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Why is competitive dying?

Created 25th December 2014 @ 15:17

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Quoted from Bloodyyy

Many words. Such wow..

very meme XD



Just caught up on the latest ESEA soap operatics. American TF2 is in a terrible state because they’re beholden to those crooks and too young to know it’s okay to walk away. I’d definitely start an NA ETF2L Open division next season. Wouldn’t need to hype it much, just collect the overflow until the bulk are ready to make the leap.



All them newbie cups won’t help if people just keep saying: “TF2 is dead, move on to CS:GO/Dota”


I play tf2 since it’s a pretty good past-time. If you dont agree then you should go and fucking play some other game or shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun (It’ll probably pretty you up anyway). 
The time for moneymaking tf2 has gone way past, just play the fucking game for fun.


Quoted from Kaneco

if u wanna have a laugh at how tf2 is dying take a look at tf.tv esea thread, with the esea guys almost blackmailing players for monies (or else no invite) and all the americans graciously falling for it and even brigading against people criticizing esea.

This mentality is the stuff killing tf2, not a bunch of sheltered kids whose feelings were hurt because someone said they’re bad.

I’m not sure that ESEA TF2 is in as strong a position as you think it is. If they can drop the old counterstrike games they can drop TF2. They may be blackmailing and it might all be bullshit to get people to pay up but they don’t need NA 6s as much as NA 6s needs ESEA.



Quoted from xzr

I play tf2 since it’s a pretty good past-time. If you dont agree then you should go and fucking play some other game or shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun (It’ll probably pretty you up anyway). 
The time for moneymaking tf2 has gone way past, just play the fucking game for fun.


Quoted from xzr

I play tf2 since it’s a pretty good past-time. If you dont agree then you should go and fucking play some other game or shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun (It’ll probably pretty you up anyway). 
The time for moneymaking tf2 has gone way past, just play the fucking game for fun.

Finally some1 who is not crying. Just play the fucking game when you still can.



Quoted from Mirelin

I completely disagree with everything written down in this topic.

Whenever I play somewhere, I am getting surrounded by the most friendliest people in the world; everyone is laughing, telling jokes and enjoying their time.

Of course, sometimes we have toxic personalities in our team, but they always calm down when I ask them to :D

yeah fuck you mirelin



it’s people like Baud who give us all a bad reputation – I’m sick and tired of being tarnished with the same brush as those retards



The bigger a community gets, the more toxic it tends to be due to how people will feel more anonymous. The comp tf2 community is tiny and great, yall are idiots. Go play some league or dota and try to say the tf2 community is toxic.


Quoted from fraac

Just caught up on the latest ESEA soap operatics. American TF2 is in a terrible state because they’re beholden to those crooks and too young to know it’s okay to walk away. I’d definitely start an NA ETF2L Open division next season. Wouldn’t need to hype it much, just collect the overflow until the bulk are ready to make the leap.



Quoted from dodgydogman

The bigger a community gets, the more toxic it tends to be due to how people will feel more anonymous. The comp tf2 community is tiny and great, yall are idiots. Go play some league or dota and try to say the tf2 community is toxic.

what the fuck are you trying to say?


Quoted from jx53


what the fuck are you trying to say?

The comp tf2 community is tiny and great

yall are idiots.

You’re welcome.

Last edited by prof,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)


sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

I have been unbanned and have a lot to say on this matter. It will have to wait though as I write it and I have some business to attend to first.

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