Allow Market Gardener?
Created 9th August 2013 @ 20:40
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players with actual 6v6 exp for more then 1 or 2 seasons in this thread:
“MG ? no thank you”
players with no 6v6 exp or barely 1 season:
“MG?? thats genius!!!!!!!!!! it taakes a looot oof skill and shows how good you aree duuuh”
Quoted from Solid
That’s the thing we should never do. Wanna know why? Even in esea open you have to pay to play. That means teams will not run stupid loadouts just to fuck around. Etf2l however is free and if we allow all weapons that are allowed in na d 5/6 will be flooded with perma pyros/heavies/spies and just a giant mess in general.
Does UGC 6v6 have such a problem? I don’t really think so. Yes, some people would do it, but those people are already doing it now, so there wouldn’t be that much difference. I don’t see how heavy becomes more viable with NA unlocks, pyro is still terrible and spies are easily countered even with DR and CnD.
And d5/6 is a giant mess anyway… :(
Quoted from Aladin
Does UGC 6v6 have such a problem? I don’t really think so.
It actually does, yes…
Quoted from Aladin
I don’t see how heavy becomes more viable with NA unlocks, pyro is still terrible and spies are easily countered even with DR and CnD.
Heavy – GRU
Pyro – Degreaser/Flare/Axtinguisher
Spy – DR/Ambassador
Annoying as hell to deal with…
Quoted from Aladin
And d5/6 is a giant mess anyway… :(
You want to increase that even more?
Don’t get me wrong I’m perfectly fine with allowing some unlocks to add a little bit of variety but please no the whole na whitelist.
Quoted from Almie
If thats the case, then all you have to do if youre in d5/6 is do normal stuff and you should be able to win. After all, everyone uses 2 scouts, 2 sollies, demo, med because its the best strategy, isnt it?
It’s not about winning, it’s about not having to deal with perma pyro/heavy etc. because that’s ANNOYING to fight against.
Last edited by Solid,
Nah it’s alright man, I was too blinded by my scrub ignorance to realize the truth. I apologize.
They’re right. Adding Market Gardener will basically make medics useless and break the 6v6 format forever. As soon as you jumped with it, theres nothing your opponent can do except hitting the killbind so you dont get a point. It’s pretty much at level with pre-nerf Natasha, the difference being that this one doesn’t even require you to aim really. It’s the definition of overpowered.
and im sure the admins will listen to your 0 official 6v6 games opinion
GRU isn’t allowed in ESEA, that would be completely idiotic.
We always want skill-based unlocks, but when discussions about allowing them come up, everyone just loses their minds. I find it quite sad, actually.
Quoted from doks
and im sure the admins will listen to your 0 official 6v6 games opinion
please refrain from posting in this thread anymore, your posts are idiotic and offer no argumentative value to the discussion at all. thank you.
Quoted from Kaneco
please refrain from posting in this thread anymore, your posts are idiotic and offer no argumentative value to the discussion at all. thank you.
and why would i listen to you ?
here is no discussion in the first place, its pubbers crying about unlocks. /thread.
i already posted my opinion about the unlock before, what its downside is and why its a bad idea.
you said on your last post that its high risk/reward to go for a bomb with the MG.. how ? the soldier is bombing in a.k.a suiciding anyways. what risk ? if he would try with rockets he still takes a risk getting shot down or the medic escaping by surfing his first rocket. The MG is a ONESHOT kill oportunity.. just like spy or sniper. Yes you might argue its easier to get to a medic with a sniper or spy then bombing in with the market gardner, but an well organized team with an early called enemy spy or sniper might even use that to their advantage due to the enemies loosing a scout/soldier, but with the market gardner.. they loose nothing AT ALL. The flank didnt get suddenly weaker because of it… yet the soldier can oneshot a medic or a non-buffed demo OR a buffed scout for that matter.
Im sorry if the last post looked like im trying to hurt someone, but if the admins would give in to every thread about unlocks from people with a negligable or none existent 6v6 experience, this league wouldnt exist anymore.
Every 12yo rager kid from pubs could register and start crying how competitive tf2 isnt fun like pub.
If the prem teams would feel the need for that weapon im sure we would be using it, but we arnt.
Last edited by doks,
One of those people who write /thread after posting something stupid. Well let me join the train: “You are not prem, therefore you are not entitled to an opinion” /etf2l
Quoted from Almie
One of those people who write /thread after posting something stupid. Well let me join the train: “You are not prem, therefore you are not entitled to an opinion” /etf2l
but you wrote stupid posts all over this thread ????
Quoted from Almie
One of those people who write /thread after posting something stupid. Well let me join the train: “You are not prem, therefore you are not entitled to an opinion” /etf2l
you are entitled to an opinion, but as soon as you start to be this guy: ” ohh you doont liike fuuun, you aaree scaareed” its not really a discussion anymore, its just whinning bullcrap.
and if you dont see the patern here, take a look.
just check the profiles of players who defend the unlock. 90% of the time it will be players with less then 10 official 6v6 matches.
fresh years need to learn their place. [aplies to real world just as well]
Quoted from doks
you are entitled to an opinion, but as soon as you start to be this guy: ” ohh you doont liike fuuun, you aaree scaareed” its not really a discussion anymore, its just whinning bullcrap.
and if you dont see the patern here, take a look.
just check the profiles of players who defend the unlock. 90% of the time it will be players with less then 10 official 6v6 matches.
fresh years need to learn their place. [aplies to real world just as well]
cringe alert
Last edited by vani,
Quoted from doks
you are entitled to an opinion, but as soon as you start to be this guy: ” ohh you doont liike fuuun, you aaree scaareed” its not really a discussion anymore, its just whinning bullcrap.
and if you dont see the patern here, take a look.
just check the profiles of players who defend the unlock. 90% of the time it will be players with less then 10 official 6v6 matches.
fresh years need to learn their place. [aplies to real world just as well]
I defend the unlock
Quoted from Kaneco
please refrain from posting in this thread anymore, your posts are idiotic and offer no argumentative value to the discussion at all. thank you.
He does have a point. We all know that the difference in gamesense between all the divisions is huge. From my experience it’s div3 and higher that actually start to understand the flow of the game. I’ve seen TF2 bots with better decision making than some of the div6 players I’ve witnessed playing.
Quoted from Koeitje
He does have a point. We all know that the difference in gamesense between all the divisions is huge. From my experience it’s div3 and higher that actually start to understand the flow of the game. I’ve seen TF2 bots with better decision making than some of the div6 players I’ve witnessed playing.
This though isn’t the simple answer just look at the american league, MG is allowed over there and you don’t see it constantly ran and oneshotting medics at any level.
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