuanian. I noticed that playing with higher ping is more like playing Quake 3: you can do more damage easier, but its a lot harder to avoid damage, so the game it self is somewhat faster.

Low ping is always superior in Quake because the netcode is like p2p without server side compensation (or if there is, its very insignificant). In both games though when playing vs a higher ping player it becomes massively more difficult to dodge/avoid damage effectively.

I think this is the primary annoyance, and second to that is being apparently killed/shot at through/around walls because of how the netcode works. For the most part I can still damage high ping/high interp players the same as I would vs low ping but I take way more damage vs high ping/high interp players.

Dodging vs high ping is just much harder, and seemingly the same vs high interp from my experience because my player position and movement timing is distorted more between what I do, what they see me doing and what I see them doing in these cases. Timing is the most important factor here.

This may be entirely psychological but I find it much harder to dodge vs high/default interp players. Esp vs soldiers with high ping or high interp, it seems like the distance I have to move away from rockets to avoid taking damage is MUCH higher than vs low ping/low interp soldiers.

Sniping with high ping is quite undebatably easier imo. Pretty much always the good/consistent snipers are those with higher pings, e.g. 60-120. Perhaps its not the ping which causes this but the quality of the connection itself with choke/loss but that’s irrelevant.


By saying its more like Quake I meant that the game is faster paced: you take more damage, but also deal more damage.

Also, sniping with low ping is a lot easier then with high. Maybe it’s just in my head, but sniping in Lithuanian servers is just easier. Or it could be player skill level…

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