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UK University TF2 Cup

Created 18th April 2011 @ 14:00

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Quoted from d1ck j0nes

lol at everyone studying at shitty universities

If you listen really carefully, I mean really carefully now, it’s very discrete…

You might be able to hear the faint sound of people not giving a shit…

nuel josh

Quoted from ilike2spin

Imperial College here, maybe go for a london universities team instead? Is that allowed?

A london uni team isn’t a problem, neither is having the seperate colleges. The system is currently set up as all the different colleges, but we’ll add uni. of London in there too.


Pixie <3

York uni ripping this shit up.



imperial college will win, minimoose will carry everyone to victory


RaWr ::

Quoted from nuel josh


Surprisingly I’m going to disagree :P

There’s plenty things that are a similar idea are tried then fail, but eventually one works. I guess there’s been plenty of leagues, teams, news sites in the past but the good ones stick around.

The team at the NUEL is pretty diverse in the gaming sense, we’ve got people from all different games that’ve been around the block a few times, this ranges from people playing at a fairly competitive standard to those who’ve run gaming societies. So there’s plenty of different idea’s been thrown around to keep this going. Plus up until the beginning of the next academic year we are testing things out ready to start rolling some more concrete ideas for next year.

As for the teams, this could vary but we haven’t particularly decided on a fixed idea yet. Quite a few uni’s have gaming societies that are elected and accountable so the teams could be run through that, or we could do something similar to what we are doing for these cups and just let people find each other to arrange themselves, the likely outcome could be something in the middle. We need to see what the community best responds to first.

You’re allowed to disagree :)

As you’re well away, with most ideas, they are seen as a novelty at first and rally support quickly. Unfortunately, this disappears just as quick if not quicker.

How do you plan to keep the interest alive?

I see you referenced Uni Gaming Societies which is a good step, though I am not certain how many of these ‘really’ exist or are active.

Is your first aim to guage how many applicants or registrations you get on the website?

Quoted from Willow

Christ no. A couple of my coursemates at Surrey play TF2 and I actually start raging when they talk about how they can just about rocket jump onto crates at Granary mid but don’t understand how people can jump up to spire from stone bridge on Badlands.

And another of them is in a different .:ne:. team, but they were desperate for a scout :p

I get incredibly bored when my coursemates descrbe whatever amazing thing they did on a pub. Surrey too.

nuel josh

Quoted from beta


You’re allowed to disagree :)

As you’re well away, with most ideas, they are seen as a novelty at first and rally support quickly. Unfortunately, this disappears just as quick if not quicker.

How do you plan to keep the interest alive?

I see you referenced Uni Gaming Societies which is a good step, though I am not certain how many of these ‘really’ exist or are active.

Is your first aim to guage how many applicants or registrations you get on the website?

In my opinion the three key things that lead to the breakdown of ideas are communitication, innovation and willpower.

We’re trying different ways of communiticating with you guys, going down the traditional forum + IRC route, as well as Facebook + Twitter which don’t seem to be widely used in gaming (not sure if thats due to them not really worthwhile or that organisations have just stick to forum/irc). But communication is a two way thing and to make this work we need to get an idea of what the community actually want. What I find wrong with most idea’s in gaming is they expect everyone to do it their way and hype things up.

There isn’t really anything like this in the gaming scene atm so it’s vital for us to that we see how the community reacts and reflect on it, this is why we are running a BETA period until the next academic year. As for the hype, we aren’t shouting about how we’re going to get x amount of sponsors or have so many teams competing, we’ve stated as an overall goal that we’d like to run a seasonal tournament and LAN’s, which would be great but there’s a lot of hard work between now and then.

As I’ve said we’ve got a variety of people working on this and we’ve been working on it for a short while. Having different types of people will hopefully spark some sort of creative juices and come up with some interesting ideas to keep people hooked. From my point of view a lot of these ideas in gaming are just people giving it a go lone ranger, picking people up along the way without any real plan. If you are wondering who these people are I keep talking about they’re all in our about us page :) http://beta.thenuel.com/about/

These different people are here to achieve slightly different goals that will help define the NUEL. Wyrm for instance wants to help the societies improve and create new ones, like you said they aren’t all that common so we hope to help them grow. rcL wants to help the UK SC2 scene grow, because like the UK TF2 scene, it’s not really as big as our European counterparts’. I’m doing it to help grow the UK eSports scene in general, hopefully seeing a more structured and mainstream community. There’s others but none of us may actually achieve any of that, but while we work towards it I think its going to benefit for the NUEL and hopefully TF2 in the UK.

Sorry for the essay ;)



any1 from worcester?



If you don’t get enough from Uni’s, how about a county championship?

Hertfordshire unite! :D



Quoted from lolage

any1 from worcester?

caneds @ worcester


What happens if you did 2 years and then dropped out? :)

If thats cool then Bristol ftw! Also might be going UWE next year, so can we combine Bristol and UWE? (they are both in Bristol)


(ETF2L Donator)

Once i have a computer i’ll sort a trent team :D my mate plays pub medic. We got dis!

plus yeah lan at my house, 3rd biggest uk tf2 lan you wat you wat



Quoted from antyjc

imperial college will win, minimoose will carry everyone to victory

someone said UCL, you say imperial, but i think moose goes to kings???? wtf



Uh no get it right he goes imperial duh



Quoted from Edd


caneds @ worcester

yeah was already hoping he could play. Only have 2 who play here I guess.. :p

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