
Calling all skilled players, seriously ...

Created 17th February 2009 @ 13:15

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– you wont goto lan, you make up a different excuse every time, most famously “i do not like tf2”, yet you’re youtube page and insisting to play in every league possible including the american cevo-p really supports that

– you say soldiers do not influence the game atall and they are useless, thus when you arrive at middle point you just do nothing thinking everyone else will do the work… how about protecting the medic?

– you never press S, only W, when the medic doesn’t follow you.. you whine

– your comms consist of: “im going in” and “medic where the fuck are you”, when you push into a point with uber first, as soon as you trigger their uber the idea is to get out, i’m not sure if you have realised yet but an ubercharge is otherwise defined as an invincibility powerup.. and it does just that.. you can’t actually kill ubered players but they can kill your medic when yours runs out first.. run back and protect him?

you’re a nice guy, but you should think about the kind of player yourself aswell since you also have room for improvement


Hey dats!




Iller: It’s more fun to play soldier in pickup games where both sides are equally balanced and where I can have more of an influence in the outcome, than to be in a clan where the middle point (and therefore the round) is lost before I even arrive. If I join another clan it will be one where the scouts and demomen are of the highest order, such as TCM. But that’s never going to happen so I’m more than happy just playing pickup games :)

hahaha fragga u fucking shitcunt u got kicked cus u were shit it has nothing to do with the scouts or demo



Newbie: I wouldn’t call myself hi-skilled, but I’ve had by sens at 2.0 (in game) since pretty much the start. The only problem I keep finding is twitch aiming is hard. If you’re strafing left to right dueling a scout, your aim is top notch and you might hit majority of the time with the low sens, but if your against a demo/solly where you’re jumping and double jumping all over the place, the low sens is a bit of a hindrance, and it takes getting used to. That said, I’ve tried higher sens, and there’s no way I can do anything more than 2 :<

edit: No we need to start a flame war on this thread as well? It used to be Fragga v 4K, now its Fragga v Nervous? :3 indeed.



its fragga vs the world cus he thinks hes better than everyone in tf2 yet he fails every team hes been with



Ah snap.


“you never press S, only W, when the medic doesn’t follow you.. you whine”

too right, fragga youve got great aim and its a shame really cause if you had the right gaming attidute and some game sense you could have been a great soldier. But all you wanna do is walk around with the medic and kill stuff (was fustrating when i was in DCSB with you), and so maybe you should give up tf2 and play something that doesnt require tactics (like quake) :P



^Dazed> tried quake live couldnt aim for shit
^Dazed> too fast
`exe> that’s because Tf2 is quake on valium


lol why would u keep that quote!



because i keep all quotes. Got a huge .txt with them.


Quake requires tactics:)



Haha! this has meandered off topic as usual.

I’m afraid I have to disagree with Riemu a couple of pages back. Induvidual skill is obviously very important as you move higher through the divisions BUT I do not believe you can improve individual skill by simply watching bybben for example:

Tell them to watch demos of the best players in their respective class (i.e. bybben) and see how he plays, how he deals with certain situations and why he does what he does.

This will give them ideas of camping spots and shortcuts – sure. BUT the reason bybben owns is because he is listening to coms ie – choosing his positioning accordingly and chasing down weak players. If you watch him it may look like he has just killed a demo a solly and a scout, but in reality the calls were probably solly retreating right – weak demo – only a scout on middle.

This is where lots of lower division players get it so wrong – they think if bybben can do it, so can I!

In my opinion, you need to work on coms. Don’t clutter your coms, keep them simple and precise – 2 scouts right instead of – 2 scouts right, theyre coming under, now going back etc. also when you die just com – im down, scout shithouse – not AWWW that scout is so lucky hes low tho guys hes on the right behind the shit house hes hiding hes retreating etc.

If your coms are too long your team wont be able to com OR think and wont help at all.




I’m wondering why you dont tell that Dave. *HHRRRMM*



“i do not like tf2″



who does actually like it tbh.

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