Penny talks with Heavyisgps
Created 26th September 2012 @ 16:49
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Quoted from TWEEKARN\
so many retards posting in one thread
relax, it’s just a kid who’s trying to live out his dream
Oh look now this other horrible scout comes in and ruins everything.
Quoted from Ghostface
Oh look now this other horrible scout comes in and ruins everything.
r7an mentored me
Quoted from Mak
Who’s Penny ???
lol who are you?
A div 5 russian sorry mister ive stepped out of line clearly
Quoted from Gubbins
I cannot believe you’re not someone else trolling. Grats on your bait, it’s pretty good but honestly you could have brought some use to this. like Tf2street and skill police. You’re really not bringing any lessons or knowledge to the community. I seriously can’t believe you’re not a smurf but since you are. Grats, you’ve pissed off people, you’ve made 1/8th of a personality for yourself but I dont’ see your angle. What are you actually trying to do?
I fail to see how in jokes like the skill police where anywhere near to trolling
Quoted from envy
how does it feel to be autistic?
No u
Quoted from herpderp
I lol’d, so bitter :D
I think wiper made a very good point, and its exactly this close mindedness id like to see avoided.
He expresed his opinion why should he be chastised for it because it may not be a popular view?
Quoted from Wiper
I was thankful last night to find out that some of my circlejerkmates are actually not interested in joining another circlejerk either, so fuck you guys, sincerely div4 circlejerk and below.
Quoted from envy
Confirmed for high div cock sucker
Im sure youll be div 3 by the end of today for that remark
From what I can see the cirklejerking isn’t going on with up and coming players, but with people who once played in prem and are therefore always considered prem regardless of what level of skill they’re actually at. So the problem is more that a lot of people could be replaced, but that’s prevented by cirklejerking. It’s not like low div players go from d4 to prem by sucking a dick.
Quoted from Pennyfarming
Confirmed for high div cock sucker
Im sure youll be div 3 by the end of today for that remark
Already shitload of invitations to div 2. Get on my level.
Quoted from envy
Already shitload of invitations to div 2. Get on my level.
And teamless at last
Quoted from envy
Already shitload of invitations to div 2. Get on my level.
Get on what your high functioning autistic level?
no thanks
Quoted from Pennyfarming
Get on what your high functioning autistic level?
no thanks
Stay bad.
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