Making pixel pickup open?
Created 26th June 2011 @ 16:32
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Quoted from dougiie
but if the invite system went and it was made open? still needed?
not necessary, but its a good thing to have so there would be less trolls. Otherwise ppl just can change nick and rejoin instead of registering the new auth.
Quoted from dougiie
I used to use irc alot, then just… well cba with it. My question : Is Q Auth actually needed / why is it needed for pickups?
If we got rid of the invite system, then there is no practical reason to force people to have a qauth, and it’s purely technical. The way I’ve coded the bot, it uses a qauth to identify people. Ofc this doesn’t just apply to joining the channel, it just simplifies everything and makes it a lot less buggy. You either need to use peoples IRC nickname (which for example, if the person changed their nick, and the bot didn’t get the message because its connection fucked up for a sec) it would ruin everything. It also lets you have the whole webpage thing that shows how many pickups you’ve played, and makes doing bans/warns wayyyyyyyyyy simpler.
tl;dr: Even if we remove invites, it still makes thing wayyyy simpler/less buggy at a technical level.
other problem with no auths is you cant really control anything, i.e. bans, trolls who join the pickup and not the server
it just leaves the system open to rubbish!
Q auth should be required, would rather play with someone who has established themself an identity rather than an idiot troll who would join under various different aliases just to ruin in most cases.
I’d rather have pixelpickup left as invite, due to the fact that mpuk pickup would serve as a better option for others.
channel for div 5/6
channel for div 3/4
channel for div 1/2
Quoted from mimsku
channel for div 5/6
channel for div 3/4
channel for div 1/2
are you actually serious. I’m raging so hard irl right now.
idk if there would enough players to make channel seperate by divisions, atleast during the summer
well, with the f2p, I think more players will come to the game. Maybe in Summer it doesn’t work but who knows?
Quoted from mimsku
channel for div 5/6
channel for div 3/4
channel for div 1/2
I second waebi
IMO leave it as it is and reopen the open channel. If problems are admins then I and probably a few more would be willing to help. I think as long as it was advertised as the channel to join prior to the invite one then people would be active. Especially with this new influx of players.
If we make an open channel, why not combine it with a mentoring system, have 10 new ppl and 2 mentors. Mentors can give tips, main call and talk before/after game about mistakes or tactics.
Just an idea.
Quoted from CrashSite
If we make an open channel, why not combine it with a mentoring system, have 10 new ppl and 2 mentors. Mentors can give tips, main call and talk before/after game about mistakes or tactics.
Just an idea.
Or allow people to join the server the pickup will be held on for warmup/mentoring. Should be easy and self-serving.
Quoted from CrashSite
If we make an open channel, why not combine it with a mentoring system, have 10 new ppl and 2 mentors. Mentors can give tips, main call and talk before/after game about mistakes or tactics.
Just an idea.
It would be hardly beneficial for comp tf2 to have people mentored by div5/6 people.
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