Allow Market Gardener?
Created 9th August 2013 @ 20:40
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Not really true. Although you might theory-craft as well as some high division players, you have never played at the top and don’t know what it’s like. All high div players know what it’s like in the low divisions because we came from there. Different things work at the top and bottom because of the skill gap, so there is really a big difference in the effect things like unlocks and novelty strats can have.
Doesn’t really apply to this aids discussion but you shouldn’t assume that you know as well as better players. There’s a reason they’re better and 80% of the time it’s because they understand the game more thoroughly. If their logic seems flawed to you but everyone else in the upper echelons agrees, you’re just missing some key understanding.
Quoted from .kr4tos
well even if it sounds a bit weird, its unfair for all the new players who wanna join etf2l and are pretty new to tf2. if they dont know that much or dont have enough money/ items to buy/ craft it, they will have a disadvantage. like i said it sounds weird but you have to count with those points as well.
yeah man this totally isn’t flawed because people who play 6v6 soldier in an organized league haven’t gotten the first few soldier milestones yet and haven’t had weapon drops or anything of the sort
forgive my scrubiness I’ll just leave the amazing counter-arguments to the players who supposedly have a better understanding of the game than the people in the lower divisions, as clearly demonstrated
I wish to make a point here.
Although I don’t like the higher division playrs calling out lower division players opinions as not worth listening to I’m afraid it’s a very good point.
The reason higher division players are higher division players is either because they have a better understanding of the game, have been playing for a long time and therefore have a better understanding of the game or they have ridiculous good dm and therefore understand how silly weapons can impact the game in the hands of someone with good aim.
As elitist as it appears its also true. If you can’t see that or understand it then I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.
the fuck you doing in low div if your understanding of the game is so fucking superb
perhaps I should clarify, I don’t claim to know more than the high div players at all, but I know that saying shit like 6v6 soldiers not having the escape plan because they’re new or the market gardener being op as hell is bullshit and high div players shouldn’t get defensive with div call outs because of lack of actual arguements if someone is going to correct them
How can high division players have such good understanding of the MG if they never played with it?
Last edited by kalhó,
Quoted from xzr
the fuck you doing in low div if your understanding of the game is so fucking superb
Quoted from kalhó
How can high division players have such good understanding of the MG if they never played with it?
what the fuck
this thread was a whole bunch of theorycrafting
when I was bringing players from pubs to increase the number of 6s players in the portuguese community, the biggest problem of all was the lack of unlocks.. a lot of players were accustomed to play with non-vanilla wepons. Although they accept a couple of changes in their playstyle, using only vanilla wepons during the games (this was at a time when even the equalizer and gunboats were forbidden) was too much for some of them.. so yeah unlocks can bring new players to comp, however I understand the purists who want everything vanilla, they believe that unlocks can bring unfair advantages for certain teams, but meh idk. When I start playing 6s, bonk, force-a-nature etc were allowed and the game was enjoyable, we could block the combo to get out of the house in badlands using the bonk :P fun fun fun
Last edited by san alex,
Quoted from xzr
the fuck you doing in low div if your understanding of the game is so fucking superb
Ha ha. Calm down little child. I never said anything about my own opinion. Was just making a point. May I suggest some anger management classes?
Quoted from san alex
when I was bringing players from pubs to increase the number of 6s players in the portuguese community, the biggest problem of all was the lack of unlocks.. a lot of players were accustomed to play with non-vanilla wepons. Although they accept a couple of changes in their playstyle, using only vanilla wepons during the games (this was at a time when even the equalizer and gunboats were forbidden) was too much for some of them.. so yeah unlocks can bring new players to comp, however I understand the purists who want everything vanilla, they believe that unlocks can bring unfair advantages for certain teams, but meh idk. When I start playing 6s, bonk, force-a-nature etc were allowed and the game was enjoyable, we could block the combo to get out of the house in badlands using the bonk :P fun fun fun
This comment shows why etf2l has failed when it comes to unlocks… They should have done this couple of seasons ago. Split the divs and use lower divs as testing rats to see if unlocks are as bad as higher div players claim.
The lower div teams won’t have the teamwork, comms or skill to make full use of them though. FAN was considered useless until some good players practiced a bit with it.
:D Should add Market Gardner ..
Quoted from san alex
when I was bringing players from pubs to increase the number of 6s players in the portuguese community, the biggest problem of all was the lack of unlocks.. a lot of players were accustomed to play with non-vanilla wepons. Although they accept a couple of changes in their playstyle, using only vanilla wepons during the games (this was at a time when even the equalizer and gunboats were forbidden) was too much for some of them.. so yeah unlocks can bring new players to comp, however I understand the purists who want everything vanilla, they believe that unlocks can bring unfair advantages for certain teams, but meh idk. When I start playing 6s, bonk, force-a-nature etc were allowed and the game was enjoyable, we could block the combo to get out of the house in badlands using the bonk :P fun fun fun
we arent playing vanilla anymore tho
Quoted from Monkeh
Ha ha. Calm down little child. I never said anything about my own opinion. Was just making a point. May I suggest some anger management classes?
I’m probably atleast 10 years older than you.
And if you actually could read, you would see that I was agreeing with you.
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