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TF2 Is Dead?

Created 20th January 2012 @ 13:26

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It’s less about the amount you play and more about the quality of practice. It’s possible to improve 3-4 divisions in like 6 months playing like 6-8 maps a week as long as the lineup remains stable and you’re always playing teams where you can get good practice.


Quoted from Septique


get your head out of your ass

why are you so angry

Quoted from Ghostface


Pu2 should be prem-div3.

Problem solved.

would just fill it with div3 people.

Just accept that div5 shitters like us will never be in pu2 ghost (((



Quoted from SoniX

It’s less about the amount you play and more about the quality of practice. It’s possible to improve 3-4 divisions in like 6 months playing like 6-8 maps a week as long as the lineup remains stable and you’re always playing teams where you can get good practice.

True, but finding a good match every evening isn’t so easy.
Or you get a team that’s really bad or you get a team with an aimbotting Russian! :P

Last edited by Asskicker,


Quoted from Asskicker


True, but finding a good match every evening isn’t so easy.
Or you get a team that’s really bad or you get a team with an aimbotting Russian! :P

Because it’s really hard to schedule in advance, or to get regular practice buddies


Quoted from longas


why are you so angry

You’re the one killing tf2



Quoted from Pynklùùùnningen

Just accept that div5 shitters like us will never be in pu2 ghost (((


TF2 isn’t dead. You’ll know when TF2 is dead and that’s when Gubbins, CommanderX, mineral, Koeitje, Taimou AND kaidus can officially say that they are in the premiership division.

(love you really kaidus)

Last edited by Shintaz,


(ETF2L Donator)

I think people aren’t that bad at TF2 on their own, but teamwork takes longer to develop than most people spend in an average team.



Why do I get the feeling that all of Div 1 / Prem is full of arrogant assholes who can only think of themselves? There are many, many people out there playing the game for fun, not for the competion. So what if many Prem Div teams drop? There are 6 more divisions with thousands of players to care about.

You people should just stop being so butthurt and play the damn game.

Quoted from antyjc

Alright cube, let’s do it up. I don’t know what class you play but i’m assuming you are talented enough to play all of them, so i’ll kick thy and you can demo.

Alright mate sounds fair, I usually play soldier but my intelligence passes through all classes. Its also worth noting that I’ve won money playing tf2 at an iseries, yeah it was i44 and only 5 teams entered and having sonix and boomeh helped but I apparently once got Hat down to less then half health so that’s got to be worth something.

Quoted from Tenshi

Why do I get the feeling that all of Div 1 / Prem is full of arrogant assholes who can only think of themselves? There are many, many people out there playing the game for fun, not for the competion. So what if many Prem Div teams drop? There are 6 more divisions with thousands of players to care about.

You people should just stop being so butthurt and play the damn game.

Most people don’t really find it fun to spec a random div5 game.


Is pretty simple anty, understanding this game is not difficult, mastering team play is (amongst 6 alpha male’esque newbs). To understand this, effort is required in the form of help/aiding, something which the premiership players of the past and present can’t manage due to their genuinely busy life or genuinely bum life that they have.

Over the years the top elite players (the majority) have not helped the lesser ones to come through the ranks. The more skilled players available, then the more ‘valuable’ and ‘prem like’ teams are able to compete and make it worth while.

How can you expect a player to become “prem” just by playing if he has no direction and no teaching? Think about how you got to your position anty, and how you are an established medic and why ;) and no it wasn’t because you were in Blame| :x

You were given the chance, just like numlocked was given one just like jh was given one just like Torden was like predz was, like Mike was like Rulah was and so on and so on.

All given a chance but only because they asked for help and they got it from the one or two top premiership players.

Fix this first, then you will get new teams in premiership and ones that can compete against Infused and Epsilon easily. Hence I was majorly annoyed at Cyber being dropped, he’s an up and coming demoman and frankly give him 1 season as demo in prem he’d learn ten folds, and then the following season he would rip apart most demomen/scouts/soldiers :)

Just needs that chance and he was denied it, if TCM was up and running I would bring him in just to get a fresh player into prem so that another good team could be formed and compete at the top. He’s just one example I can name 1 or 2 more that haven’t been given the chance and who genuinely want to be in prem.



Last edited by byte,



Quoted from antyjc


This really isn’t true though. At least not at a higher level imo, take Byte and TCM for example, me flisko and pena weren’t picked up because of our previous experience in div1 or prem, but because we were talented enough and got noticed. Same with larsa and relic, darn saw him on DM, he had good aim, so he gave him a chance. Same with my team, I noticed crouton on a double mix, and leojan from mge, not because they had previous experience.

But you three were all in mousetek, which was a team that came out of nowhere and destroyed old diggy in a pcw and I’m sure other teams as well?
Quoted from byte

All given a chance but only because they asked for help and they got it from the one or two top premiership players.

Uhm, I’ve asked you for help quite a few times and all you’ve pointed out is that I’m never in the same team, disregarding the fact that low div teams have a tendency to fold and the help is needed to keep them together as well, not just improve whilst in them. :<

Last edited by konr,



Quoted from antyjc

Hey, so as everyone knows, TF2 is dead.

Prem div has a grand total of 3 good teams, only two of which are lannable.
Now some people are saying how all the oldschoolers leaving TF2 is killing it.
Realistically though, TF2 is dead because most of you are shit at it. There is no one to replace good players, I mean literally no one. For example, it makes more sense to pick up Koeitje and Mineral to play in prem as soldiers (ROFL), than to try and find someone who is good at the game.

It is literally a waste for even low prem teams like mine for example, to play most div1 teams, same goes for actual prem teams to play teams like my team.

Now I know there are so many people out there with good enough aim to play in prem, at least there are with demo’s and soldiers, scouts I’m not so sure. So why are people still stuck around the lower divs despite having been around for ages?

Is it the lack of access to games and mixes with/against higher div players? For example access to pickup2?
I feel like if you are good enough at the game to play at a prem level you will get noticed, but I could be wrong.

Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

IT IS the lack of access to games and mixes with/against higher div players? For example access to pickup2?

All the best players only seem to mix with people from the old boys club. pickup 2 is an old boys club and you cant come in!

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