Survey - What can we add to tf2 -
Created 20th April 2013 @ 05:32
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Anything that would provide more details for stats like tf2.logs, e.g the actual medic healing total instead or the current healing of damage only (correct me if I am wrong it dose not currently count overheal) there are probably lots of other stats which could be recorded and are currently ignored.
Dmg dealt in previous round at the beggining of the next one(the feature used by VanillaTV i believe), max fov 120, drawviewmodel changed up to 255(tansparent weps), rate 30000 for everybody.
Some truly dreadful ideas in this thread which will make the email look like a total joke. Keep it short and sweet with reasonable requests and something might get done.
Quoted from Sideshow
Some truly dreadful ideas in this thread which will make the email look like a total joke. Keep it short and sweet with reasonable requests and something might get done.
Quoted from Kemor
Dmg dealt in previous round at the beggining of the next on.
Funnily enough the game already has that feature built-in (see arena mode), it’s just not used in tournament mode for whatever reason.
I think SizzlingStats uses some kind of hacky workaround to get this (arena mode crossed with tournament mode)
Raise the max fov (more than 90)
i dont understand why the fuck would anyone want to raise the fov limit, a 120 fov is almost completely ruining the backshots/spies, its the not the way this game was meant to be played, its fucking stupid.
after that said, the time added to hud sounds good, not entirely sure whats the pistol spread u guys are talking about because pistol with no spread at all is really OP, yes for transparency models, creator hud tool sounds great, granary spawn is a must, explosions dmg yes.
Quoted from kaidus
Add the game time to the hud for fuck sake!
yep +1 and raise the fov more than 90 pls (70-120 will be good imo) :C
Last edited by Griffin,
I would love to have the outline of my own team when I play. Just like that spectator plugin but only for the team I’m on.
Quoted from SorroW
i dont understand why the fuck would anyone want to raise the fov limit, a 120 fov is almost completely ruining the backshots/spies, its the not the way this game was meant to be played, its fucking stupid
First person I’ve seen complaining about it in the last year.
Quoted from atmo
First person I’ve seen complaining about it in the last year.
ye im the only one thinking 120 fov is fucking retarded, sure
Quoted from atmo
First person I’ve seen complaining about it in the last year.
i support his opinion tbh, this isn’t how the game is supposed to be played. can’t see a reason for such an upgrade to the game.
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