An evaluation of tf2tv
Created 5th March 2011 @ 13:10
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Bring back Arx =(
Quoted from Comedian
So what did nigh ment with that
When TF2TV started I remember it was like only people from your team (vertex/barney stinson w/e). My point is that you are like a close group with similar opinions. This kind of project should be more open imo.
Wait, this whole discussion is not about the game, its about the casters.
Did I miss something?
Agreed 100% with the post. Also, the fake excitement, screaming and ‘somebody going mental’ every 2 seconds doesn’t make the cast better. I’d rather the casters just stick to analysis and play-by-play unless something really amazing happens and they are genuenly excited about it.
Last edited by Line,
Quoted from Line
Agreed 100% with the post. Also, the fake excitement, screaming and ‘somebody going mental’ every 2 seconds doesn’t make the cast better. I’d rather the casters just stick to analysis and play-by-play unless something really amazing happens and they are genuenly excited about it.
On that point, I think one of the best (or worst) casts I watched was one of BiG’s games (maybe a month or two ago) with Hildreth and Comedian… Comedian was basically shitting himself with excitement, and Hildreth sounded suicidal. It was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time, but for all the wrong reasons.
Not gonna lie, maybe they just get easily excited and we’re all massive cynics?
Would say I agree, but I don’t actually watch casts ))
Pledge is the greatest caster there is.
“You can’t wing it against Koalapunch, maybe because koala’s dont have wings.”
If anyone has any specific feedback on anything caster-related, you can still give me (anonymous) feedback on my email (patrick”at” or on IRC (find me in #tf2tv).
We will have a caster-specific meeting later tonight, so any feedback in order to improve the quality and combination of casters will be greatly appreciated.
– Pledge
The annoying thing is how some peoples attitudes are as if it is a human right to have superhigh-quality casting, whereas it’s actually some dudes giving up a serious amount of their free time.
Nevertheless I agree with (most of) what Telebear said.
Quoted from Wabbeh
The annoying thing is how some peoples attitudes are as if it is a human right to have superhigh-quality casting, whereas it’s actually some dudes giving up a serious amount of their free time.
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from Wabbeh
The annoying thing is how some peoples attitudes are as if it is a human right to have superhigh-quality casting,
not one person in this thread has suggested this
We have no day9
and the closest thing to it is MGE, locked behind a barrier of $
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